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Guest dog14787
I mean really fun...all of it, after so long.




...and I am not trying to strike a melancholy note in this thread, but my father was a season ticket holder going back to 1960. He died in March of Leukemia. One of the last fully conscience moments he had I mentioned the trade for Marcus Stroud and he gave me an approving wink :D



He really would have loved this.


Luckily, he now has one of the best seats in the house.



Enjoy this, to all Bills fans everywhere.


...and I mean everywhere.


This would be a nice post for Marcus Stroud to read. :lol:

I mean really fun...all of it, after so long.




...and I am not trying to strike a melancholy note in this thread, but my father was a season ticket holder going back to 1960. He died in March of Leukemia. One of the last fully conscience moments he had I mentioned the trade for Marcus Stroud and he gave me an approving wink :lol:



He really would have loved this.


Luckily, he now has one of the best seats in the house.



Enjoy this, to all Bills fans everywhere.


...and I mean everywhere.


We(my dad) had season tickets on the 50 from 1960-1977. Great memories.Your dad definitely has one of the best seats in the house now. :D


Seriously. these are great times and this team looks like it can be good for years. Is this year going to be special, we will see. But boy am I enjoying it right now.


go bills


Love this thread.


There is nothing like enjoying a Bills game with your dad. This thread reminds me how glad I am that I still get to do it, and I'm even gladder that my son (he's 5) has really gotten into it this year. After the Raiders game, my parents came over for dinner and my son ran to the door yelling "Grampa! Grampa! The Bills won, Grampa!" My dad got a huge smile on his face. One more generation in the books.


This thread also makes me think of Russert. Not a week goes by these days that I don't think of him and how happy he must be right now. And wonder if he's giving us a little help here and there. I don't think God cares who wins a football game, but I know Timmy still does. :lol:

Guest dog14787
Love this thread.


There is nothing like enjoying a Bills game with your dad. This thread reminds me how glad I am that I still get to do it, and I'm even gladder that my son (he's 5) has really gotten into it this year. After the Raiders game, my parents came over for dinner and my son ran to the door yelling "Grampa! Grampa! The Bills won, Grampa!" My dad got a huge smile on his face. One more generation in the books.


This thread also makes me think of Russert. Not a week goes by these days that I don't think of him and how happy he must be right now. And wonder if he's giving us a little help here and there. I don't think God cares who wins a football game, but I know Timmy still does. :oops:



Wow, and this thread continues to bring out the very best in all of us. :rolleyes:

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