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True, although personally I wouldn't call the papers, networks, etc, longtime "above the board". I think there is a liberal bias, it's just not nearly as pronounced as they would lead you to believe, nor is it as intentional, nor does it pervade everything these leaning liberal reporters and writers and anchors do. Nor does it come close to be the total bias of the talk radio and Fox News guys (excluding their leftist counterparts like Olberman).


But, what they have also successfully done, at least for a significant portion of the public, is to lump the Internet and blogosphere into "The Media", so that when a stupid site or a site with stupid people like Daily Kos does something stupid, they attach it to the major newspapers and major networks when there is no connection whatsoever to them.


This is beyond the palin though. I don't see how anyone on the right can defend her performance, over several interviews, with Katie Couric lobbing easy questions at her, and she is talking gibberish, non-answers, or nonsense. Nice lady, bad accent, pathetic comprehension of world events and lack of basic knowledge required for the job.

Agreed on all points (except I feel the NYT, WaPo, Boton Globe have always been looked at as excellent with respect to investigative reporting). In addition to poisoning the perception of all things "media," the GOP has successfully managed to turn what many in society previously thought of as qualities to aspire to, ie intelligence, an advanced education degree, analytical thought, into things to be snidely ridiculed with a smirk and a wink. The GOP wouldn't have selected Palin for McCain if they didn't think they could mold her and/or the public's perception of her into a version that people would actually vote for. There are people voting for that ticket because of her inclusion, reason and sanity be damned. Frightening.

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Agreed on all points (except I feel the NYT, WaPo, Boton Globe have always been looked at as excellent with respect to investigative reporting). In addition to poisoning the perception of all things "media," the GOP has successfully managed to turn what many in society previously thought of as qualities to aspire to, ie intelligence, an advanced education degree, analytical thought, into things to be snidely ridiculed with a smirk and a wink. The GOP wouldn't have selected Palin for McCain if they didn't think they could mold her and/or the public's perception of her into a version that people would actually vote for. There are people voting for that ticket because of her inclusion, reason and sanity be damned. Frightening.


It goes both ways. It's like the famous New Yorker map of USA.

It's a perpetuating narrative that the GOP has become very skillfull at. They've driven it home into the consciousness of the American viewer or reader that the media has a strong and overwhelming anti-GOP bias. This has done two things very successfully for them over the past dozen years.



I guess facts are no good then?

It goes both ways. It's like the famous New Yorker map of USA.

Except Obama is running pretty strong in several of those "flyover" states. The old Dem modus operandi of getting the coast, the north, and Ohio is no longer part of the gameplan. I don't see any such change in GOP election gameplan...they're busting out the same old Rove playbook.

There are people voting for that ticket because of his color, reason and sanity be damned. Frightening.



Works both ways, boys.

What is really missing is the college reunion discussion.


McCain has already been to his 50th college reunion. Obama....well let's just say he has some catching up to do.


I want to know if he thinks an open bar at the 50th is a good idea.


What's the point of making it illegal then?



PALIN: I'm saying that personally I would counsel that person to choose life despite horrific, horrific circumstances that this person would find themselves in. And if you're asking, though, kind of foundationally here, should anybody end up in jail for having had an abortion? Absolutely not. That's -- that's nothing that I would ever support.
What's the point of making it illegal then?


You're confused. The issue is what she would do personally....



But fines could lower the deficit.

You're confused. The issue is what she would do personally....



But fines could lower the deficit.

Yes, she is deliberatly confusing the issue between what she would do and what her public policy would be



An abortion fine?

Yes, she is deliberatly confusing the issue between what she would do and what her public policy would be



An abortion fine?


Uterine evacuation tax?


Turns out that Palin's vast and trenchant foreign policy perspective and experience because Russia is right next to Alaska comes from a place that no one has actually been to, except for the 150 or so residents. I thought this report is quite amusing.


Program Note: Governor Sarah Palin said you can actually see Russia from an island in Alaska. Our Gary Tuchman went to find this island…


When talking about what she says is her foreign policy experience, Sarah Palin told ABC news “…you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”

That quote made us want to go to that island.


So we did.


The island is called Little Diomede. It looks like a rock plopped into the Bering Strait. Only about 150 Alaskans live on the whole island. And just about two miles away; in full view of every single house on the island is the nation of Russia. Specifically, it is the Russian Island of Big Diomede which sits about 25 miles from the Russian Siberian mainland (which you can also see from the American island.) Most everybody on Little Diomede had relatives who lived on Big Diomede.


But decades ago, the Russian government sent them all to the mainland, and today, Big Diomede is limited to a Russian military presence. It’s also a full day in front of Little Diomede because it’s on the other side of the International Date Line. Little Diomede is fascinating. It looks like the moon would if you built a lunar settlement. It’s full of rocks, dirt, and craters. We were curious if Sarah Palin has ever visited this island. According to the natives, the answer is no.


As a matter of fact, no Alaska governor in the state’s nearly 50 year history has ever visited the remote outpost that still has little running water. We were curious what the Little Diomeders thought about Palin’s claim of foreign policy experience because of the proximity of Siberia. Interestingly, many of these Alaskans had no idea who Sarah Palin was! It turns out they have no TV on the island, and therefore, many don’t follow the news.


The island’s mayor has heard of her though. No American mayor resides in a city closer to Russia than Andrew Milligrock, and he says being two miles from Russia doesn’t give him any foreign policy expertise.


He does say she seems like an okay governor, but exclaims she should probably pay a visit to Little Diomede sometime. It may not help her foreign policy experience says the mayor, but would definitely help her domestic policy experience. We hope you’ll watch our story about this most unique American island tonight on AC360.

I'm sorry to parachute in about this and I also apologize for not reading all of the posts. All I want to say is that she is a completely and utterly ridiculous candidate. There's no debate about that, right? http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/221277.php

No, she's actually supremely experienced, prepared, and well-educated, the only reason she appears to be an ignorant blithering village idiot talking gibberish is because the liberal media is partisan and picking on her.

No, she's actually supremely experienced, prepared, and well-educated, the only reason she appears to be an ignorant blithering village idiot talking gibberish is because the liberal media is partisan and picking on her.

Thanks for clearing up my misconceptions!

I enjoyed Sarah's greatest hits. However in this VP debate I can see both sides cringing each time her or joe open their mouths

Yep, this debate will be about do no damage, I support my ticket and her is why the other person's headliner should lose. The one that can do that the best will win. P.S. Biden must smile the whole time, the one thing Palin has down, are her lips frozen that way. One could say the same about Obama too. McCain on the other hand has even his smile looking painful.

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