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Sarah Palin Email: LOL


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I am not sure who hacked this but ... when you use Yahoo.com for email you have to know it could be hacked. She's surely not the only one who's ever been hacked. Just maybe the highest profile, to date.


What is apparently the political issue is that the personal email account was used for state business. This is a no-no, for security / privacy reasons if nothing else.


My company requires that all business be conducted on our network, behind our firewall, in order to protect our data as well as for legal/documentation purposes (of course email's backed up). I believe most state and local governments adhere to the same rules.

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My company requires that all business be conducted on our network, behind our firewall, in order to protect our data as well as for legal/documentation purposes (of course email's backed up). I believe most state and local governments adhere to the same rules.


Adhere is not the same as Have. They all have them, but I would suggest that there is not a single organization that fully adhere's to its regulations.


As a rule of thumb, the more important the person, the more likely they ignore the regs. How many bigshots of both political parties have been found to have taken classified documents home in the past decade?

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Never figured out that it had AT&T logos and not stars on the Donkey, did you?


(This troll is awesome, btw)

No troll, been here for ahwile original name never made it through the mishap of login trouble. And no, it was fun teasing you. It s kinda funny when you realize your servant is your master. :pirate:

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Why would I be ashamed? Democratz rule, others dr00l.
:death: Just read your bio. Says it all ,you are only 23 years old you don't know sh-- about sh--, wee boy. just keep doing what they tell ya :pirate::pirate: No wonder you sound like a child. Isn't there a chat room titled Kiddies, Children and Wet Dreamers. :rolleyes:
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:death: Just read your bio. Says it all ,you are only 23 years old you don't know sh-- about sh--, wee boy. just keep doing what they tell ya :pirate::pirate: No wonder you sound like a child. Isn't there a chat room titled Kiddies, Children and Wet Dreamers. :rolleyes:


ya right u prolly old man like mccain can't drive a car cuz ur too senile dumbo

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Normally I agree... But, again: "No quarter asked, no quarter given." Now, it is all about: "Tit for tat, who's the bigger rat!"


And normally I agree, but YOU are the folks who are embracing the platform of "CHANGE."


What part of the "Obama Doctrine" (lol) of "CHANGE" does hacking into a personal private email account fit into? Seriously, youve pulled your hair out over your accusations of the Bushies playing fast and loose with people's privacy (which, to be fair, I can get my head around), youve whined about our "loss of basic rights".... yet you give a pass to whats going on here? How?

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And normally I agree, but YOU are the folks who are embracing the platform of "CHANGE."


What part of the "Obama Doctrine" (lol) of "CHANGE" does hacking into a personal private email account fit into? Seriously, youve pulled your hair out over your accusations of the Bushies playing fast and loose with people's privacy (which, to be fair, I can get my head around), youve whined about our "loss of basic rights".... yet you give a pass to whats going on here? How?


there's a HUGE difference between journalists finding a way to hack the e mail box of someone and the Government voting laws so that they can go into the e mail boxes of everybody!!!!

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there's a HUGE difference between journalists finding a way to hack the e mail box of someone and the Government voting laws so that they can go into the e mail boxes of everybody!!!!


Thats like saying its OK to drink and drive on beer but not on vodka.


At the end of the day, its an invasion of privacy, no matter who/what/why carried it out.


And I dont think either is right.

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Thats like saying its OK to drink and drive on beer but not on vodka.


At the end of the day, its an invasion of privacy, no matter who/what/why carried it out.


And I dont think either is right.


Am I (a frenchman) actually having a discussion with american conservatives about the evils of strong governments and being the one that actually worry about those evils?!!! I think Hell is freezing right now!!

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What the hell is with this argument? Journalists didn't hack into the account, the Obama campaign didn't hack into the account, some random btard did who isn't affiliated with anyone.


Talk about straw men.


But a lot of liberals here (and elsewhere) are LOLing and high-fiving over it. These are the same folks who are up in arms over the current Admin "spying", state that the Patriot Act amounts to "invasion of privacy" and has these claims as one of the pillars of their hatred of the Admin.


Thats my problem with this.

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But a lot of liberals here (and elsewhere) are LOLing and high-fiving over it. These are the same folks who are up in arms over the current Admin "spying", state that the Patriot Act amounts to "invasion of privacy" and has these claims as one of the pillars of their hatred of the Admin.


Thats my problem with this.


Your argument is that it's not possible to laugh at Sarah Palin's crime without approving of some random btards crime? :thumbsup:

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