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  DC Tom said:
Why, what'd he say?



I was just playing the odds.


lol. Isn't it great when someone posts something as evidence that proves they are wrong?


One would think that two blathering idiots would speak each other's language, but I guess not.

  BlueFire said:
lol. Isn't it great when someone posts something as evidence that proves they are wrong?


One would think that two blathering idiots would speak each other's language, but I guess not.


Blathering idiots are like Americans and Brits: allies separated by a common language.

  Johnny Coli said:
Except that's not what she said. She was stammering out talking points faster than her brain could keep up, and ended up sounding like an idiot. She had to cram for a Katie Couric interview. I used to see these kind of answers in essay booklets all the time when I was teaching. Student crams for exam, has no idea what the answer is, so they write down everything they can remember hoping to get a few points out of a total bull sh-- answer. Taxes, reduce spending, taxes, healthcare. It's pathetic. She can't even handle Katie Couric's softballs.

So you prefer being lied to a more polished manner. I guess that's the education factor. :ph34r:

  BlueFire said:
:lol: Tom is right.


You should have just went with the misheard dialect notion that GG threw to you, instead of posting a transcript that proved yourself incorrect.




It wasn't? :ph34r: Read that transcript JK2000 said above, it's exactly what she said.

I watched the video (horrifying). The transcript doesn't do it justice. She stammers through an "answer" by blurting out everything her handlers drilled into her skull. She never answers Couric's actual question, and yes, JK200 is spot on. She rambles on about tax reductions twice in the same stream-of-consciousness regurgitation.


Let's look at her answer.


Ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy–


Doesn't answer Couric's question, and has zero substance. Plus, she's just repeating the question back at Couric, which reveals she has no idea what she's talking about.


Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too.


A light must have clicked on...must remember to mention creating jobs. Still doesn't answer Couric's question.


So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions.


Terrible grammar aside, it has nothing to do with the question asked, nor does it relate to any of the other rubbish she spat out prior to it.


If this was an answer to a written exam she'd get a big zero. It's throwing crap at a wall.

  BlueFire said:
:lol: Tom is right.


You should have just went with the misheard dialect notion that GG threw to you, instead of posting a transcript that proved yourself incorrect.




It wasn't? :ph34r: Read that transcript JK2000 pasted above, it's exactly what she said.


How was I incorrect?

  Alaska Darin said:
So you prefer being lied to a more polished manner. I guess that's the education factor. :ph34r:

No, I expect a thoughtful response to a relevant question asked of a VP candidate. Whether I agree with them or not, I would expect they have an ounce of intelligence, or at least some grasp of the current events. The economy and bailout has been front-and-center for two weeks. You could pull a high school kid off the street and get a more coherent answer.

  Johnny Coli said:
No, I expect a thoughtful response to a relevant question asked of a VP candidate. Whether I agree with them or not, I would expect they have an ounce of intelligence, or at least some grasp of the current events. The economy and bailout has been front-and-center for two weeks. You could pull a high school kid off the street and get a more coherent answer.

Doubtful, but let's pretend this isn't partisan so you can feel better about yourself.

  Alaska Darin said:
Doubtful, but let's pretend this isn't partisan so you can feel better about yourself.

Of course it's partisan. But just because I am vehemently opposed to everything her and her party stand for, it doesn't detract from that fact that her answer was rubbish.

  Johnny Coli said:
Of course it's partisan. But just because I am vehemently opposed to everything her and her party stand for, it doesn't detract from that fact that her answer was rubbish.

Whoopie. All of the answers from both sides are rubbish. The saddest fact of it all is that you actually buy into ANY of it. Now go worship at the shrine of that P.O.S. Joe Biden and pretend he's somehow different because his lies are more sensible to you.

  Johnny Coli said:
I watched the video (horrifying). The transcript doesn't do it justice. She stammers through an "answer" by blurting out everything her handlers drilled into her skull. She never answers Couric's actual question, and yes, JK200 is spot on. She rambles on about tax reductions twice in the same stream-of-consciousness regurgitation.


Yeah... I watched the video too, which is how I posted before he posted the transcript. And you're trying to argue against a point that I haven't made in this thread. I think you're a bit confused.


  JK2000 said:
How was I incorrect?


PALIN: Ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. So health care reform and reducing taxes, and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions.


Does that help?

  Johnny Coli said:
No, I expect a thoughtful response to a relevant question asked of a VP candidate. Whether I agree with them or not, I would expect they have an ounce of intelligence, or at least some grasp of the current events. The economy and bailout has been front-and-center for two weeks. You could pull a high school kid off the street and get a more coherent answer.


Well that's certainly an interesting take on that. Ever stop to ask why are you following this line of questioning, specifically the image of McCain letting the geisha out for a walk with the hoi poloi?


After all, despite her apparent stumbling on the answers, she is the only one of the four people on the ticket who has actually managed a budget, cut taxes and reduced expenditures against political opposition. This is not a discussion about her foreign policy credentials. Sounds like you value a polished answer to Katie Couric over actual accomplishments.


I wonder if you'd be bringing up he same questions if McCain had picked Bobby Jindal for Veep? What if Obama picked Kaine - would you make the same cracks that Obama let him out of the kitchen?


Before this thread devolves into complete gaiety it must be made clear that this Palin person is a complete embarrassment. Many knew this after a cursory check on her record but the the corporate media pretty much gave her a free pass, even after troopergate, her daughter's family way problem, her screwball christianity, her lack of success on e-bay, her wholehearted support for the bridge to nowhere, etc.



I didn't even see the Couric interview (sounds legendary already) which I guess will compound problems for the ticket but the republicans should be asking themselves how it ever came down to this. While "The Base"-the knuckle dragging neanderthals who make up Bush's 20 percent approval rating-were absolutely giddy over the Palin selection it has taken a few weeks for most thoughtful cons (Will, Hagel, et al) to read the handwriting on the wall and respond in true horror.



I didn't think anybody could top Quayle but Miss Sarah has managed to lap him around the track.




  BlueFire said:
Yeah... I watched the video too, which is how I posted before he posted the transcript. And you're trying to argue against a point that I haven't made in this thread. I think you're a bit confused.




PALIN: Ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. So health care reform and reducing taxes, and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions.


Does that help?


Yeah, it still sounds redundant and idiotic.

  Bishop Hedd said:
Before this thread devolves into complete gaiety it must be made clear that this Palin person is a complete embarrassment.

Finally, something you can speak about from personal experience.

  Bishop Hedd said:
...her lack of success on e-bay...




That's the best you've got? Couldn't find any more substantial evidence of incompetence, like her wearing white after Labor Day, or putting the forks to the left of the spoons?

  BlueFire said:
Yeah... I watched the video too, which is how I posted before he posted the transcript. And you're trying to argue against a point that I haven't made in this thread. I think you're a bit confused.

I'm not confused at all. She's done three soft interviews and has looked stupid in all three. You've added a comma into the transcript. Why? That wasn't how she framed that sentence when she spoke it. It was a moric run-on blurt of talking points that had nothing to do with the question that was asked. Not only didn't she answer the question, she couldn't form a coherent thought.


Editing the transcript to try and prove your "point" is pathetic...and pretty partisan for a poster who's trying to look like he's above it all.

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