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Changing of the Guard at QB in the NFL?


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I think that there is a changing of the guard going on when it comes to QBs in the NFL. With players like Manning, Favre, Bulger and Hasselback on the downhill side of their careers, we seem, for the first time in many years to have a collection of GOOD young quarterbacks taking over their teams.


Aaron Rogers, Jay Cutler, Jason Campbell and our Trent Edwards. It seems like there have been many years of QBs rising a bit and then failing to meet expectation, then falling off. QBs like Pennington, JP, Alex Smith, David Carr and others. Sure a good one has shown up here and there, Brady, Romo, Brees, but it seems now there is a whole group of young rising stars taking over their teams all at once.


This may be the beginning of a new "Golden Era" of rising stars in the QB ranks. How great is it that we are right there in the mix.

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