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McGahee, in the news again


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Can't say bad things about Mcgahee on this one. If someone was intentionally trying to poke his eyes they should be fined. That's uncalled for. I don't know what i would do if i lost my site because some jackass thought it would be fun to poke it.

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Can't say bad things about Mcgahee on this one. If someone was intentionally trying to poke his eyes they should be fined. That's uncalled for. I don't know what i would do if i lost my site because some jackass thought it would be fun to poke it.


Maybe not on this issue. but it couldnt happen to a nicer RB.

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Can't say bad things about Mcgahee on this one. If someone was intentionally trying to poke his eyes they should be fined. That's uncalled for. I don't know what i would do if i lost my site because some jackass thought it would be fun to poke it.


If it can be proved that it was intentional at least a one game suspension should be part of the punishment. A guy could be made blind by something like that.



Hmmm...I guess it makes sense. If you're blind, you're gonna have a hard time maintaining your web page.











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Guest dog14787
dang! i just saw the replay of him walking off the field bleeding from the eye. looked rough!


but i didnt see anything during the plays they showed that looked like someone was shoving their hands under his visor.



Brings to mind the jab in the face Josh Reed took while laying flat on his back, whats up with this crap? :ph34r:

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Brings to mind the jab in the face Josh Reed took while laying flat on his back, whats up with this crap? :ph34r:


i was about to go on a rant about the new age of spoiled athletes, but then I realized that this modern league is probably 1000X less rough and cheap than the "golden years" of football.

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Guest dog14787
If I were commish I would suspend for more than two games, that's just effed up. :ph34r:


edit - isn't no eye gouging one of the only rules in all those extreme fighting sports?


Eyes and your privates if I'm not mistaken. :lol:


When Mike Tyson bit off a chunk of Holifields ear I remember thinking OK, this is a new one for the rule books. :oops:

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