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Sarah Palin is an Idiot!

SD Jarhead

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I am not sure what to make?


"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened."




First of all... What did he say before and after this statement?


Obviously, television wasn't around and Hoover was President. If Biden came out and said this straight up... He should learn his history. Now if he was applying the past to what happens today in order to relate... I can see that... BUT, it is appears more dumb than even some of my twisted extrapolations.


Remember Joe... People take things literally in this country. I God forbid hope YOU (Biden) didn't!



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"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened."


In terms of Presidential leadership, FDR going on TV is second only to Lincoln releasing the Emancipation Proclomation on the Intarweb

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Like Palin's 40 seconds with the media yesterday?


Yes, 40 seconds


Ya know, you could just say he is a complete idiot and call it a day. It won't kill you to acknowledge that he made a huge blunder.


On a separate note, how pathetic is it that until this moment Biden seemed like the smart one of the four. Assuming of course that he was paid off by Hillary to sabotage Obama's campaign. Now, even if he was paid off, he will be remembered forever for a Dan Quayle like moment.

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Give me a break, Biden has been interviewed hundres of times



Did you see Palin on Hannity? :rolleyes:


I actually thought Palin did pretty well with the Hannity interview, and obviously most of the national media didn't have much of a bad take on it either since you didn't here much about it from them. Unlike the constant b.s. about things her family and the Bridge to Nowhere that they try to drill into the heads of Americans day in and day out. Two things which have pretty much zero affect on this election or this country. The point is that the liberal media, which dominates the newspapers and most of the television outlets, feels very threatened by what she has brought to the McCain campaign. Which is why they spend more time criticizing her on mostly petty issues than McCain on any important issues they may have of him. It's an absolute joke IMO.

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I actually thought Palin did pretty well with the Hannity interview, and obviously most of the national media didn't have much of a bad take on it either since you didn't here much about it from them. Unlike the constant b.s. about things her family and the Bridge to Nowhere that they try to drill into the heads of Americans day in and day out. Two things which have pretty much zero affect on this election or this country. The point is that the liberal media, which dominates the newspapers and most of the television outlets, feels very threatened by what she has brought to the McCain campaign. Which is why they spend more time criticizing her on mostly petty issues than McCain on any important issues they may have of him. It's an absolute joke IMO.


Yeah, you seem real neutral on the topic.


Palin is a joke and was picked as a publicity stunt. How does if feel to be one of the suckers?



Mind you, I am encouraging people to write in votes for Ron Paul now. Sure, he is a bit crazy and will be too old by 2012, but those are positives. We can send a message that the same old thing is no longer adequate. But keep pimping the "conservatives".

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