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Economic terrorism


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Doesn't make sense at all. Hell, the FBI's involvement doesn't make any sense...they're looking at the accounting statements? The FBI? Yeah, I know they have forensic accounting experience in-house for white-collar crime...but they're branching out in to corporate accounting and independent auditing now? Seriously, doesn't the SEC usually have jurisdiction over this sort of stuff?


Well, yeah. But. You know. It's like. You know what I'm sayin?


Giuliani had FBI cuff a few guys, so maybe they're doing this to scare a few bean counters. Have no clue what the FBI will do.


[edit] Just dawned on me - the FBI presence may be a preventative measure to put fear into the companies who will likely be participating in the auction. Since Fed fears that the financials may try to sell the MBS at far greater than carrying value, the FBI guys walking down the hall add the fear factor for people not to game the auctions.

Edited by GG
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