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McCain suspending his campaign


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McCain is clearly using this crisis as a photo-op. It's sad that people can not see that. I also love the fact that his campaign rescheduled the presidential debate for October 2nd. The same day that the VP's were supposed to go at it. Interesting.


So the guy who does not know the economy, now is our/it's savior? What a douche.


The fact is, nobody in Congress knows anything about anything. I am sorry to disillusion you, but Biden is not *really* an expert on foreign policy, McCain is not *really* an expert on military affairs, and Palin is not *really* an expert on energy. Those are just the mantles they assume, by predisposition and getting involved in those issues. (I'd include Obama, but he doesn't even have a signature issue.)


Nevertheless, we elect members of Congress to work on the business of the country, qualified or not. Every member is supposed to study the legislation, weigh in, and vote. Simply voting 'present' and being a wall-flower because you are not a subject matter expert is not an acceptable discharge of the duties of office, would you agree?

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What was in there that was not reported already?


And don't you find it suspicious that there is absolutely no mention, even by way of background, of the money paid to Obama or of the Fannie Mae CEO's who had been advising him? Wouldn't you think it appropriate to reference in a supposedly objective news piece on Fannie Mae influence?

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The fact is, nobody in Congress knows anything about anything. I am sorry to disillusion you, but Biden is not *really* an expert on foreign policy, McCain is not *really* an expert on military affairs, and Palin is not *really* an expert on energy. Those are just the mantles they assume, by predisposition and getting involved in those issues. (I'd include Obama, but he doesn't even have a signature issue.)


Nevertheless, we elect members of Congress to work on the business of the country, qualified or not. Every member is supposed to study the legislation, weigh in, and vote. Simply voting 'present' and being a wall-flower because you are not a subject matter expert is not an acceptable discharge of the duties of office, would you agree?



Thank you for enlightening me on everything Congress. Appreciate it. Nice dig at Obama by the way - awesome. 0:)


So in a sense you feel as though it's great for McCain to be there and to suspend his campaign. That this deal could never be done without him there? If he was simply just going back to do his job... why Katie Couric? Why call Obama and discuss the debate, and then pull the trigger and come out with this news as soon as he got off the phone. It's just another stunt and you bought into it.


Oh and I love the Palin is not an expert on energy thing. Awesome, such great humor this early in the morning.

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Enough with the ad hominems, Doc Daneeka...


Let's play your game and ignore for a moment the inference that this story is about influence pedling. What about the propriety of Davis continuing to indirectly benefit (though the increased profit/value of his firm) by taking advantage of his position on the McCain staff when his boss says none of his team are doing so? Kickbacks. shakedowns, the stuff small time elected officials and bureaucrats get charged with all the time, but fat cat Washington lobbiests rarely do? Doesn't that count for anything in this sorry equation?


Hard to stay on topic isn't it? Now you want to open up the discussion to the entire lobbying process? Fine with me. Frankly, I'm still waiting for legislation to come out of committees chaired by the party that used lobbyist reform as a major platform to get elected last November.

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Actually, the story broke in the NYT, Newsweek and Roll Call. McCain is trying to brush it off as a liberal media hit piece by only attacking the NYT, which it is clearly not. And, Newsweek has followed up their piece showing that Davis hasn't "severed his relationship with Davis Manafort in 2006," and has been listed as a crporate officer (Treasurer and one of two coporate directors) as recently as April of this year.




That's not severing ties. The article brings up an important question--if the only person (Davis) who was working on the Freddie Mac account was no longer working on the Freddie Mac account and had suspended his day-to-day workings in the firm (although still remaining a corporate officer 0:) ), then why was Davis Manafort continuing to bill Freddie Mac if Davis wasn't doing anything for them.


I guess where there's smoke there's fire? So, the best that the investigative reporters can find is a regulatory filing that lists Davis as an officer. Note that if he really is a Treasurer, that means that he needs to be involved in daily operations of the company's cash management, which no unearthed sources claimed him to be. So, in essence this great scandal is about Fan/Fred buying potential future influence or maintaining a lobbying relationship with a firm by hedging its bets on the outcome of the election, with zero indication that they had an inside on McCain's position on the GSEs.


[broken record] - Sounds like you're arguing for a lobby reform law.



Any day now.

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Flat out McCain is a pu$$y and he is running scared.


IMO, it was solely a political stunt. The leader of the Free World should be able to take an hour and an half out of their day to talk and debate. I think one of the news talking heads had a good point historically... We had debates whent eh nation was embroiled in far greater dangers: There was a debate when Sherman was marching through GA... A debate during D-Day. Now I didn't verify my hostory on these and they might be collectively pulling our collective leg... But, come on... Like Tom said: "It is no different than my dinner plans."


There are 97 other Sens. I am sure they can get the job done.


Do we want an old guy who can't multi-task? McCain, IMO strikes me as my someone like Archie Bunker... You know, when he gets home, he wants his dinner waiting and doesn't want to speak any word or do anything else but demand that dinner.


