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I would drink up, but your pinhead president just gave all my beer money for the next five generations to AIG and Lehman Bros!


Your Democratic congress is pulling out all the stops to deflect blame from themselves, and are offering undying love and solidarity for a President so he won't expose yet another disaster perpetrated by the Dems on the American public...as always, the Dems blame others for the messes they create, their penchant for accusing any opposition as racist when it suits ( Oh..I remember Geo. Wallace, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Jim Crow laws etc. :w00t: )




and get mad when Republicans don't bail them out. Like I have said for some time - the propaganda, the betrayal of the co-opted media, the textbook Marxist exploitation of the young and unsophisticated, is going to sooner or later result in one-party rule, and your very own Hugo Chavez.


Are you angling for your own Dacha, Tenny? :D Are you happy that Obama Inc. is resorting to MN police forces, legal threats, courts to try to suppress political speech? Do you remember when they did that against the Hillary campaign during the primaries?


Ever heard of an organization called ACORN?


I fondly remember the days when the Dems bought votes with booze and cigs, instead of billion-dollar socialist programs. As a lad, I got paid 25 cents per jug of beer I schlepped to the polling places.


Much cheaper. :thumbdown:

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Ahhh Cincy, Cincy, Cincy. You repubs with your revisionist history. It was this president, his secretary of the treasury and his executive branch that dropped the ball here. It was Phil Gramm and the deregging senior citizens of the old congress that opened up the doors for the "free market" to engage in irresponsible practices resulting in their being in such a financial mess that they come to Washington for a bail out. Don't see any of them trading in their options and golden parachutes.


And McCain? he waits until they are close to a bill to address the problem and then pulls a political stunt. Having barely escaped indictment his own self in the Keating scandal he does have experience.


Isn't this stuff for the nazi board? Seems like you guys wouldn't want to foray into the real world to discuss this. :thumbdown:

McCain clearly "won" tonight, IMHO. It seems that's the overwhelming opinion of the talking heads, too.



What I heard, mostly, from th pundits (and I agree), the debate isn't bound to change anyones' mind about anything. To me, it seemed as though McCains victory was in that he didn't do as poorly as some suspected, and Obama didn't score the deciisive victory many assumed he would. It was just a matter of each candidate reiteriating their positions.


I wouldn't put too much stock in these debates. The person inhabiting the white house for the last 8 years did horrendously in debates, but somehow managed to finangle his way to the big chair...

To me, it seemed as though McCains victory was in that he didn't do as poorly as some suspected, and Obama didn't score the deciisive victory many assumed he would.

Not sure what you're basing those expectations on. Most of what I heard leading up to this debate was that McCain better decisively win this debate as foreign policy is supposed to be his strong suite.

Ahhh Cincy, Cincy, Cincy. You repubs with your revisionist history. It was this president, his secretary of the treasury and his executive branch that dropped the ball here. It was Phil Gramm and the deregging senior citizens of the old congress that opened up the doors for the "free market" to engage in irresponsible practices resulting in their being in such a financial mess that they come to Washington for a bail out. Don't see any of them trading in their options and golden parachutes.


And McCain? he waits until they are close to a bill to address the problem and then pulls a political stunt. Having barely escaped indictment his own self in the Keating scandal he does have experience.


Isn't this stuff for the nazi board? Seems like you guys wouldn't want to foray into the real world to discuss this. :w00t:


Another one of your tries to duck, Tenny.


Pelosi promised great things in the 1st hundred days of their takeover. I guess we all missed the efforts of her, Reid, and Frank to address the looming doom that was put into action by Carter and reinforced by the "I gotta be loved" Bill.


(Speaking of Carter - and knowing you have some Far East experience - what do you think things would be like if the Peanut Farmer didn't hoist himself on his self-righteousness, acted like an authentic head of State , and supported the Shah?)


Maybe you could provide a link or two about how those illuminaries were going to address the situation?

Another one of your tries to duck, Tenny.


Pelosi promised great things in the 1st hundred days of their takeover. I guess we all missed the efforts of her, Reid, and Frank to address the looming doom that was put into action by Carter and reinforced by the "I gotta be loved" Bill.


(Speaking of Carter - and knowing you have some Far East experience - what do you think things would be like if the Peanut Farmer didn't hoist himself on his self-righteousness, acted like an authentic head of State , and supported the Shah?)


Maybe you could provide a link or two about how those illuminaries were going to address the situation?


ah Cincy, sometimes I think Republicans should be elected because their nonsense is almost funny. I was amused by the House republican saying he didn't vote for a rescue package which was the result of the failure of a republican administration and which would result in a massive stock market dive...because he was offended by Nancy Pelosi's speech!!!...not that he disagreed on principle...not even that he feared not getting re-elected...but he voted against one of the most important bills in the last fifty years....BECAUSE HIS FEELI:NGS WERE HURT!!!....you can't get better comedy at any movie that I know of.


Oh...the problem was caused by Carter...Now Cincy I know the short term memory is the first to go...but CARTER HASN'T BEEN President for nearly thirty friggin years!!! Bush has been president for eight. Now I know you and the rest of the crew on the nazi board think he was too busy doing such a wonderful job on foreign policy that he should be forgiven for leaving the economy to go to hell, but there should be some blame on the old POTUS who was at the wheel for the seven years prior to all hell breaking loose (something he apparently discovered nine days ago...Intelligence failure?).


