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Clinton fundraiser endorses McCain

KD in CA

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Lynn Rothschild says McCain is her candidate


Some telling quotes:


"I believe that Barack Obama, with MoveOn.org and Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean, has taken the Democratic Party — and they will continue to — too far to the left,"

No surprise there -- most sane people have come to a similar conclusion.



" just ask, who has Barack Obama ever stood up to? And that troubles me a lot," she said.

Hmmm....good question. Maybe one of our resident lunatics will answer that one. Or maybe we'll just get the usual nonsense from the usual sources.

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So why suddenly is someone who you would have labeled a "libitard loser" during the Democratic primary suddenly CREDIBLE?


Ah. When she agrees with YOU. Silly me.


By the way wouldn't wingnuts call this FLIP FLOPPING?


Give me a freaking break. She's allowed to change her mind, and voice her opinion. I don't see the polls changing much.


Nothing to see here folks.

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No surprise there -- most sane people have come to a similar conclusion.


But, but, but - according to the media, you have to be a straw-chewin' racist or an embittered feminist to switch!


Worrying about the leftward shift of the party towards moveon and code pink and the marginalization of the centrist DNC is not supposed to be a legitimate reason to support a moderate republican.

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So why suddenly is someone who you would have labeled a "libitard loser" during the Democratic primary suddenly CREDIBLE?

Awww...look who suddenly has thin skin; the bimbo who laces every post with 'Repigs' and 'Shurb' and whatever other 3d grade dysphemisms she can think up.


Actually nozzlenut, I didn't express any opinion about this woman and have no idea who she is. I merely pointed out that it is noteworthy that a significant Clinton fund raiser has rejected the Obama candidacy.


Give me a freaking break. She's allowed to change her mind, and voice her opinion. I don't see the polls changing much.

That's because you are a delusional nutjob. Obama's 8-10 point lead is now a dead heat.


Nothing to see here folks.

Yes, ignore reality that doesn't fit with your opinion. Gee, not too hypocritical, are you? :thumbsup:

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ORLANDO, Fla. -- Republican tactician Karl Rove said Wednesday that Sen. John McCain's vice presidential pick was a political choice and that excitement over Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will subside.




Wait a minute, someone you don't agree with can make a valid point??? :thumbsup: (laughing at nozzlenut)



Good find mg. Of course, Rove also said this:


Rove said Palin was a "political pick" just as Sen. Barack Obama's choice of Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden was, and that she is not the most qualified candidate.


All VP picks are 'political' picks. And there's no doubt that there were more qualified GOP choices. Rove is right, Palin has been a shot in the arm to the campaign and the high will subside by the time the election rolls around. But I don't know what else McCain could have done; he needed to steal the spotlight and has done so. I don't believe he'd be even in the polls with Romney. Now, much like the Mets trying to hang onto a game in the late innings, they'll try to squeak this thing out before it all falls apart.


There isn't much doubt in my mind that this has been the Dem's election to lose since Hillary announced 18 months ago and they are still the favorite to win this thing.

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There isn't much doubt in my mind that this has been the Dem's election to lose since Hillary announced 18 months ago and they are still the favorite to win this thing.

It amazes me that Dems yell and scream that our president sucks, our economy sucks and our country sucks and everything sucks, and yet they can do nothing more than cling to whatever lead they have left. You'd think they could win this think walking away.


And to expedite their freefall...the beauty that is Joe Biden, who now states that "Paying Higher Taxes Is Patriotic!" :thumbsup::(:lol:


Hey Joe...nice strategy; "Hey middle class...I have good news for you; we're going to give you free money for no reason after we take it from the 5% of the people who actually earn money in this world, and we're doing to it MAKE everyone more patriotic!!!! Now listen, we're not going to make YOU pay more taxes, so you can be LESS Patriotic, but that's okay because we only need 5% of this country to be MORE Patriotic. And oh, by the way, all you lower and lower-middle class people? You get nothing. But you don't pay anything, anyway, so you weren't patriotic to begin with, but if we have anything left, we'll get you some food stamps!!! Now THAT's change you can believe in!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


What a !@#$ing maroon that dude is. Every time Biden opens his mouth, Hillary must piss her diaper a little bit.

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You'd think they could win this think walking away.


And without resorting nasty smear tactics that far exceed anything directed at Gore or Kerry or Obama. Then again, maybe that's one of the reasons they lost to Bush twice and haven't put McCain away yet.



