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Big Ted down again


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I'll second the motion


Not to be insensitive, but what exactly are the rules around this? Is a Senator required to actually be physically able to show up to work? They they just phoning in his votes for him?


Of course, both Obama and McCain (and Clinton) stopped bothering to represent their constituents well over a year ago, so it's hardly a unique situation.

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Not to be insensitive, but what exactly are the rules around this? Is a Senator required to actually be physically able to show up to work? They they just phoning in his votes for him?


Of course, both Obama and McCain (and Clinton) stopped bothering to represent their constituents well over a year ago, so it's hardly a unique situation.

What about Biden? That's 5 senators out of the box. 5% who are not doing their !@#$ing jobs.

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Not to be insensitive, but what exactly are the rules around this? Is a Senator required to actually be physically able to show up to work? They they just phoning in his votes for him?


Of course, both Obama and McCain (and Clinton) stopped bothering to represent their constituents well over a year ago, so it's hardly a unique situation.

You? Insensitive? Oh puhlease. Be honest, ok? You'll dance on Kennedy's grave if you can.


Who was the 90+ year old fart who passed not that long ago? Or was it 100?


Basically being physically or mentally or intellectually competent has nothing to do with anything. Kennedy's there until he either dies, retires/quits, or until his term is up. And knowing him, he'll pass and STILL get re-elected. Like the guy who beat out Ashcroft.

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two points for you.


i actually liked Ron Paul. But, he's from Texas. I don't vote for people from third world countries.


3rd world? But you're from the Pacific Northwest along with Oregon aka Pinetucky




*local morning show comedians interviewed this guy over the phone and he said "pinetucky" was what he called the Oregon town he lives in

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Only if you're a white person with dreadlocks. It looks like sh*t

Were you on that flight I jsut took from San Fran to Seattle? Because there was just such a one on the plane and it was sort of nasty. But she was sweet and the baby was cute. I have that thick curly hair that would do dreads nicely but...it makes my head itch just to think of it.


Whatever. To each his own.

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Were you on that flight I jsut took from San Fran to Seattle? Because there was just such a one on the plane and it was sort of nasty. But she was sweet and the baby was cute. I have that thick curly hair that would do dreads nicely but...it makes my head itch just to think of it.


Whatever. To each his own.


Uh, no. If you're white dreadlocks don't work


I've known some fellow honkies that tried to get dreadlocks. It just doesn't work

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