taterhill Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Have we heard from 1 Congressman that voted this down today?
stuckincincy Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 You brought up Hitler, Lenin AND socialism. Congratulations, you hit the loser trifecta. Though not surprising coming from a guy who quotes Ann Coulter. Just what we expect from you: more knee-jerk, stereotypical, propagandist nonsense. Newsflash: because someone may gag at the thought of Coulter and Limbaugh doesn't make them "far left" or socialist. Just a middle of the road citizen who can think for themselves. Please stay out there on the fringe so you won't infect the rest of the nation. Please cite where I quoted Coulter... Your Marixist indoctrination was swallowed whole. denigrate, belittle, lie. I'm curious - do you work in the public sector?
/dev/null Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Have we heard from 1 Congressman that voted this down today? Don't know if we'll hear from any Democrats that voted it down. Nancy doesn't like it when he minions speak out of turn And W has probably rounded up the Republicans that voted against it and shipped them off to Guantanamo
In-A-Gadda-Levitre Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Have we heard from 1 Congressman that voted this down today? that damn domino effect again... “In my heart and in my mind, I believe that this plan is fraught with unintended consequences, would force generations of taxpayers to pick up the tab for Wall Street losses and could permanently and fundamentally change the role of government in the American free enterprise system,” said Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), who led conservatives away from Bush and their own party leaders. “Once the government socializes losses, it will soon socialize profits. If we lose our ability to fail, we will soon lose our ability to succeed. If we bail out risky behavior, we will soon see even riskier behavior."
taterhill Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Don't know if we'll hear from any Democrats that voted it down. Nancy doesn't like it when he minions speak out of turnAnd W has probably rounded up the Republicans that voted against it and shipped them off to Guantanamo hilarious...anyone have a real answer
blzrul Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I've been trying to connect to various Congressional Reps' web sites to see what I can learn but they all time out. Guess I am not the only one interested! I did let my rep know that if he voted for a bill that did not contain a top stop on the $$, some serious protections for John Q Public and guards against golden parachutes, he'd be on my shirtlist...I imagine most of them heard the same. In looking at this - the market dropped 777 pts. Congress is SO worried about it that they're taking two days off before tackling it again on Thursday. So let's see what the uncertainty does. All I know is, if that asswipe Bush decides he needs to address the country again (more fear mongering) tonight and he does it during Monday Night Football, he will RUE the day he was born. As an aside - I never thought I'd see the day when I agreed with anything Jeb Hensarling said. Or anyone named "Jeb" for that matter....
/dev/null Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I wanted to see a list of who voted yes and who voted no. So I went to www.house.gov The page is currently unavailable Due to current high demand, the page youare looking for cannot be delivered right now HTTP Error 408 / 409 - Not acceptable / Resource conflict Congress got /.
/dev/null Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I've been trying to connect to various Congressional Reps' web sites to see what I can learn but they all time out. Guess I am not the only one interested! Apparently not... I wanted to see a list of who voted yes and who voted no. So I went to www.house.gov
Chef Jim Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Whew! That's a relief! This has only been the 6th worst day in the market in a century. That's some positive spin, brother! I stopped with the last one. There probably have been a lot other days that were greater in percentage loss. I'm not putting a positive spin on it. I'm pointing out how the media freaks people out with: Greatest Point Drop in the Dow EVER!!! It's percentage drops that kill you.
Max Fischer Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Please cite where I quoted Coulter... Your Marixist indoctrination was swallowed whole. denigrate, belittle, lie. I'm curious - do you work in the public sector? Marxism! Man, bringing out the big guns. Impressive. I'll be shaking when you start calling me a "Communist." Public sector? No. I'm swimming in good ol' American Capitalism. In fact, I'm pretty sure I love the system more than you. If you stop sniffing the glue long enough you'll see the world isn't so simplistically black & white.