And to expedite their freefall...the beauty that is Joe Biden, who now states that "Paying Higher Taxes Is Patriotic!" :thumbsup::(:lol:


What a buffoon. Looking forward to Sarah bringing that up in the VP debate.

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It amazes me that Dems yell and scream that our president sucks, our economy sucks and our country sucks and everything sucks, and yet they can do nothing more than cling to whatever lead they have left. You'd think they could win this think walking away.


And to expedite their freefall...the beauty that is Joe Biden, who now states that "Paying Higher Taxes Is Patriotic!" :thumbsup::(:lol:


Hey Joe...nice strategy; "Hey middle class...I have good news for you; we're going to give you free money for no reason after we take it from the 5% of the people who actually earn money in this world, and we're doing to it MAKE everyone more patriotic!!!! Now listen, we're not going to make YOU pay more taxes, so you can be LESS Patriotic, but that's okay because we only need 5% of this country to be MORE Patriotic. And oh, by the way, all you lower and lower-middle class people? You get nothing. But you don't pay anything, anyway, so you weren't patriotic to begin with, but if we have anything left, we'll get you some food stamps!!! Now THAT's change you can believe in!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


What a !@#$ing maroon that dude is. Every time Biden opens his mouth, Hillary must piss her diaper a little bit.


Nice of you to diss on the 95% of working Americans who in your opinion just sit on their butts while the 5%ers do all the heavy lifting.

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It must be nice to be a member of a political party. You always know that you're side is right, and the other side is wrong. You don't even have to think for yourself, you can just blindly follow your leaders while discounting anything and everything that comes from the other side. They are the repigs or the libitards. Impressive. Deeply religous people can still occasionally see the value of other teachings. Somehow, the political discourse in this country does not allow for open-mindedness.


These last eight years have been so refreshing to have elected officials in the White House who are absolutely certain that their course of action is the correct one. Considering alternatives is for pussies. :thumbsup:

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Nice of you to diss on the 95% of working Americans who in your opinion just sit on their butts while the 5%ers do all the heavy lifting.


How do you measure heavy lifting? How about the percentage of your year spent working, the proceeds of which go entirely to the USG?


I look forward to your definition.

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It amazes me that Dems yell and scream that our president sucks, our economy sucks and our country sucks and everything sucks, and yet they can do nothing more than cling to whatever lead they have left. You'd think they could win this think walking away.


And to expedite their freefall...the beauty that is Joe Biden, who now states that "Paying Higher Taxes Is Patriotic!" :thumbsup::(:lol:


Hey Joe...nice strategy; "Hey middle class...I have good news for you; we're going to give you free money for no reason after we take it from the 5% of the people who actually earn money in this world, and we're doing to it MAKE everyone more patriotic!!!! Now listen, we're not going to make YOU pay more taxes, so you can be LESS Patriotic, but that's okay because we only need 5% of this country to be MORE Patriotic. And oh, by the way, all you lower and lower-middle class people? You get nothing. But you don't pay anything, anyway, so you weren't patriotic to begin with, but if we have anything left, we'll get you some food stamps!!! Now THAT's change you can believe in!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


What a !@#$ing maroon that dude is. Every time Biden opens his mouth, Hillary must piss her diaper a little bit.


That was awesome. Thank you and I enjoyed reading that. I guess I'm not patriotic then?

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Lynn Rothschild says McCain is her candidate


Some telling quotes:



No surprise there -- most sane people have come to a similar conclusion.




Hmmm....good question. Maybe one of our resident lunatics will answer that one. Or maybe we'll just get the usual nonsense from the usual sources.




If she was a true supporter of Hillary she would be backing Obama. Obama and Hillary's plans were very much alike except when it came to health care. Smart person, my person didn't get the nod, so I'll vote for someone who is almost an exact opposite of Hillary. :thumbsup:

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If she was a true supporter of Hillary she would be backing Obama. Obama and Hillary's plans were very much alike except when it came to health care. Smart person, my person didn't get the nod, so I'll vote for someone who is almost an exact opposite of Hillary. :thumbsup:


Would you support a drooling idiot if his campaign manager handed him a scripted set of platforms that you agreed with? Are assessments of competance, experience, judgement, demeaner, etc all out of bounds?


Or is it that it never occured to you that some people have concerns about Obama himself?

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