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Blow to the QB's Head on Trent Edwards fumble?

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I'm sorry, but that was just a FOOTBALL hit. There was no intention to hurt Trent there. Move on.

No, it wasn't a "football hit." It was a head-to-head shot on a QB. Referees don't judge intent to injure when protecting the QB.


You are wrong. He was in the act of throwing and therefore "defenseless". That the ball was batted out of his hands was of no consequence. Officials blew it on this one. There is no gray area on helmet to helmet hits on the QB. No area of leniency. The call should have been personal foul on JAX, helmet to helmet hit or roughing the passer and Bills keep possession. No questions asked. This was clear whether you are Bills or Jags fan. The personal foul would have negated the play. The helmet to helmet clearly occurred before the ball was recovered.

Good post.


I guess what i meant was since the fumble was occuring alot of those rules go out the window

Fair enough. :lol:

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I'm not exactly positive on how this call works but Reggie Hayward jumped in the air towards Trent Edwards 1/2 second later the fumble is forced, while Hayward is still in the air, then Hayward's Helmet goes directly into Trent's Face mask (unabated to the quarter back or something?)....like I said idk how it works if Trent lost possession but if he was in the air before the fumble should it be counted as a blow to the head and the Bills be awarded a 15 yd personal foul penalty and receive that ball back? Just a question that could possibly be answered by a more NFL Rules knowledgeable person.


http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d80acb481 <----Here's a link to the highlights and about 2:30 into the highlight you can see a good view of the play.






You want a blow to the head, or hands to the face?????

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