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I am as optomistic as the next guy....truly....BUT

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- This is a cold weather team

- We have one of the biggest pound for pound OL's in the league

- A great combonation of size and speed between our backs


And we cant get 100 yards for Marshawn Lynch in a game.


I love that we are winning....I like this team they are scrappy.......we are going to be good i just dont know if we are going to be good enough.

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- This is a cold weather team

- We have one of the biggest pound for pound OL's in the league

- A great combonation of size and speed between our backs


And we cant get 100 yards for Marshawn Lynch in a game.


I love that we are winning....I like this team they are scrappy.......we are going to be good i just dont know if we are going to be good enough.


Fred Jackson + Marshawn combined for over 100 yards.

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Fred Jackson + Marshawn combined for over 100 yards.



That is a good point, and Marshawn did have a few nice runs called back on some penalties, but there is no doubt that our run blocking looked very poor most of the game, and Trent saw way too much of St. Louis' turf.

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I agree. I cannot fathom why this massive o-line as so much trouble opening running lanes early in games. I know the Rams were run blitzing quite a bit in the first half, which makes it extremely difficult to grind out 3-4 yard gains because every gap is accounted for (that said, it leaves the potential to break the big gain on the ground, which we didn't do). And I also don't understand why they only were able to pick up running yards when they abandoned the zone concept and started pulling Walker over to the left side for Marshawn/Freddy to run behind (but that said, it sure reminded me of the counter/trap play that Thurman ran to perfection).


Something's definitely wrong here - this is a talented, well-paid line, with two great running backs and a QB who teams can no longer afford to stack the box against. That leads me to believe the problem is the scheme. I've never understood why they insist on running a zone blocking concept with massive linemen - always seemed out of place to me. Perhaps that's part of the problem... just get it fixed. Soon.

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I agree. I cannot fathom why this massive o-line as so much trouble opening running lanes early in games. I know the Rams were run blitzing quite a bit in the first half, which makes it extremely difficult to grind out 3-4 yard gains because every gap is accounted for (that said, it leaves the potential to break the big gain on the ground, which we didn't do). And I also don't understand why they only were able to pick up running yards when they abandoned the zone concept and started pulling Walker over to the left side for Marshawn/Freddy to run behind (but that said, it sure reminded me of the counter/trap play that Thurman ran to perfection).


Something's definitely wrong here - this is a talented, well-paid line, with two great running backs and a QB who teams can no longer afford to stack the box against. That leads me to believe the problem is the scheme. I've never understood why they insist on running a zone blocking concept with massive linemen - always seemed out of place to me. Perhaps that's part of the problem... just get it fixed. Soon.


Tuesday, you're thinking of the Counter Trey, or G-T Counter. Nowadays, there aren't too many athletic guard/tackle combos that can pull that off, so most teams use the T-TE variant. But yes, I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE that play.

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Yes, hello Mack Truck, good bye funny man Barnes.


I said this in another thread--we need to get rid of the FB altogether. I'm convinced we run better out of the 3-WR set with reed putting guys on their backs. Part of Barnes's problem is that there wasn't even a hole for him to hit. When your FB is running and falling into guys, then it makes the RB's ability to hit the hole worse.


My solutions: (1) Run more of out of spread formations--3, 4-WR sets; (2) Run more to the outside--more stretches, sweeps, pulls (we actually pulled our tackles quite a bit last week, with some good success); and (3) Run more designed cut-backs (remember how well that worked in the preseason? what happened?).


Face it: our interior line hasn't been great--we need to find other ways and places to run to conpensate.

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We've been getting a few 20 or so yard runs in between a bunch of 2 or 1 or negative yardage plays. How many time have we seen the ball given to Lynch and he hits the line and gets swallowed up by about 8 defenders. I too think the running game needs more consistency. The OLine seems to be doing much better on pass blocking this year but not much if any better with the run blocking.