bills_fan Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I've been trying to connect to various Congressional Reps' web sites to see what I can learn but they all time out. Guess I am not the only one interested! I did let my rep know that if he voted for a bill that did not contain a top stop on the $$, some serious protections for John Q Public and guards against golden parachutes, he'd be on my shirtlist...I imagine most of them heard the same. In looking at this - the market dropped 777 pts. Congress is SO worried about it that they're taking two days off before tackling it again on Thursday. So let's see what the uncertainty does. All I know is, if that asswipe Bush decides he needs to address the country again (more fear mongering) tonight and he does it during Monday Night Football, he will RUE the day he was born. As an aside - I never thought I'd see the day when I agreed with anything Jeb Hensarling said. Or anyone named "Jeb" for that matter.... And Congress is not taking the days off, they are for the Jewish religious holiday, Rosh Hashanah. Here you go...my formatting will not come out. ---- AYES 205 --- Ackerman Allen Andrews Arcuri Bachus Baird Baldwin Bean Berman Berry Bishop (GA) Bishop (NY) Blunt Boehner Bonner Bono Mack Boozman Boren Boswell Boucher Boyd (FL) Brady (PA) Brady (TX) Brown (SC) Brown, Corrine Calvert Camp (MI) Campbell (CA) Cannon Cantor Capps Capuano Cardoza Carnahan Castle Clarke Clyburn Cohen Cole (OK) Cooper Costa Cramer Crenshaw Crowley Cubin Davis (AL) Davis (CA) Davis (IL) Davis, Tom DeGette DeLauro Dicks Dingell Donnelly Doyle Dreier Edwards (TX) Ehlers Ellison Ellsworth Emanuel Emerson Engel Eshoo Etheridge Everett Farr Fattah Ferguson Fossella Foster Frank (MA) Gilchrest Gonzalez Gordon Granger Gutierrez Hall (NY) Hare Harman Hastings (FL) Herger Higgins Hinojosa Hobson Holt Honda Hooley Hoyer Inglis (SC) Israel Johnson, E. B. Kanjorski Kennedy Kildee Kind King (NY) Kirk Klein (FL) Kline (MN) LaHood Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Levin Lewis (CA) Lewis (KY) Loebsack Lofgren, Zoe Lowey Lungren, Daniel E. Mahoney (FL) Maloney (NY) Markey Marshall Matsui McCarthy (NY) McCollum (MN) McCrery McDermott McGovern McHugh McKeon McNerney McNulty Meek (FL) Meeks (NY) Melancon Miller (NC) Miller, Gary Miller, George Mollohan Moore (KS) Moore (WI) Moran (VA) Murphy (CT) Murphy, Patrick Murtha Nadler Neal (MA) Oberstar Obey Olver Pallone Pelosi Perlmutter Peterson (PA) Pickering Pomeroy Porter Price (NC) Pryce (OH) Putnam Radanovich Rahall Rangel Regula Reyes Reynolds Richardson Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Ross Ruppersberger Ryan (OH) Ryan (WI) Sarbanes Saxton Schakowsky Schwartz Sessions Sestak Shays Simpson Sires Skelton Slaughter Smith (TX) Smith (WA) Snyder Souder Space Speier Spratt Tancredo Tanner Tauscher Towns Tsongas Upton Van Hollen Velázquez Walden (OR) Walsh (NY) Wasserman Schultz Waters Watt Waxman Weiner Weldon (FL) Wexler Wilson (NM) Wilson (OH) Wilson (SC) Wolf ---- NOES 228 --- Abercrombie Aderholt Akin Alexander Altmire Baca Bachmann Barrett (SC) Barrow Bartlett (MD) Barton (TX) Becerra Berkley Biggert Bilbray Bilirakis Bishop (UT) Blackburn Blumenauer Boustany Boyda (KS) Braley (IA) Broun (GA) Brown-Waite, Ginny Buchanan Burgess Burton (IN) Butterfield Buyer Capito Carney Carson Carter Castor Cazayoux Chabot Chandler Childers Clay Cleaver Coble Conaway Conyers Costello Courtney Cuellar Culberson Cummings Davis (KY) Davis, David Davis, Lincoln Deal (GA) DeFazio Delahunt Dent Diaz-Balart, L. Diaz-Balart, M. Doggett Doolittle Drake Duncan Edwards (MD) English (PA) Fallin Feeney Filner Flake Forbes Fortenberry Foxx Franks (AZ) Frelinghuysen Gallegly Garrett (NJ) Gerlach Giffords Gillibrand Gingrey Gohmert Goode Goodlatte Graves Green, Al Green, Gene Grijalva Hall (TX) Hastings (WA) Hayes Heller Hensarling Herseth Sandlin Hill Hinchey Hirono Hodes Hoekstra Holden Hulshof Hunter Inslee Issa Jackson (IL) Jackson-Lee (TX) Jefferson Johnson (GA) Johnson (IL) Johnson, Sam Jones (NC) Jordan Kagen Kaptur Keller Kilpatrick King (IA) Kingston Knollenberg Kucinich Kuhl (NY) Lamborn Lampson Latham LaTourette Latta Lee Lewis (GA) Linder Lipinski LoBiondo Lucas Lynch Mack Manzullo Marchant Matheson McCarthy (CA) McCaul (TX) McCotter McHenry McIntyre McMorris Rodgers Mica Michaud Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Mitchell Moran (KS) Murphy, Tim Musgrave Myrick Napolitano Neugebauer Nunes Ortiz Pascrell Pastor Paul Payne Pearce Pence Peterson (MN) Petri Pitts