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I've never seen such a divided electorate with this much passion. To me it boils down to Humanists vs a God Fearing populace. Whoever get's elected there is sure to be a backlash. For me the hatred surfaced for the first time back in Seattle around 1997 at a WTO meeting . There was serious rioting by crazed world anarchists who have bought into all the academic conspiracy theories (ie Trilateral Commission) we've heard at the Universities. Can there be a bigger buffoon than Michael Moore? Or a more vast wasteland of airwaves than MTV? What's happening to the good old USA?

Guest RabidBillsFanVT

I'll tell you what's happening to the USA...


You left off the crazy religious right, who is bound and determined to shackle our freedom through their various mouthpieces and outlets in government. And also, you failed to mention Rush Limbaugh, to be fair.


What is happening is that we are WAY too sensitive about EVERYTHING, and we are trying to legislate guns, smoking, television, university PC policies, adult publications/establishments, alternative marriages, child punishment, etc... I am TIRED of the far left who wants to regulate everything, and the far right who wants to dictate what I can and cannot do as an adult.


What ever happened to mind your own BUSINESS?????

I'll tell you what's happening to the USA...


You left off the crazy religious right, who is bound and determined to shackle our freedom through their various mouthpieces and outlets in government. And also, you failed to mention Rush Limbaugh, to be fair.


What is happening is that we are WAY too sensitive about EVERYTHING, and we are trying to legislate guns, smoking, television, university PC policies, adult publications/establishments, alternative marriages, child punishment, etc... I am TIRED of the far left who wants to regulate everything, and the far right who wants to dictate what I can and cannot do as an adult.


What ever happened to mind your own BUSINESS?????




Can you even give us two examples of how the right has shackled your freedoms? I doubt it......but it is your typical rhetoric sound bite.


Most of today’s problems can be blamed on the leftist movement in this country. We have always had the puritan religious right in this country and have done quite well with them throughout the centuries. The PC- hippy crowd has been around for the last 30 or so years and has done more damage to the American psyche then the Salem witch trials could ever have done.


I think it is somewhat appropriate that we have a PPP board on what primarily began as a messageboard for fans of a particular sports franchise. Politics has become more like a game now than ever before in our history. Look no further than major news organizations electoral "scoreboards".


It has become less about what might be good for the whole country and ALL it's citizens, than a game about which party won. We're tracking party affiliations for governors now. As someone who lives in Mass, why should I care about which party the governor of Idaho belongs to unless I plan on living there? We have a Republican governor here in Mass, and yet some consider us a liberal state, or even part of the country at all (Lott?).


There are fundamental differences in ideologies between the two major parties with regards to abortion, gun control, labor, seperation of church and state, social programs...it's not a game.


I do blame the hippies for crappy music, though. The Grateful Dead is not rock, people, it is jazz, and bad jazz at that.

I've never seen such a divided electorate with this much passion. To me it boils down to Humanists vs a God Fearing populace. Whoever get's elected there is sure to be a backlash. For me the hatred surfaced for the first time back in Seattle around 1997 at a WTO meeting . There was serious rioting by crazed world anarchists who have bought into all the academic conspiracy theories (ie Trilateral Commission) we've  heard at the Universities. Can there be a bigger buffoon than Michael Moore? Or a more vast wasteland of airwaves than MTV? What's happening to the good old USA?


There have always been loonies on the left and the right. None of them have ever had enough political sway to be much of a factor. That is no longer true. For example, neither hippies nor skin heads ever elected anyone. The christian right is the first radical fringe element to ever have much success on the political front, now more than ever before. The goof you mention from MTV to the 1997 WTO protesters have zero political clout. In terms of actual power, they have none. They are no more than a sideshow, something for the right to use as a bogeyman to scare up the faithful. The loonies of the right however are running the republican show. The party is in the thrall of Limbaugh, Coulter and the rest. Fanatic extremists who have to out-do eachother when it comes to ever more ludicrous accusations against anyone who disagrees with them.


We see those kinds of accusations pop up on this board daily from the usual characters. By the time they are debunked, five more take their place. Two weeks later, accusations are recycled and appear again and you have to go through it all one more time. Before you know it, pure bs is repeated as presumed fact over and over.


If one seriously believes it is a contest between a godless heathen satan worshipper and a virtual messiah, any means can be justified by the end.


politcs these days reminds me of an old bugs bunny and daffy duck cartoon


democrats: wabbit season!

republicans: duck season!

democrats: wabbit season!

republicans: duck season!

democrats: wabbit season!

republicans: duck season!

democrats: wabbit season!

republicans: duck season!

democrats: wabbit season!

republicans: duck season!

democrats: wabbit season!

republicans: duck season!

democrats: wabbit season!

republicans: duck season!

democrats: wabbit season!

republicans: duck season!


I don’t know what county most of you are from, but here in the USA I have lost count of how many times in my life a Hippy, granola or druggy has ask me if I wanted a hit off their joint, pipe or bong. I have yet to be asked by a person from the so-called “religious right” if I want to go to a church revival.


Now I ask you who is screwing up our society and corrupting the young more?

I don’t know what county most of you are from, but here in the USA I have lost count of how many times in my life a Hippy, granola or druggy has ask me if I wanted a hit off their joint, pipe or bong. I have yet to be asked by a person from the so-called “religious right” if I want to go to a church revival. 


Now I ask you who is screwing up our society and corrupting the young more?



Here here.


It is amazing to hear all this talk of the loss of our freedoms and the great right-wing conspiracy. Im still waiting to meet one of its victims (or perps.) Yet where I live (Boulder, CO) there is no shortage of bongs in use during discussions of how to take down GW. ":PFFFFFFIITTTcoughcough: Give peace a chance dude...:PFFFFFFIITTTcoughcough:" Nothing gainst pot visa vie alchohol, per say, but its use does in fact create a false sence of 'harmony' for those who fail to enter into living in the real world where one must make tough decisions.