Do we want that? We already have Bush in office that can't process more than one thing at a time.


It is an hour and a half folks... Why not have the debate ont he steps of Congress.


I am really embarressed for ths country if people come of with snively, sappy, patriotic excusesone can't multi-task.


I work for the big gov't... I see every freaking day how we can't multi-task... And you know what? The customers suffer.


There is an saying in the gov't:


"Close enough for gov't work."


McCain is old school... And his choices remind me of this saying.



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Being a Senator is their JOB dingbat. Running for president is the interview for the next job.


McCain's thing is disingenuous but the multi-tasking response is more so.





Yes, may be considered a interview. However, in 40 days one of those two candidates will be the next President. I personally am disgusted that McCain would step away from the debate. Why? When the financial bail out is already on the fast track and being worked on, there is no reason for him to be there.


I hope Letterman is pissed too, being flat out lied to by McCain.

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Being a Senator is their JOB dingbat. Running for president is the interview for the next job.


McCain's thing is disingenuous but the multi-tasking response is more so.




He can take a couple of hours to eat or speak to the Clinton Global Initative... Yet, can't debate for an hour and a half?


What the phuck is he going to be doing at 2100 EDT?


I highly suggest when you get called for an interview... You don't come up and snivel with a response that you can't make it. Ya, you might not want to tell your prior boss what you are doing by going to the interview... But, the American people are cool... Sens. are very important... But, without you and Obama... There are 98 other ones that do the job... It isn't like you are going to a different company... My boss has called me into his office on official time to to talk about promotions and other jobs.


Fact of the matter is, he can't multi-task... Again... McCain is acting like a school girl... Will the American people see it? Don't hold your breath because it is amazing how much of this sniveling exists in our daily lives.


Obama has McCain on the "ropes"... And McCain is using a school girl/punk move.


Like when you we a child... You know the punk that says: "I gotta go, I think my mother has dinner ready." type of move.


IT IS A FREAKING HOUR AND A HALF @ 2100 EDT ON A THURSDAY... Jet him in, jet him out. 0:)

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Thank you for enlightening me on everything Congress. Appreciate it. Nice dig at Obama by the way - awesome. 0:)


Well, what would you consider to be his congressional area of expertise? I'm genuinely interested.


On paper he is the Afghanistan expert, but his recod on holding hearings is thin to say the least. About the only thing I could remotely come up with is 'constitutional scholar,' but he hasn't been involved with it legislatively and he is unique as an academic in never having written a paper. The media certainly never describes him as a congressional expert on anything.

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He can take a couple of hours to eat or speak to the Clinton Global Initative... Yet, can't debate for an hour and a half?


What the phuck is he going to be doing at 2100 EDT?


I highly suggest when you get called for an interview... You don't come up and snivel withg a response that you can't make it. Ya, you might not want to tell your prior boss what you are doing by going to the interview... But, the American people are cool... Sen. is very important... But, without you and Obama... There are 98 other ones that do the job... It isn't like you are going to a different company... My boss has called me into his office on official time to to talk about promotions and other jobs.


Fact of the matter is, he can't multi-task... Again... McCain is acting like a school girl... Will the American people see it? Don't hold your breath because it is amazing how much of this sniveling exists in our daily lives.


Obama has McCain on the "ropes"... And McCain is using a school girl/punk move.


Like when you we a child... You know the punk that says: "I gotta go, I think my mother has dinner ready." type of move.


IT IS A FREAKING HOUR AND A HALF @ 2100 EDT ON A THURSDAY... Jet him in, jet him out. :lol:



He does have that fancy McCain | Palin Country First jet. 0:)

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Yes, may be considered a interview. However, in 40 days one of those two candidates will be the next President. I personally am disgusted that McCain would step away from the debate. Why? When the financial bail out is already on the fast track and being worked on, there is no reason for him to be there.


I hope Letterman is pissed too, being flat out lied to by McCain.


And he is running to Bush, running to the "Germans" faster than a French school girl with her panties down.


When he comes back and debates (if you ant to call it that)... Shave his head and dye it yellow. 0:)


Sorry Olivier... No offense. :lol:

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What a partisan joke. Obama is the #3 recipient of donations from Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, and has two Fannie Mae CEO's and a Vice Chair as his advisors, yet Lurker would have us worry about undue influence from this.




No. My beef is when the presumptive POTUS vehemently states that none of his staff have any links to the GSEs and attacks his opponent for having an inconsequental relationship with Raines. And then, opps! It comes to light that his own campaign manager is indirectly getting 15 large a month (oh that, big firewall that Davis has around him and his firm is really comforting) from Freddie, after which he tries to twist that fact into a pretzel and say it's the liberal media making thing up--that's when this is a no go for me.


But carry on with your partisanship...

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Scary, McCain could be running this country.



