KD in CA Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 A dusky Dukakis?? Quote Is Obama Another Dukakis?Why is Obama so vapid, hesitant, and gutless?By Christopher Hitchens Updated Monday, Sept. 22, 2008, at 12:17 PM ET Last week really ought to have been the end of the McCain campaign. With the whole country feeling (and its financial class acting) as if we lived in a sweltering, bankrupt banana republic, and with this misery added to the generally Belarusian atmosphere that surrounds any American trying to board a train, catch a plane, fill a prescription, or get a public servant or private practitioner on the phone, it was surely the moment for the supposedly reform candidate to assume a commanding position. And the Republican nominee virtually volunteered to assist that outcome by making an idiot of himself several times over, moving from bovine and Panglossian serenity about the state of the many, many crippled markets to sudden bursts of pointless hyperactivity such as the irrelevant demand to sack the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. And yet, and unless I am about to miss some delayed "groundswell" or mood shift, none of this has translated into any measurable advantage for the Democrat. There are three possible reasons for such a huge failure on Barack Obama's part. The first, and the most widely canvassed, is that he is too nice, too innocent, too honest, and too decent to get down in the arena and trade bloody thrusts with the right-wing enemy. (This is rapidly becoming the story line that will achieve mythic status, along with allegations of racial and religious rumor-mongering, if he actually loses in November.) The second is that crisis and difficulty, at home and abroad, sometimes make electors slightly more likely to trust the existing establishment, or some version of it, than any challenger or newcomer, however slight. The third is that Obama does not, and perhaps even cannot, represent "change" for the very simple reason that the Democrats are a status quo party. To analyze this is to be obliged to balance some of the qualities of Obama's own personality with some of the characteristics of his party. Here's a swift test. Be honest. What sentence can you quote from his convention speech in Denver? I thought so. All right, what about his big rally speech in Berlin? Just as I guessed. OK, help me out: Surely you can manage to cite a line or two from his imperishable address on race (compared by some liberal academics to Gettysburg itself) in Philadelphia? No, not the line about his white grandmother. Some other line. Oh, dear. Now do you see what I mean? Why is Obama so vapid and hesitant and gutless? Why, to put it another way, does he risk going into political history as a dusky Dukakis? Well, after the self-imposed Jeremiah Wright nightmare, he can't afford any more militancy, or militant-sounding stuff, even if it might be justified. His other problems are self-inflicted or party-inflicted as well. He couldn't have picked a gifted Democratic woman as his running mate, because he couldn't have chosen a female who wasn't the ever-present Sen. Clinton, and so he handed the free gift of doing so to his Republican opponent (whose own choice has set up a screech from the liberals like nothing I have heard since the nomination of Clarence Thomas). So the unquantifiable yet important "atmospherics" of politics, with all their little X factors, belong at present to the other team. The Dukakis comparison is, of course, a cruel one, but it raises a couple more questions that must be faced. We are told by outraged Democrats that many voters still believe, thanks to some smear job, that Sen. Obama is a Muslim. Yet who is the most famous source of this supposedly appalling libel (as if an American candidate cannot be of any religion or none)? Absent any anonymous whispering campaign, the person who did most to insinuate the idea in public—"There is nothing to base that on. As far as I know"—was Obama's fellow Democrat and the junior senator from New York. It was much the same in 1988, when Al Gore brought up the Dukakis furlough program, later to be made infamous by the name Willie Horton, against the hapless governor of Massachusetts who was then his rival for the nomination. By the end of that grueling campaign season, a lot of us had got the idea that Dukakis actually wanted to lose—or was at the very least scared of winning. Why do I sometimes get the same idea about Obama? To put it a touch more precisely, what I suspect in his case is that he had no idea of winning this time around. He was running in Iowa and New Hampshire to seed the ground for 2012, not 2008, and then the enthusiasm of his supporters (and the weird coincidence of a strong John Edwards showing in Iowa) put him at the front of the pack. Yet, having suddenly got the leadership position, he hadn't the faintest idea what to do with it or what to do about it. Look at the record, and at Obama's replies to essential and pressing questions. The surge in Iraq? I'll answer that only if you insist. The credit crunch? Please may I be photographed with Bill Clinton's economic team? Georgia? After you, please, Sen. McCain. A vice-presidential nominee? What about a guy who, despite his various qualities, is picked because he has almost no enemies among Democratic interest groups? I ran into a rather clever Republican operative at the airport last week, who pointed out to me that this ought by rights to be a Democratic Party year across the board, from the White House to the Congress to the gubernatorial races. But there was a crucial energy leak, and it came from the very top. More people doubted Obama's qualifications for the presidency in September than had told the pollsters they had doubted these credentials in July. "So what he ought to do," smiled this man, "is spend his time closing that gap and less time attacking McCain." Obama's party hacks, increasingly white and even green about the gills, are telling him to do the opposite. I suppose this could even mean that Sarah Palin, down the road, will end up holding the door open for Hillary Clinton. Such joy!