And JinM, I too have long believed that our current cultural war is really a battle between religion and secular humanism. That it is somewhat a stereo type does not negate the larger truth.

Can you even give us two examples of how the right has shackled your freedoms? I doubt it......but it is your typical rhetoric sound bite.


Just a Few Examples:

Want to restrict womens right to choose

Want to restrict marriage to be between man and a women

Want to restrict gay couples any rights to participate in decisions for the partner

Want to force all children to pray in school to a christian God

Want to force religious beliefs on the rest of world

Want to prohibit protest rights of an individual

Just a Few Examples:

Want to restrict womens right to choose

Want to restrict marriage to be between man and a women

Want to restrict gay couples any rights to participate in decisions for the partner

Want to force all children to pray in school to a christian God

Want to force religious beliefs on the rest of world

Want to prohibit protest rights of an individual





#1, 2, 3 may be true, but I am all for them. I think our nation is morally bankrupt and these retrictions are appropriate.


#4, 5, 6 is simply a bunch of nonsense.

Just a Few Examples:

Want to restrict womens right to choose

Want to restrict marriage to be between man and a women

Want to restrict gay couples any rights to participate in decisions for the partner

Want to force all children to pray in school to a christian God

Want to force religious beliefs on the rest of world

Want to prohibit protest rights of an individual




and just because #1, 2 and 3 are what the Religous right wants.....it doesn't mean it will accomplish it. So don't tell me they have shackled your freedoms.

Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Can you even give us two examples of how the right has shackled your freedoms? I doubt it......but it is your typical rhetoric sound bite.



TRIED to applies as well...


Drinking age raised to 21


Trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade (I don't want to see women have to go back to coathangers and people finding abandoned babies in bathrooms more frequently)


Can't buy some adult material in all states or without being in a special building that's boarded up and painted black


Fighting our right to gamble if we so choose in some states


Censoring certain art or films



These are but a few examples... If you want rhetoric and sound bites, look to Bush for all the ones you will ever need.

TRIED to applies as well...


Drinking age raised to 21


Trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade (I don't want to see women have to go back to coathangers and people finding abandoned babies in bathrooms more frequently)


Can't buy some adult material in all states or without being in a special building that's boarded up and painted black


Fighting our right to gamble if we so choose in some states


Censoring certain art or films

These are but a few examples... If you want rhetoric and sound bites, look to Bush for all the ones you will ever need.



All lead by democrat mommies except for the Roe Vs. wade which transcends political labels.


Can't buy some adult material in all states or without being in a special building that's boarded up and painted black




Holy Crap!??!?!!?!? <_<


Are you serious???

You think it would be an ok thing to have adult porn stores have window dressing like Macy's???


Children are already inundated with porn coming at them from all angles on the internet....as has been proven by any child who has gone to www.whitehouse.com to do a paper on the White House.....and it is even worse when they can get addicted to it and begin purposely looking for it. And you want it available to them in a store window?


and then.....you wonder why the youth are going to hell in a handbasket.

Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Holy Crap!??!?!!?!?    :angry:


Are you serious???

You think it would be an ok thing to have adult porn stores have window dressing like Macy's???


Children are already inundated with porn coming at them from all angles on the internet....as has been proven by any child who has gone to www.whitehouse.com to do a paper on the White House.....and it is even worse when they can get addicted to it and begin purposely looking for it.  And you want it available to them in a store window?


and then.....you wonder why the youth are going to hell in a handbasket.



BULLSH*T!! European children are going to hell in a handbasket because theirs is out there without such restrictions?? PLEASE. I refuse to buy this routine where people blame OTHERS for their children's actions!! It's called BE A PARENT, not expect someone else to LEGISLATE what can and can't be sold in a store. When presented with such an example as in so many other countries, the case for such restrictive behavior falls apart rapidly.


That's what gets me!! You can restrict my right to sell/own such material, and yet so many conservatives rail on the protection of their right to own whatever gun they want to???? PLEASE.. You have your amendment, and I have mine. I'm SICK of the hypocritical right.

BULLSH*T!! European children are going to hell in a handbasket because theirs is out there without such restrictions?? PLEASE. I refuse to buy this routine where people blame OTHERS for their children's actions!! It's called BE A PARENT, not expect someone else to LEGISLATE what can and can't be sold in a store. When presented with such an example as in so many other countries, the case for such restrictive behavior falls apart rapidly.


That's what gets me!! You can restrict my right to sell/own such material, and yet so many conservatives rail on the protection of their right to own whatever gun they want to???? PLEASE.. You have your amendment, and I have mine. I'm SICK of the hypocritical right.




the sad thing is Europeans have become numb to it.

i would rather see people passionately fight for what they believe in (left and right) than to become numb to it and not fight for or against certain issues.

Guest RabidBillsFanVT
the sad thing is Europeans have become numb to it.

i would rather see people passionately fight for what they believe in (left and right) than to become numb to it and not fight for or against certain issues.



They haven't just become numb to it overnight; they have had it right all along by not legislating it. We treat sex in this country as if it were the most disgusting thing in the world, to be restrained and curtailed at every turn.


The problem is we NEVER FIGHT for the right issues, the ones that REALLY have an impact on our daily lives, such as protecting our resources, educating our children properly, strengthening our judicial system to make criminals serve complete sentences, and helping those who really need it. I HATE these 'sideshow' issues that detract from the most important ones, such as conservative religious people trying to legislate our lives to death, and the liberal extremists who want to give everything away and deflect responsibility.

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