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I sent him this comment:




Your comparing of the Sonics to the Bills is pretty sad. You say the Sonics were '79 NBA champs. The Bills and Ralph Wilson helped start the AFL, and won two AFL championships before they joined the NFL (64, 65). The Bills went to the Super Bowl 4 times in the early 90's. They constantly sell out tickets while more successful teams (San Diego, Jax) can't sell out their HOME OPENERS.


Most of the financial whining is just that - whining. Ralph Wilson wants to make tons of money when he is doing fine. If the Bills make the playoffs this year it'll stave off the move talk, and if they get far it'll stave it off for a long time. Green Bay supports a team in a very small area. The difference is they have had success for a good while, while the Bills haven't made the playoffs in a while.






Unfortunately in my haste I forgot to mention the late Tim Russert :devil:


will you people get over it?? Seriously - it is ok for other people to say bad things about our city - don't worry about it.


I've been reading simmons for 10 years, laugh at a lot of his stuff and take the boston ra ra stuff for what is worth. Who cares what jokes he makes - he is paid to make jokes about places like buffalo and girls like kirsten dunst. When he's making jokes about New Orleans or Miami we all laugh.


And our list of celebrities from Buffalo is pretty pathetic, but again - who cares.

I'm not usually one to get all up in arms about the national media "dissing" the Bills in arbitrary rankings...what made me mad about this is the shot at the city not being able to support the team. Simmons' boys got killed at home last week, and the fans left BEFORE THE FOURTH QUARTER!


Would that ever happen in Buffalo? Ever?


Either you weren't born yet in Jan. 1993 or you were in a coma.


Comeback Game.


Nuff said.


To the original poster: all you need to do is remind him who has been selling out more than 95% of their home games this past decade noting that the team has had ONLY ONE WINNING SEASON! If that don't shut his trap, nothing will. How can the Bills be suffering to sell tix? WTF!

What a tool. Time to start the angry emails? I say yes.

Better to ignore him. He's a mediocrity who's time on the clock is running down pretty fast...

On the other hand, Buffalo's schedule remains easier than Kirsten Dunst.


Best Power Rankings quote ever.


P.S. Uhhh, anyone got her number? :devil:


I think what pisses me off the most about immons is how, after 3 Superbowls, 2 World Series, and 1 NBA Championship in the past decade alone, he still tries to sell himself as the poor distraught victim when Brady goes down for the season. He spent an entire article sobbing and answering emails of fellow spoiled Boston fans sobbing about Brady getting injured. The whole "woe is me, I'm a Boston sports fan" card went out the window in 2004, and guys like Simmons can't appreciate all the success their teams have had recently because part of them is desperate to get that loser identity back. It's just very pathetic how Simmons still manages to find things to whine about while cities like Buffalo, Seattle, Minneapolis, Cleveland, etc. actually suffer from sports misery.


Well, some of these national knucklehead writers who have never been to Buffalo, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, etc. can write wonderful things about what went on there, by sitting at their computers and Goggling, weren't there, and are trying to get paid by number of words written. By the way, don't get quoted unless you have the reporter read it back to you.

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