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Saying Peters has sucked is easy. Even The Senator can do that. Backing it up with evidence is another. In his first start Kelly t. Dog broke down every offensive play, and showed that, despite a few really bad plays, Peters had a decent, game.


To my untrained eye, the entire offensive line looked like crap yesterday, but Peters didn't jump out at me as the worst offender. Walker looked to have missed a few blocks, from what I saw.

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Saying Peters has sucked is easy. Even The Senator can do that. Backing it up with evidence is another. In his first start Kelly t. Dog broke down every offensive play, and showed that, despite a few really bad plays, Peters had a decent, game.


To my untrained eye, the entire offensive line looked like crap yesterday, but Peters didn't jump out at me as the worst offender. Walker looked to have missed a few blocks, from what I saw.


Peters has been bad. His teammates have picked up for him, but he gave up game changing sack/fumbles in both the Jax and Oakland games and more or less killed the first two drives in the Rams game with a lazy penalty and wiff sack, respectively. Those plays in the Rams game really opened up the door for the Rams to get into a game the Bills should have won by halftime. He looks bell shaped and soft compared to the more athletic player he was last season, and it has shown in his inability to recover from missteps. At some point, if he doesn't hurt himself first, he'll round into form and we'll all be happy. But right now he's playing himself out of the upper echelon of left tackles and raising questions about his dedication to the game and functional intelligence. I mean seriously, this guy is not playing like a guy who just isn't in "football shape", he's playing like he spent the offseason on a couch. He's a great talent, the most talented player on the Bills, but nobody can get by mailing it in in the NFL, and that's what he's done to this point.

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Saying Peters has sucked is easy. Even The Senator can do that. Backing it up with evidence is another. In his first start Kelly t. Dog broke down every offensive play, and showed that, despite a few really bad plays, Peters had a decent, game.


To my untrained eye, the entire offensive line looked like crap yesterday, but Peters didn't jump out at me as the worst offender. Walker looked to have missed a few blocks, from what I saw.

Don't want to disappoint my constituents, so here's what I have to say -


'PayMe' looked awful on Sunday. Slow, sloppy, & stupid. He had a holding penalty, a false start and was beaten cleanly for a sack by rookie Chris Long. And that was all before FatBoy limped off the field. (I was actually wondering if he re-tore the torn-up groin, what with carrying all that excess weight and being so outa shape and all, and if K-Dog owed me a beer.)


But my larger gripe, as you well know Dean, is that the rest of the O-line - and rest of the team, for that matter - did not hold out, refuse to honor their contracts, demand more money, or not show up for work all summer. They worked their asses off to get us to where we are this week - 4-0 - while FatBoy sat on his fat ass. Yeah, Peters could be a great player - maybe one of the best LTs in the game - but that's not what we're seeing this season.


As the saying goes, 'Tell the world what you can do, but first, show them.' We're all waiting to see, Jason. Meanwhile, forget about the Pro Bowl, and probably any raise, as well.




19 and 0 baby!!! :o

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