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Promoting genocide for whites? Noel Ignatiev and the culture of Western suicide


Part of a long tradition that has opposed white interests and identity — the culture of critique that has become the culture of Western suicide.


There has been a renewed interest recently in a 2002 article by Paul Craig Roberts, actually the first of two (here is the second), drawing attention to a rather frightening phenomenon at Harvard University: the effort by a professor, Noel Ignatiev, and his journal, Race Traitor, to promote the “cultural and psychological genocide of whites.”


Now that’s an odd choice of words—guaranteed to draw attention to himself and his ideas. Was he in any way also promoting the slaughter/liquidation of whites, as some of his adversaries have suggested? Ignatiev says no. In his words,


We frequently get letters accusing us of being “racists,” just like the KKK, and have even been called a “hate group.” …


Our standard response is to draw an analogy with anti-royalism: to oppose monarchy does not mean killing the king; it means getting rid of crowns, thrones, royal titles, etc….


Ignatiev et al. have developed a story that goes as follows: A bunch of very bad people got together and created a category called “white” to which they belong but people with different colored skin can’t belong. Then they made laws that favored people in the white category, they colluded with other whites to dominate the economic and political process, and they invented baseless scientific theories in which whiteness had its roots in real biological differences.



Promoting genocide for whites? Noel Ignatiev and the culture of Western suicide


Part of a long tradition that has opposed white interests and identity — the culture of critique that has become the culture of Western suicide.


There has been a renewed interest recently in a 2002 article by Paul Craig Roberts, actually the first of two (here is the second), drawing attention to a rather frightening phenomenon at Harvard University: the effort by a professor, Noel Ignatiev, and his journal, Race Traitor, to promote the “cultural and psychological genocide of whites.”


Now that’s an odd choice of words—guaranteed to draw attention to himself and his ideas. Was he in any way also promoting the slaughter/liquidation of whites, as some of his adversaries have suggested? Ignatiev says no. In his words,


We frequently get letters accusing us of being “racists,” just like the KKK, and have even been called a “hate group.” …


Our standard response is to draw an analogy with anti-royalism: to oppose monarchy does not mean killing the king; it means getting rid of crowns, thrones, royal titles, etc….


Ignatiev et al. have developed a story that goes as follows: A bunch of very bad people got together and created a category called “white” to which they belong but people with different colored skin can’t belong. Then they made laws that favored people in the white category, they colluded with other whites to dominate the economic and political process, and they invented baseless scientific theories in which whiteness had its roots in real biological differences.




Jesus Christ. 3.5.

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