The Shah of Iran? Actually it isn't the far east at all but Central Asia, and I have spent a considerable amount of time in Azerbaijan, on the border of Iran (More Azeri's in Iran than in Azerbaijan, but that involves a long story and Joe Stalin, so I won't go into that.) You think that Carter "backing" the Shah would have prevented the revolution? If you buy that I've got a bridge in Alaska I'd like to sell you.


I don't need a link to tell you how the luminaries would get out of the situation. The two of them were actually in the same seat as your pinhead president and neither of them GOT INTO the situation. :ph34r::lol::wallbash:


ah Cincy, sometimes I think Republicans should be elected because their nonsense is almost funny. I was amused by the House republican saying he didn't vote for a rescue package which was the result of the failure of a republican administration and which would result in a massive stock market dive...because he was offended by Nancy Pelosi's speech!!!...not that he disagreed on principle...not even that he feared not getting re-elected...but he voted against one of the most important bills in the last fifty years....BECAUSE HIS FEELI:NGS WERE HURT!!!....you can't get better comedy at any movie that I know of.


Oh...the problem was caused by Carter...Now Cincy I know the short term memory is the first to go...but CARTER HASN'T BEEN President for nearly thirty friggin years!!! Bush has been president for eight. Now I know you and the rest of the crew on the nazi board think he was too busy doing such a wonderful job on foreign policy that he should be forgiven for leaving the economy to go to hell, but there should be some blame on the old POTUS who was at the wheel for the seven years prior to all hell breaking loose (something he apparently discovered nine days ago...Intelligence failure?).


The Shah of Iran? Actually it isn't the far east at all but Central Asia, and I have spent a considerable amount of time in Azerbaijan, on the border of Iran (More Azeri's in Iran than in Azerbaijan, but that involves a long story and Joe Stalin, so I won't go into that.) You think that Carter "backing" the Shah would have prevented the revolution? If you buy that I've got a bridge in Alaska I'd like to sell you.


I don't need a link to tell you how the luminaries would get out of the situation. The two of them were actually in the same seat as your pinhead president and neither of them GOT INTO the situation. :ph34r::lol::wallbash:



Thank you, Tenny.


I'm always pleased to see that our mutual blustering is fair and balanced. <_<

Guest dog14787

I like Sarah Palin allot and she's like a breath of fresh air, but Joe Biden seems the more experienced and capable of the two and I would have to say Biden won the Debate tonight. :sick:


The thing about Sarah Palin is she leaves a lasting impression. Palin is a very bright, attractive young lady and she handles herself very well considering the huge pressure she must be under. I think allot of woman, and men alike, are gaining much respect for Sarah Palin.


Its hard not to like Sarah Palin. :sick:

The thing about Sarah Palin is she leaves a lasting impression. Palin is a very bright, attractive young lady and she handles herself very well considering the huge pressure she must be under. I think allot of woman, and men alike, are gaining much respect for Sarah Palin.





I love that clip. She is a nervous wreck most of the time, it seems. She doesn't know what to say, so she starts babbling.

I like Sarah Palin allot and she's like a breath of fresh air, but Joe Biden seems the more experienced and capable of the two and I would have to say Biden won the Debate tonight. :lol:


The thing about Sarah Palin is she leaves a lasting impression. Palin is a very bright, attractive young lady and she handles herself very well considering the huge pressure she must be under. I think allot of woman, and men alike, are gaining much respect for Sarah Palin.


Its hard not to like Sarah Palin. :unsure:



Sorry, I heard the same nonsense about Condi Rice...she is smart, attractve, plays the cello, and wants to be NFL commissioner some day...what a great resume! Palin was impressive last night, because she managed to "perform" with a lot of practice. Wouldn't you be scared shitless if she ever, somehow, she became president? This isn't American Idol, or is it?

Guest dog14787
I love that clip. She is a nervous wreck most of the time, it seems. She doesn't know what to say, so she starts babbling.



Or an expert at evasive maneuvers, I guess it depends on which side of the coin your on. :lol:


Nervous wreck? a woman in a mans world and thats the problem here, woman don't try to intimidate or force their opinions, most woman anyway.


Men think they can bully their way through anything and allot of woman percieve men that way, luckily for Joe Biden, he is smart enough to realize that and was careful not to come across over bearing.


I gave the debate to Joe Biden, but Sarah Palin is giving woman all across our great nation a voice to be heard and you can bet allot of folks out there are listening.

Yeah, not like this guy. :lol:


Your lack of intellectual honesty on the things your hold against Obama is impressive. Ya, your right, he thinks there are 57 states, and did not make a slip of the tongue. He's so dumb, he doesn't know what a pre-schooler knows!

Your lack of intellectual honesty on the things your hold against Obama is impressive. Ya, your right, he thinks there are 57 states, and did not make a slip of the tongue. He's so dumb, he doesn't know what a pre-schooler knows!

No, he doesn't think there are 57 states. He said he has been in 57 states and has 1 left to go. Therefore Mr. Oteleprompter thinks that the U.S.A. consists of 58 states. Why doesn't Katie Couric ask him to name them?

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