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The subject of overconfidence


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This team has clearly found it's winning mojo. You can not find one negative comment about this team and that's because they have looked very impressive in their first two games of the season. Now we have a Raider team that might be too dysfunctional for "The Jerry Springer Show", coming to town this week. Everything points to a big Bills win! My only hope is that this young team can keep their feet firmly planted on the ground and to not listen about how good they are and how they're going to be in the playoffs. This team looked bad at tackling against the Jags and the Raiders now have a very good runningback in McFadden. This is a big test for this team to see how they handle success. They were playing with house money in Jacksonville. Other than the Bills themselves and their fans, they were not expected to win it. This week is much different. I think that their character won't allow them take the Raiders lightly. But whether you believe it or not, this week is a big test for them.

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I don't think a team as hungry as this one is really susceptible to trap games. To my knowledge, there's only one Bill with a Super Bowl ring. Other than he, most of the players on this team have experienced a very moderate amount of success, and in many cases altogether too much failure. For every Marshawn Lynch or Trent Edwards who could get overexcited, there's a Josh Reed or an Aaron Schobel to remind them how difficult it is to find success in this league.


The head coach of the team is a steadying voice, who keeps himself on an even keel. A team that wants to win as badly as this one does will be able to keep their focus week in and week out. JMO, of course.

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This team has clearly found it's winning mojo. You can not find one negative comment about this team and that's because they have looked very impressive in their first two games of the season. Now we have a Raider team that might be too dysfunctional for "The Jerry Springer Show", coming to town this week. Everything points to a big Bills win! My only hope is that this young team can keep their feet firmly planted on the ground and to not listen about how good they are and how they're going to be in the playoffs. This team looked bad at tackling against the Jags and the Raiders now have a very good runningback in McFadden. This is a big test for this team to see how they handle success. They were playing with house money in Jacksonville. Other than the Bills themselves and their fans, they were not expected to win it. This week is much different. I think that their character won't allow them take the Raiders lightly. But whether you believe it or not, this week is a big test for them.

If they frequent this board, this shouldn't be an issue at all. They will find out they beat 2 injured and bad teams, can't tackle, give up too many rushing yards, are too conservative on offense, and have a terrible head coach.


But seriously, I don't think you can get too cocky after 2 games. The veteran players that have been with Buffalo a few years know the losing feeling all too well. I do believe that the Raiders will give the Bills a game, I don't think they are as horrible as some people believe. The Bills should win, but they are not a great team that will roll opponents on a weekly basis yet. The Bills aren't good enough yet for this game to be called a "trap" game, which so many here are calling it. I am predicting a Bills win, but I would take the Raiders with the points....GO BILLS!!!!

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2 things that separate a fan from somebody that actually plays in the NFL.


1. What a fan thinks or feels about his team's chances have no bearing whatsoever on the outcome of any of the games.


2. Fans can also drink before and during a big game.



Vanderjagt was caught with a flask behind his non kicking leg thigh pad back in 2005




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I stopped after reading the first sentence.


We won 2 games in a row. I know that around here we think that's amazing, but around the NFL its not really a big deal.


Didn't we win like 6 of 8 games last year or something like that? THAT is finding your "winning mojo," not 2 games. Come on'

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I stopped after reading the first sentence.


We won 2 games in a row. I know that around here we think that's amazing, but around the NFL its not really a big deal.


Didn't we win like 6 of 8 games last year or something like that? THAT is finding your "winning mojo," not 2 games. Come on'



Give me a break, if you can't see a difference between this year and last year then I seriously can not help you. Last year 0-3 and looking very pathetic, this year 2-0 and looking very impressive doing it. This year they have the "winning mojo", last year they had nothing to brag about when you consider the crappy teams that they beat.

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