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No, he doesn't think there are 57 states. He said he has been in 57 states and has 1 left to go. Therefore Mr. Oteleprompter thinks that the U.S.A. consists of 58 states. Why doesn't Katie Couric ask him to name them?


Are you being serious? I can't tell. Your statement are very crayonz-like.

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Are you being serious? I can't tell. Your statement are very crayonz-like.

Oh you're a funny guy. :beer: The last time I laughed this hard I was listening to Barack explain how his uncle liberated Auschwitz. :lol:


BTW: statement is OR statements are NOT statement are. Proofreading. Try it wiseguy.


What has happened here is that you are unable to rebuttal my original assertion that it's hard to see how Palin qualifies as bright. You have then resorted to nitpicking on spelling in order to attempt to console yourself that you are right about something.


I find it amusing, and if you want to condone me for a spelling error on an internet message board, then go right ahead. I won't be offended by it. But don't fault me if I have a hard time taking you serious.

Guest dog14787
What has happened here is that you are unable to rebuttal my original assertion that it's hard to see how Pain qualifies as bright. You have then resorted to nitpicking on spelling in order to attempt to console yourself that you are right about something.


I find it amusing, and if you want to condone me for a spelling error on an internet message board, then go right ahead. I won't be offended by it. But don't fault me if I have a hard time taking you serious.


Are we arguing about the word bright? thats not to bright is it?


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the same can be said for bright, babbling, nervous wreck and any other description one wants to make. Describing people with one or two words is like one sentence out of a book, by itself, its a little bit out of context but still folks do it. I guess what I'm saying is you could find an argument over about pretty much anything so why not keep our arguments on topics that matter.


Unless we are joking of course, and thats what it seemed like to me. :wallbash:

Guest dog14787
More clear then? She's got the IQ of a George Bush (pick either one, don't matter)



George Bush is about the middle of the pack as far as presidents go coming in at 125-130 which is still in the top 10% of the nation.


So the other 90% of the population would consider Sarah Palin bright right? at least brighter than they are anyway.



Barrack Obama is hard to find much on but obama is considered to have the highest IQ of all by many, Joe Biden is about 120, John McCaine about 130.


Honestly, none of the men and woman mentioned are big dummies, not by a long shot.


They all just act that way sometimes, humans, geeeesh :thumbsup:

Guest dog14787
Are you being serious? I can't tell. Your statement are very crayonz-like.



ieatcrayonz disease is highly contagious and is spreading rapidly throughout TBD, the first sighn of the disease is denial, then finger pointing. Lori has called a meeting of the minds with all doctors on board to try to find a cure for the nasty disease ,but so far quarantine is the only thing that seems to work.


ieatcrayonz posts are covered with ieatcrayonz disease and you've been reading them all havent you conner, HAVEN'T YOU!!!!



conner, I'm so sorry, but your a goner, you are one with the crayonz now :thumbsup:

Guest dog14787
:devil: I just like how when I said "IQ of a George Bush", you knew right off it was meant as an insult.



My psychic abilities are pretty amazing sometimes. :thumbsup:


I wish they would settle it with an old-fashioned duel like Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. I'm sick of listening to these idiots.

Guest dog14787

Barrack Obama had chroise tonight. :ph34r:

Fixed! :worthy:



I see you follow the right-wing talking points well. You will make an excellent Nazi! :ph34r:

It could even be a pay-per-view event -- biggest of all time!!


I propose the following changes to the Presidential election system:


Primary System: Replace the Iowa Caucus, New Hampshire Primary, and various state elections/caucuses with Survivor: Republican and Survivor: Democrat


Vice Presidential Selection: Replace the dog and pony show with Dancing with the Nominee


General Election: Settled in the UFC Octagon

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