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The "left-wing liberal media" is a myth. Sure, there are individual anchors and reporters who may have their agendas (Kieth Olbermann comes to mind), but the right has a media machine in Fox News, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. As if on cue, everyone focuses on the same message and drills it home. So if the Republicans want the press painted as sexist just because they are doing their job with Sarah Palin, BOOM, it's a done deal within 24 hours. Their coordination and precision is impressive.


Democrats are a disparate collection of interests pulling in all directions at once. Republicans have disparate interests too. But they stake their respective turfs: oil, finance, religion, etc, and move in lock step. Ruthless efficiency. It's a shame they are leading this country straight to hell.



Promo, you honestly expect me to believe there is no left-wing liberal media at all? Katie Couric is not liberal? Tom Brokaw is not liberal? Dan Rather is not liberal? George Stephanopolus is not liberal? Chris Matthews is not liberal? MSNBC, NBC, & CNN have no liberal leaning views whatsoever? The New York Times is not liberal? The Los Angeles Times is not liberal? I live in the Bay Area and I read the San Francisco Chronicle, are you telling me they are not liberal?


If you hate Fox News because you believe it is a "right-wing machine", fine. Yet does that mean that people like Alan Colmes, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Kirsten Powers, Juan Williams, & Wesley Clark are all committed right wingers? Clark may not be there anymore, I have'nt seen him for some time, yet he worked there for awhile.


I watch Fox News a lot and I am a conservative, and there definitely is conservative viewpoints on that station. Yet I have seen no proof from anyone that shows it is a "right-wing machine".


I look forward to your response Promo.

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Promo, you honestly expect me to believe there is no left-wing liberal media at all? Katie Couric is not liberal? Tom Brokaw is not liberal? Dan Rather is not liberal? George Stephanopolus is not liberal? Chris Matthews is not liberal? MSNBC, NBC, & CNN have no liberal leaning views whatsoever? The New York Times is not liberal? The Los Angeles Times is not liberal? I live in the Bay Area and I read the San Francisco Chronicle, are you telling me they are not liberal?


If you hate Fox News because you believe it is a "right-wing machine", fine. Yet does that mean that people like Alan Colmes, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Kirsten Powers, Juan Williams, & Wesley Clark are all committed right wingers? Clark may not be there anymore, I have'nt seen him for some time, yet he worked there for awhile.


I watch Fox News a lot and I am a conservative, and there definitely is conservative viewpoints on that station. Yet I have seen no proof from anyone that shows it is a "right-wing machine".


I look forward to your response Promo.



You honestly expect me to believe that The Disney Company would allow (or encourage) their network's news division to push a liberal agenda? What about Viacom's or NBC Universal or Time Warner, etc? These are major corporations, and the CEO, the top executives the board of directors are extremely unlikely to have, and/or want to push a liberal agenda.


It is true that journalists, as a group, tend to a little more liberal than society, at large. This situation doesn't seem to be as dramatic as it was, say 30 years ago, as our society in general has become more conservative (for one...but there are other reasons for this slow shift, as well). But, fortunately for all of us, the generally accepted rules of journalism, the constraints of working for large capitalistic companies and basic day-to-day work routines, keep the opinions of the individuals fairly removed from the reported news at the big networks. Commentators may air their opinions, but commentary is a very small part of the network news', and major newspapers', product. Now, that's not to say the system doesn't, very occasionally fail, and a reporters (or more likely producer's) bias might be revealed. These are usually big stories, and become problems and embarrassments for the corporation. Obviously, they (the companies' management) are trying hard to make sure they are not repeated. But, mistakes sometimes happen.


By contrast, Fox News manages to subvert many of the journalistic controls in place, as they are a network made up, almost exclusively, of commentators. If Katie Couric, or Brokaw made remarks that are made by many of Fox News' main personalities, they would be raked over the coals, and likely fired. But, as Fox's main personalities, are commentators, they are treated differently. Alas, I don't think the average viewer understands the difference.


But, there are biases in the news. Some of those biases might seem to be liberal, some conservative. But, the overwhelming biases in the mainstream news are those of expediency...people working to get a product (that should pass certain criteria) to market with a hard deadline.


Two very good academic books, that have studies media bias (and aren't authored by someone who has a well known belief or bias, and aren't sponsored by a partisan organization) are:


Deciding What's News, by Herbert Gans


Manufacturing the News, by Mark Fishman


In many ways, these books are dated. They were both written before the rise of cable news companies and the rise of the Internet. But the basics of what they study (and the methods of the studies) are sound, and still ring true. There are probably newer books that are good, too, but I am familiar with these two.


There are some biases in the news. Intentional bias is minor, though. The whole "left wing media" is indeed a fabrication, for the most part, of the right wing. I admit, they have been very effective in selling the myth to their constituency, though.