Platts Poe Price (GA) Ramstad Rehberg Reichert Renzi Rodriguez Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Ros-Lehtinen Roskam Rothman Roybal-Allard Royce Rush Salazar Sali Sánchez, Linda T. Sanchez, Loretta Scalise Schiff Schmidt Scott (GA) Scott (VA) Sensenbrenner Serrano Shadegg Shea-Porter Sherman Shimkus Shuler Shuster Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Solis Stark Stearns Stupak Sullivan Sutton Taylor Terry Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Thornberry Tiahrt Tiberi Tierney Turner Udall (CO) Udall (NM) Visclosky Walberg Walz (MN) Wamp Watson Welch (VT) Westmoreland Whitfield (KY) Wittman (VA) Woolsey Wu Yarmuth Young (AK) Young (FL) ---- NOT VOTING 1 --- Weller
Johnny Coli Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I stopped with the last one. There probably have been a lot other days that were greater in percentage loss. I'm not putting a positive spin on it. I'm pointing out how the media freaks people out with: Greatest Point Drop in the Dow EVER!!! It's percentage drops that kill you. Pretty sobering numbers from Bloomberg: The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 778 points for its biggest point drop ever as $1.2 trillion in market value was erased from American equities. Good thing a 700 billion dollar rescue package wasn't passed.
Booster4324 Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 And Congress is not taking the days off, they are for the Jewish religious holiday, Rosh Hashanah. Thanks, I wasn't able to get through. In my state (MS) voted as follows. Bennie G. Thompson (D) voted no Travis Childers (D) voted no Chip Pickering ( R ) voted yes Gene Taylor (D) voted no Seems the dems have some explaining to do.
GG Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 You can thank Rosh Hashanah for mitigating tomorrow's carnage. Of course, later in the week is open season. Thank Rosh Hashanah? I thought Jews created this in the first place?
molson_golden2002 Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Thanks, I wasn't able to get through. In my state (MS) voted as follows. Bennie G. Thompson (D) voted no Travis Childers (D) voted no Chip Pickering ( R ) voted yes Gene Taylor (D) voted no Seems the dems have some explaining to do. I don't think this is partisan. I'm sensing a rural revolt against Wall Street. Just my initial guess.
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I briefly looked at the link. A reference to Paul Kreugman, as an authoratative source. Six months or so, I saw this St. Paul of the Washington Post on the hack Chris Matthews show, saying that the Democrats were on the right side of the Vietnam War. of course, just a nod from the host beholden for his millions of dollars. Pardon me..the right "side"? McNamara? LBJ? The solid congress controlled by the Dems? It was the usual re-writing of history. St. Paul isn't stupid. Co-opted, afraid to risk...sad. The betrayal of the press is breathtaking, to me. For fun 'n games, here is something entered into the Congressional Record in 1963. A portion is contemporary to that time. But read it when you have the time, scroll down, and pose to yourself, how many of the points have in fact come to pass? http://www.uhuh.com/nwo/communism/comgoals.htm If you read the article it criticizes Krugman
John Adams Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Seems the dems have some explaining to do. Not as much as the Repubs. Congressional leadership puts up a bill that won't pass--nothing like a massive failure to pass a bill to boost confidence in the economy. The Pelosi speech is absurd though. What a !@#$. Time for Steve Forbes to announce an aggressive write-in campaign.
Chef Jim Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Pretty sobering numbers from Bloomberg: Good thing a 700 billion dollar rescue package wasn't passed. This is a more interesting stat: Campbell Soup Co. was the only stock in the benchmark index for U.S. equities to advance. I guess investors are banking on the return of the soup kitchens.
John Adams Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 This is a more interesting stat: I guess investors are banking on the return of the soup kitchens. Grilled cheese and tomato soup (Campbells) are comfort foods. What else is a comfort food? Beer!
stuckincincy Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 If you read the article it criticizes Krugman In a backhanded way - with wink-wink support explaining away...
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