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- This is a cold weather team

- We have one of the biggest pound for pound OL's in the league

- A great combonation of size and speed between our backs


And we cant get 100 yards for Marshawn Lynch in a game.


I love that we are winning....I like this team they are scrappy.......we are going to be good i just dont know if we are going to be good enough.

I really think the line will get better. This line was at an extreme disadvantage in that it was shuffled around all training camp and pre-season with the JP hold out. Our best rushing game was probably week 1 without JP. Does that mean that the Bills are better off without JP? Of course not, but JP's hold out really set this line back a few weeks. I think JP will continue to improve from game to game and I really believe that this is a very good line that will be ready to run in cold weather. Unfortunately this week could be another rough rushing day, but that may be because the Cards secondary is weak and this Bills pass more...GO BILLS!!!

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I said this in another thread--we need to get rid of the FB altogether. I'm convinced we run better out of the 3-WR set with reed putting guys on their backs. Part of Barnes's problem is that there wasn't even a hole for him to hit. When your FB is running and falling into guys, then it makes the RB's ability to hit the hole worse.


My solutions: (1) Run more of out of spread formations--3, 4-WR sets; (2) Run more to the outside--more stretches, sweeps, pulls (we actually pulled our tackles quite a bit last week, with some good success); and (3) Run more designed cut-backs (remember how well that worked in the preseason? what happened?).

Face it: our interior line hasn't been great--we need to find other ways and places to run to conpensate.


Again, I'm going to chalk this up to "we gave you a glimpse of this in the preseason, if you paid attention, take note, because the next time you see it it's going to bite you. Hard."


I honestly think the Bills are going to take their A-game them with into the bye week. Shoot, if you could win your first five games without providing future teams with ample tape of your true capabilities, wouldn't you save some things for down the road?

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Didja know we're 4-0?

You know, my wife asked what was being talked about at TBD with the Bills being 4-0. She assumed it would all be positive and enthusiastic as it's been a long long time since the Bills were 4-0. And I said I wasn't sure if I liked the board more when the Bills are 0-4 or 1-3 or when the Bills are 4-0. Just because of these types of threads or the "we won but" posts. Of course the Bills have to run the ball better, but they are 4-0 and have plenty of time to improve it. It's a bottom line business and the bottom line is that the Bills are 4-0. 4 and freakin O....How sweet is that....GO BILLS!!!!

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Again, I'm going to chalk this up to "we gave you a glimpse of this in the preseason, if you paid attention, take note, because the next time you see it it's going to bite you. Hard."


I honestly think the Bills are going to take their A-game them with into the bye week. Shoot, if you could win your first five games without providing future teams with ample tape of your true capabilities, wouldn't you save some things for down the road?


I was mulling that over too. Maybe they are holding back a little--i.e., especially when they know they're going to have to win these division games. Then again, when you're coming from behind to win games in the 4th quarter, why do you hold anything back?

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- This is a cold weather team

- We have one of the biggest pound for pound OL's in the league

- A great combonation of size and speed between our backs


And we cant get 100 yards for Marshawn Lynch in a game.


I love that we are winning....I like this team they are scrappy.......we are going to be good i just dont know if we are going to be good enough.










Truly, it isn't just the running game; our pass protection is getting worse but then again it's loads better than last year. We need to replace the C and RG now!


When we lose games and a huge stat, or lack thereof, in the run game, the trolls will make themselves scarce or will lay blame on other illogical places. :lol:

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I really think the line will get better. This line was at an extreme disadvantage in that it was shuffled around all training camp and pre-season with the JP hold out. Our best rushing game was probably week 1 without JP. Does that mean that the Bills are better off without JP? Of course not, but JP's hold out really set this line back a few weeks. I think JP will continue to improve from game to game and I really believe that this is a very good line that will be ready to run in cold weather. Unfortunately this week could be another rough rushing day, but that may be because the Cards secondary is weak and this Bills pass more...GO BILLS!!!

Very well said. They'll improve. The O-line will put together a solid 60-minute game soon.

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