Promo, you honestly expect me to believe there is no left-wing liberal media at all? Katie Couric is not liberal? Tom Brokaw is not liberal? Dan Rather is not liberal? George Stephanopolus is not liberal? Chris Matthews is not liberal? MSNBC, NBC, & CNN have no liberal leaning views whatsoever? The New York Times is not liberal? The Los Angeles Times is not liberal? I live in the Bay Area and I read the San Francisco Chronicle, are you telling me they are not liberal?


If you hate Fox News because you believe it is a "right-wing machine", fine. Yet does that mean that people like Alan Colmes, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Kirsten Powers, Juan Williams, & Wesley Clark are all committed right wingers? Clark may not be there anymore, I have'nt seen him for some time, yet he worked there for awhile.


I watch Fox News a lot and I am a conservative, and there definitely is conservative viewpoints on that station. Yet I have seen no proof from anyone that shows it is a "right-wing machine".


I look forward to your response Promo.


Look at the puff piece interview that Shammity just did with Palin. That wasn't a hard-hitting interview, it was a conservative mutual admiration society. Earlier this year the White House admitted that they forwarded talking points to some of the talk show hosts on Fox. And MSNBC does have regular conservative contributors, such as Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanon, and every night there's some Republican/conservative spokesperson on Hardball. This Week on ABC has George Will on every week.

Look at the puff piece interview that Shammity just did with Palin. That wasn't a hard-hitting interview, it was a conservative mutual admiration society. Earlier this year the White House admitted that they forwarded talking points to some of the talk show hosts on Fox. And MSNBC does have regular conservative contributors, such as Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanon, and every night there's some Republican/conservative spokesperson on Hardball. This Week on ABC has George Will on every week.

Truly amazing. You're whining about having Will on a show that's hosted every week by Clinton's former campaign operative, staffer, and #1 knob-gobbler!

Truly amazing. You're whining about having Will on a show that's hosted every week by Clinton's former campaign operative, staffer, and #1 knob-gobbler!


Who's whining, I'm just stating the fact that there are many conservatives on the other stations that some think are left wing. I prefer to watch shows that have different perspectives. I don't agree with much of Pat Buchanon's ideas, but he is honest and factual when talking about the candidates.

Truly amazing. You're whining about having Will on a show that's hosted every week by Clinton's former campaign operative, staffer, and #1 knob-gobbler!



Actually, my recollection is that George was not a real friend to the Clinton administration after he left and went to TV.

Promo, you honestly expect me to believe there is no left-wing liberal media at all? Katie Couric is not liberal? Tom Brokaw is not liberal? Dan Rather is not liberal? George Stephanopolus is not liberal? Chris Matthews is not liberal? MSNBC, NBC, & CNN have no liberal leaning views whatsoever? The New York Times is not liberal? The Los Angeles Times is not liberal? I live in the Bay Area and I read the San Francisco Chronicle, are you telling me they are not liberal?


If you hate Fox News because you believe it is a "right-wing machine", fine. Yet does that mean that people like Alan Colmes, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Kirsten Powers, Juan Williams, & Wesley Clark are all committed right wingers? Clark may not be there anymore, I have'nt seen him for some time, yet he worked there for awhile.


I watch Fox News a lot and I am a conservative, and there definitely is conservative viewpoints on that station. Yet I have seen no proof from anyone that shows it is a "right-wing machine".


I look forward to your response Promo.

Couric, Brokaw, Rather, etc. are news anchors. What you call "liberal bias" is simply the news that you don't like. Here's an example: All three networks, on their evening news shows, report that the 2,000th US soldier dies in Iraq. Is that news or bias? If you support Bush, then I can see how you would consider that liberal bias. But aren't people entitled to know what is happening in Iraq, good or bad? Or do you believe that the "free" press only applies when the news goes along with the administration?


I'm old enough to remember Walter Conkrite, Frank Reynolds, Huntley & Brinkley, etc. Back in those days, journalism was a noble profession. People who often risked their lives in the pursuit of truth. If anyone told them that there would be a news network whose sole purpose is to color the news to appease conservatives they would ask you if that was in the Soviet Union, because that would never happen in America.


P.S. People like Alan Colmes are on Fox News for comic relief, like a village idiot for conservatives to snicker at.


P.S.S. Thanks for hijacking this thread away from Tina Fey again, buzzkill.



Democratic talking points. Next thing you'll be telling me is that she was friends with domestic terrorists. Nice try.


Like to see an in depth examination of THE ONE'S past. Won't do it because they're afraid of what they'd find. 4th estate's in Obama's hip pocket.

Couric, Brokaw, Rather, etc. are news anchors. What you call "liberal bias" is simply the news that you don't like. Here's an example: All three networks, on their evening news shows, report that the 2,000th US soldier dies in Iraq. Is that news or bias? If you support Bush, then I can see how you would consider that liberal bias. But aren't people entitled to know what is happening in Iraq, good or bad? Or do you believe that the "free" press only applies when the news goes along with the administration?