PastaJoe Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 But, but, Dukakis was a governor like Sarah Palin, so he must have been ready to be president. Is McCain another Bob Dole; an old war hero out of touch with the realities of today??
KD in CA Posted September 22, 2008 Author Posted September 22, 2008 PastaJoe said: But, but, Dukakis was a governor like Sarah Palin, so he must have been ready to be president. Is McCain another Bob Dole; an old war hero out of touch with the realities of today?? A) I know you are too dumb to understand the difference, but Palin isn't running for President. B) Who says Dole was out of touch (oh wait...maybe he didn't use email!)? Obviously he was the sacrifical lamb in a year the GOP has no chance...kinda like Fritz in '84.
IDBillzFan Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 KD in CT said: A) I know you are too dumb to understand the difference, but Palin isn't running for President. Someone ought to tell that to the Dems. They seem very confused about it right now.
KD in CA Posted September 22, 2008 Author Posted September 22, 2008 LABillzFan said: Someone ought to tell that to the Dems. They seem very confused about it right now. But I do find it amusing that they are trying so hard (and not really succeeding as the article points out) to prove that their Presidential candidate is as qualified as the GOPs VP pick.
finknottle Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 KD in CT said: But I do find it amusing that they are trying so hard (and not really succeeding as the article points out) to prove that their Presidential candidate is as qualified as the GOPs VP pick. Well, you do have to work your way up through the minor leagues.
blzrul Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 Christopher Hitchens? You're asking people to believe Christopher Hitchens? I will take every word he says as gospel if you agree to do the same for...Oh, James Carville maybe? Duh,
Alaska Darin Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 blzrul said: Christopher Hitchens? You're asking people to believe Christopher Hitchens? I will take every word he says as gospel if you agree to do the same for...Oh, James Carville maybe? Duh, So you basically admit that the leading mouthpiece for the Democrats for a decade and a half is the equivalent of Chris Hitchens? It's as if your stupidity knows no boundaries. Please tell us again how only the Republicans are corrupt.
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 Alaska Darin said: So you basically admit that the leading mouthpiece for the Democrats for a decade and a half is the equivalent of Chris Hitchens? It's as if your stupidity knows no boundaries. Please tell us again how only the Republicans are corrupt. I am not sure what he was intimating, but I wouldn't go that far. Carville is at least an American by birth. Hitchens is a fricken limey infiltrator. Seriously, taking any of these campaign guys too seriously tells me something about someone's judgment. Even Carville doesn't, don't know enough about Hitchens. And regarding your last quote about corruptness, I think all people have a bit of it in their hearts. It just depends on how much. That is the hard part to judge.
StupidNation Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 I don't find it amusing they can't see the difference, I see it as pathetic and it shows the one-sidedness of the media.
molson_golden2002 Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 I thought he was Jimmy Carter? Or Al Smith? Gin soaked Chris Higgins can remember 1988? Amazing!
Lt. Dan's Revenge Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 KD in CT said: A) I know you are too dumb to understand the difference, but Palin isn't running for President. B) Who says Dole was out of touch (oh wait...maybe he didn't use email!)? Obviously he was the sacrifical lamb in a year the GOP has no chance...kinda like Fritz in '84. Amen to that brother. It sort of proves how ridiculous much of the far left out there can be when in many cases there best argument against John McCain being elected President has to do solely with a few predictable issues that these morons have with Sarah Palin. How much legislation has Obama written or directed during his time in Congress? I wonder if that number even exceeds how many autobiographies the ego-maniac has had the time to induldge in. Yet, Obama supporters are ALWAYS the quickest to jump on the lack-of-experience train. The only difference is that sentiment is against the GOP running mate, NOT the Presidential candidate himself, in which case their point is dead. Interesting.
