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Sarah Palin Email: LOL


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You remind me of the old Molson, too dumb to know when you are getting spanked badly.

Spanked? where? Have you been paying attention. I am leading this idiot right along. Like a moth to the flame. testing my theory that Libs will follow, all you have to do is give them direction. :w00t:

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Spanked? where? Have you been paying attention. I am leading this idiot right along. Like a moth to the flame. testing my theory that Libs will follow, all you have to do is give them direction. :w00t:


this is why conservatives need educations like liberals, geesh, don't you know its leading a moth to a bug zapper you aren't allowed to just have fires anymore it endangers your neighbors

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I am not sure who hacked this but ... when you use Yahoo.com for email you have to know it could be hacked. She's surely not the only one who's ever been hacked. Just maybe the highest profile, to date.


What is apparently the political issue is that the personal email account was used for state business. This is a no-no, for security / privacy reasons if nothing else.


My company requires that all business be conducted on our network, behind our firewall, in order to protect our data as well as for legal/documentation purposes (of course email's backed up). I believe most state and local governments adhere to the same rules.


Isn't using the word "hacking" a little generous for this situation? Sounds like Palin was just too dimwitted to realize that as a public person it wouldn't be too hard for someone to find out the answer to security questions like "What's your mother's maiden name?" or "What city were you born in?".

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