I'm old enough to remember Walter Conkrite, Frank Reynolds, Huntley & Brinkley, etc. Back in those days, journalism was a noble profession. People who often risked their lives in the pursuit of truth. If anyone told them that there would be a news network whose sole purpose is to color the news to appease conservatives they would ask you if that was in the Soviet Union, because that would never happen in America.


P.S. People like Alan Colmes are on Fox News for comic relief, like a village idiot for conservatives to snicker at.


P.S.S. Thanks for hijacking this thread away from Tina Fey again, buzzkill.




No, what's different is the anchor's editoralize and report it as news. Current generation of liberals think that is a good thing or too dumb to know the difference.

No, what's different is the anchor's editoralize and report it as news. Current generation of liberals think that is a good thing or too dumb to know the difference.



Care to share how you have come to know that? Can you give me some examples of how, during the nightly newscast, the anchors editorialize and insert their liberal bias? Why do you think their corporate owners would allow this to happen?


I watch Charlie Gibson every night on ABC. I NEVER hear him editorialize. You need to explain what you mean by editorial. I think that any bad news about Bush or Republicans is what you are calling an editorial. The news is the news. It's what happens. It's fact. If you change news to fit an agenda, it's not news anymore. It's propaganda. Right wingers are too dumb to know the difference.

Couric, Brokaw, Rather, etc. are news anchors. What you call "liberal bias" is simply the news that you don't like. Here's an example: All three networks, on their evening news shows, report that the 2,000th US soldier dies in Iraq. Is that news or bias? If you support Bush, then I can see how you would consider that liberal bias. But aren't people entitled to know what is happening in Iraq, good or bad? Or do you

I'm old enough to remember Walter Conkrite, Frank Reynolds, Huntley & Brinkley, etc. Back in those days, journalism was a noble profession. People who often risked their lives in the pursuit of truth. If anyone told them that there would be a news network whose sole purpose is to color the news to appease conservatives they would ask you if that was in the Soviet Union, because that would never happen in America.


P.S. People like Alan Colmes are on Fox News for comic relief, like a village idiot for conservatives to snicker at.


P.S.S. Thanks for hijacking this thread away from Tina Fey again, buzzkill.



So since Couric, Brokaw and Rather are news anchors that means that they have no political viewpoint whatsoever?

To answer your questions: I would consider the 2000th US soldier being killed in Iraq is news not bias. Just because a person supports Bush does noes mean that the supporter believes every news report to be a hit piece on conservatism.

Yes, people are entitled to know what is happening in Iraq, good & bad. Having said that, you sure do'nt hear that many good stories from Iraq from all the major news networks or newspapers.

No I do not believe that the "free" press only applies when the news goes along with the administration. You may find this hard to believe, but while I am a conservative and watch Fox News, I am a realist.

To what network are you referring to when you say their soul purpose is to appease conservatives?


P.S. So if Colmes is comic relief, does the same apply to Geraldine Ferraro, Wesley Clark, Juan Williams, & Bob Beckel? Are they all their for comic relief as well.


P.S.S. I never hijacked this thread. In fact you can see some earlier responses from that are in line with the topic of discussion. All I have done is respond to your comment in question. Also could you at least refer to me by my screen name or at least part of it, and not buzzkill. I referred to you as Promo, you could at least show me the same courtesy.

So since Couric, Brokaw and Rather are news anchors that means that they have no political viewpoint whatsoever?



Of course they have political viewpoints. The question is, do they insert them when presenting the news? How, exactly (or when, specifically) do the anchors insert their personal views into the "straight news" (not commentary) product?


I'm still trying to figure out how, and when, on the CBS, NBC, ABC National News programs, this so-called Liberal Bias is being manifested. These programs have little to no commentary, on a regular basis, and what little there is, is clearly labeled. So, I am looking for someone who really believes this, and has a reason to believe it other than that's what Rush Limbaugh (and those like him) have repeated over and over, to give me some examples.


I'd also love to hear their explanation for why the executives of these huge corporations (who are likely NOT more liberal than the population at large) would allow a company they own, and run, to be a mouthpiece for the left.

Of course they have political viewpoints. The question is, do they insert them when presenting the news? How, exactly (or when, specifically) do the anchors insert their personal views into the "straight news" (not commentary) product?


I'm still trying to figure out how, and when, on the CBS, NBC, ABC National News programs, this so-called Liberal Bias is being manifested. These programs have little to no commentary, on a regular basis, and what little there is, is clearly labeled. So, I am looking for someone who really believes this, and has a reason to believe it other than that's what Rush Limbaugh (and those like him) have repeated over and over, to give me some examples.


I'd also love to hear their explanation for why the executives of these huge corporations (who are likely NOT more liberal than the population at large) would allow a company they own, and run, to be a mouthpiece for the left.


Silly Dean. This isn't a forest! We're just surrounded by trees!

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