IDBillzFan Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 KnockOut30 said: Amen to that brother. It sort of proves how ridiculous much of the far left out there can be when in many cases there best argument against John McCain being elected President has to do solely with a few predictable issues that these morons have with Sarah Palin. How much legislation has Obama written or directed during his time in Congress? I wonder if that number even exceeds how many autobiographies the ego-maniac has had the time to induldge in. Yet, Obama supporters are ALWAYS the quickest to jump on the lack-of-experience train. The only difference is that sentiment is against the GOP running mate, NOT the Presidential candidate himself, in which case their point is dead. Interesting. I'm telling ya, I'm finally on the Obama Express. It's a no-lose situation; he'll either trip through some dark hole and accidentally make the country strong and profitable through his entitlement tax plan or, more likely, he'll !@#$ this country up so badly and so embarrassingly that after his four years are up even the most die-hard libs will finally realize how ridiculous it is to EVER put another liberal in charge again. Go Barrack!!!! And hey Barrack....make sure Biden is nice and vocal because being vocal is good no matter who you are or how moronic the words are when they come out of his mouth!!! Obama/Biden in '08!!!
Booster4324 Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 LABillzFan said: I'm telling ya, I'm finally on the Obama Express. It's a no-lose situation; he'll either trip through some dark hole and accidentally make the country strong and profitable through his entitlement tax plan or, more likely, he'll !@#$ this country up so badly and so embarrassingly that after his four years are up even the most die-hard libs will finally realize how ridiculous it is to EVER put another liberal in charge again. Go Barrack!!!! And hey Barrack....make sure Biden is nice and vocal because being vocal is good no matter who you are or how moronic the words are when they come out of his mouth!!! Obama/Biden in '08!!! McCain/Palin supporters have little room to talk. I assume you will not be voting for them.
ExiledInIllinois Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 LABillzFan said: I'm telling ya, I'm finally on the Obama Express. It's a no-lose situation; he'll either trip through some dark hole and accidentally make the country strong and profitable through his entitlement tax plan or, more likely, he'll !@#$ this country up so badly and so embarrassingly that after his four years are up even the most die-hard libs will finally realize how ridiculous it is to EVER put another liberal in charge again. Go Barrack!!!! And hey Barrack....make sure Biden is nice and vocal because being vocal is good no matter who you are or how moronic the words are when they come out of his mouth!!! Obama/Biden in '08!!! Things seem pretty bleak right now... Usually I will ride things out... But, for the first time ever I locked (hopefully) my finances as they say under "the mattress." Hopefully safe and secure while I take a "wait and see" attititude... I am still young, no reason why my family and I should be on deck without a lifeline during the Super Typhoon. Nicely done the past 8 years Republicans! Good thing I had sense to see this coming years ago and adjusted accordingly and hopefully that lesson will not be lost on my children.
Booster4324 Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 ExiledInIllinois said: Things seem pretty bleak right now... Usually I will ride things out... But, for the first time ever I locked (hopefully) my finances as they say under "the mattress." Hopefully safe and secure while I take a "wait and see" attititude... I am still young, no reason why my family and I should be on deck without a lifeline during the Super Typhoon. Nicely done the past 8 years Republicans! Good thing I had sense to see this coming years ago and adjusted accordingly and hopefully that lesson will not be lost on my children. Ummm no. You either count it as 6 years of total Republican dominance or you go into the whole Dem Pres/Repub Congress. Either way you are wrong.
ExiledInIllinois Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Booster4324 said: McCain/Palin supporters have little room to talk. I assume you will not be voting for them. Most people who buy in to the whole "disturbia" hype I take will vote for McCain/Palin.
Booster4324 Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 ExiledInIllinois said: Most people who buy in to the whole "disturbia" hype I take will vote for McCain/Palin. Not me, I am writing in for Ron Paul.
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