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My Yami Wins Back-to-Back Titles


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Well, My Yami can lay claim to Back-to-Back titles for something at least.... Road Rage Capital of the US! Having been to most of the US and many different countries, I have to agree. This is THE worst place to drive, hands down, the possible exception being downtown Baghdad. When you can beat out NYC for road rage, that's really accomplishing something. Congratulations to all the rude, inconsiderate, illiterate, law-ignoring, rule-breaking, refuse to use turn signals, non-English comprehending, me-first morons that make My Yami the worst place to drive in the You Ess of Ay. Let's go for the trifecta in 2009!



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I'm surprised they beat out the SF Bay area, where there always is an accident any time of day or night.

...but in My Yami, after the accident they shoot you, your passengers, steal everything including your car and then go have another accident.

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