Stunt Man

John McCain's latest crazy, brilliant, desperate campaign tactic.

By John Dickerson

Posted Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008, at 9:23 PM ET

John McCain. Click image to expand.John McCain


John McCain has launched his second Hail Mary pass in a month. On Wednesday he called for a suspension of the presidential campaign—no events, no ads, and no debate Friday—so that he and Barack Obama can head to Washington to forge a bipartisan solution. Even more than his selection of Sarah Palin as running mate, this gambit feels like a wild improvisation someone in the McCain team mapped out on his chest: OK, you run to the fire hydrant, cut left, and then when he gets to the Buick, John, you heave it.


It's not clear what, exactly, McCain is going to do in Washington. He doesn't sit on any of the relevant committees, and everyone is already deep in negotiations. Still, he's coming anyway. It doesn't make much logical sense. The only way to understand it is politically: In a presidential campaign, the surest sign that a candidate is playing politics on an issue is when he claims not to be playing politics on an issue. The only way for McCain to convince everyone that his intentions are 100 percent pure is for him to drop out of the race completely. A campaign doesn't end—and its distracting affects don't disappear—just because one candidate says so.


It's hard to believe that McCain's actions would pass his own laugh test. In fact, he's often snickered at his fellow senators who come in at the eleventh hour to lend a hand after McCain has done the hard work. But the McCain campaign is past caring about how journalists (or colleagues) view his moves. He hopes the rest of the country will see this as a leadership moment.

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pBills picture must be a self portrait. It's so obvious that the left here is totally ignoring Dodd's and Obama's massive amounts of contributions from Freddie/ Fannie. Obama is #2 on the list in only 2 years! It took Dodd 10 years to get to #1. Barney Frank is in the top five and his one time "spouse" (Herb Moses), whom he is still on friendly terms with, was an exec at Fannie May. Dodd and he have blocked reforms that would have increased oversight.


Why aren't the libs talking about them????

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pBills picture must be a self portrait. It's so obvious that the left here is totally ignoring Dodd's and Obama's massive amounts of contributions from Freddie/ Fannie. Obama is #2 on the list in only 2 years! It took Dodd 10 years to get to #1. Barney Frank is in the top five and his one time "spouse" (Herb Moses), whom he is still on friendly terms with, was an exec at Fannie May. Dodd and he have blocked reforms that would have increased oversight.


Why aren't the libs talking about them????




Oh dear god. Have you not seen the news lately... what about McCain's aide taking in $15,000 per month since the end of 2005?

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Scary, McCain could be running this country.



Stunt Man

John McCain's latest crazy, brilliant, desperate campaign tactic.

By John Dickerson

Posted Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008, at 9:23 PM ET

John McCain. Click image to expand.John McCain


John McCain has launched his second Hail Mary pass in a month. On Wednesday he called for a suspension of the presidential campaign—no events, no ads, and no debate Friday—so that he and Barack Obama can head to Washington to forge a bipartisan solution. Even more than his selection of Sarah Palin as running mate, this gambit feels like a wild improvisation someone in the McCain team mapped out on his chest: OK, you run to the fire hydrant, cut left, and then when he gets to the Buick, John, you heave it.


It's not clear what, exactly, McCain is going to do in Washington. He doesn't sit on any of the relevant committees, and everyone is already deep in negotiations. Still, he's coming anyway. It doesn't make much logical sense. The only way to understand it is politically: In a presidential campaign, the surest sign that a candidate is playing politics on an issue is when he claims not to be playing politics on an issue. The only way for McCain to convince everyone that his intentions are 100 percent pure is for him to drop out of the race completely. A campaign doesn't end—and its distracting affects don't disappear—just because one candidate says so.


It's hard to believe that McCain's actions would pass his own laugh test. In fact, he's often snickered at his fellow senators who come in at the eleventh hour to lend a hand after McCain has done the hard work. But the McCain campaign is past caring about how journalists (or colleagues) view his moves. He hopes the rest of the country will see this as a leadership moment.


"Wet starting" his Skyhawk aboard the USS Foresstall doesn't sound so far fetched now.


Ice: "I don't like you. You are dangerous."

Maverick: "Yes Ice. I'm danger-ous."


Unfortuanatley in Hollywood... Over a 100 sailors do not perish.

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Oh dear god. Have you not seen the news lately... what about McCain's aide taking in $15,000 per month since the end of 2005?



It has been discussed above. There is no there there. I have seen the news. It is about Obama, Dodd, and Frank and their ties to Freddie/ Fannie over the years.

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"Wet starting" his Skyhawk aboard the USS Foresstall doesn't sound so far fetched now.


Ice: "I don't like you. You are dangerous."

Maverick: "Yes Ice. I'm danger-ous."


Unfortuanatley in Hollywood... Over a 100 sailors do not perish.



0:) you. Ask any sailor. They have seen the film during training and you are an idiot.

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