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You haven't seen much NFL then. It's Holt's bread and butter and has been since he was drafted by the Rams. It's also called the square in/out.


If you're going to make rude, smarmy comments about how much football somebody has watched, you should at least know what you're talking about. Because you're wrong and you don't know.


Frankly, I think he's pretty damned eloquent for a former NFL player.



How sad is that.

I've changed my view of Solomon. I used to get hung up on his pronunciation of certain words, but if you examine the content, he's actually pretty darn good at analyzing and explaining the game.


It's his pronunciation of our beloved "Bills" thats drives me nuts. Somehow he manages to make it a 2 syllable word without any L's. Bee-oohs. Ugghhhh!


Agree with others here...it could be worse. Be careful what you wish for.

Yep. Yep. And yep. ;)


Not sure why I opened this thread as I knew there'd be one when it was announced that SW would be doing the game. But I'm glad I did as I agree with everyone BUT the OP that he's a fine 'Color Man'.


Maybe there finally won't be another thread like this.. ;)

He provides more genuine insight than any other commentator on any other network that carries the NFL.

Bar none.


Just because he doesn't sound like you doesn't mean he can't speak.

Frankly, I think he's pretty damned eloquent for a former NFL player.

Plus, He likes Cookin With GAAASSSS!!


Solomon isn't worse than Chris Collinsworth. Collinsworth is the announcer on Madden 09 worst of all.


The one thing Solomon did yesterday that got on my nerves was rode the Rams bandwagon and didn't give the Bills ANY credit whatsoever until we were up 2 touchdowns. At that point he switched bandwagons and started gaga'ing over Buffalo. He was calling it an upset in the 2nd quarter!! I wouldn't have minded if we were 0-3, but we're 3-0, and from the opening kickoff til the start of the 4th quarter he was having a love affair with the Rams.


from the opening kickoff til the start of the 4th quarter he was having a love affair with the Rams.


I thought he would have prefered sheep.

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