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Not sure if this has been said, but if I were a Raiders fan ...

dave mcbride

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I don't know about that - Gerard Warren was out with a neck injury, Derrick Burgess was out, and Gibril Wilson had been ejected. They were shorthanded.

OK, I'll grant you that; but, it is still odd that they went totally away from what was working rather than stick with it, even if only partially. Does Warren being out suddenly mean Nnamdi Asomugha can't cover man-to-man? Really?

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OK, I'll grant you that; but, it is still odd that they went totally away from what was working rather than stick with it, even if only partially. Does Warren being out suddenly mean Nnamdi Asomugha can't cover man-to-man? Really?


It seemed they laid down. I mentioned it to my creepy friends "Is this Kiffins F*You to Davis?" "We had the game but you are such a dick we lost it!"

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That, right there, is the question. Why they abandoned the defense that held Trent in check all day? And what can/will Buffalo do in the upcoming weeks when other teams copy what the Raiders did?

A lot of the Raiders' success was based on the fact that their defensive players flat-out dominated the Bills' counterparts on offense for most of the game. For most of the game there was no run blocking and no pass protection, and receivers couldn't get open or catch passes. Most other teams we face are unlikely to have the same quality of defensive secondaries as Oakland's, and won't have the same kind of DL pass rush Oakland had. I also think that players like Jason Peters and Lee Evans are likely to bounce back from the poor performances they had today.


That said, I agree that other teams should learn from what Oakland did today, and to try to imitate that success as much as possible. That would give them the best chance of defending against our offense.

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I didn't want to start a new thread for this but man, Jamarcus Russell has a freakin rocket arm doesn't he? He was flipping the ball 30 yards plus down field with a flick of his wrist. Amazing that they don't throw the ball more. I actually believe this could be a decent team if they get some better coaching. The defense is pretty solid (although I dislike Dangelo Hall quite a bit) and they have plenty of offensive weapons. They could finish with 7-8 wins this year if they get it together.

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And I'd wonder why a defense that was pressuring Edwards, not allowing any room for a receiver to get open, all of a sudden stops pressing and WR's and everyone is wide open the last quarter.... Most of the completions were to open receivers.


I'll take a stab at this; Yes, they brought the house in the first half, blitzing nearly every play. But we all know how that adage 'Live by the Blitz, ..' ends and they thought after shaking Trent in the first half they'd see if this young guy can pass as accurately as his press clippings claimed, against 7 DB's -some of which are outstanding. Guess what? Trent Edwards accuracy is as good as advertised and THAT, more than anything else is what all other teams are going to take from this game.


I, for one, am not worried. Any time a defense brings more pass rushers than the offense has blockers it becomes a jailbreak. But keeping it up for 60 minutes means you'll eventually get burned by it. The only lesson from yesterday is the Bills are for real!

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I'd have gone ballistic. There is no reason not to use your timeouts so that you can get the ball back with a minute or so to go. Unfreakingbelievable. Seriously. What is up with that??????

Just thank your lucky stars that the 'Wade Phillips/Gregggggg Williams/Mike Mularkey School of Clock Management' still prevails somewhere out there...


19 and 0 baby!!!!! :flirt:

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