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Obama ad slams McCain's Computer skills

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Here is the new ad.




Fox's bill Hemmer tried to state the McCain could not use a computer or email because of his war wounds and his age. Now I think Hemmer is out of touch.


Two things, even though McCain has those issues, plenty of disabled people are using computers now with voice recognition and even McCain doesn't give that excuse. He said he is starting to learn.


My Mom, who is 70 with peripheral neuropothy due to post polio-syndrom emails me all the time, though often she can barely feel the key board sometimes. She still uses the computer, uploads and downloads photos and prints them of her grandchildren.


The is plenty of software out there for McCain to use that can help him with his physical limitations and the software has been out there for quite sometime.


One can draw their own conclusions for why he doesn't know how to use a computer, but it obviously has not been a big priority nor has realized the significance of it. It is almost like learning to read and write in today's day and age.


Hemmer and the McCain camp using his physical handicap as an excuse does a disservice and is insulting to McCain that I am not sure even he would agree with.

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This just in: Obama unfit for the presidency!!!


He's not on linkedin, doesn't post to flicker or youtube, and his facebook entry is maintained by a staffer!


And I have it from a reputable source that his cell phone is just a cell phone! That's right, no email. What a loser.

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This just in: Obama unfit for the presidency!!!


He's not on linkedin, doesn't post to flicker or youtube, and his facebook entry is maintained by a staffer!


And I have it from a reputable source that his cell phone is just a cell phone! That's right, no email. What a loser.


Finally a bite from the other side, and that is what Hemmer's response should have been instead of making excuses. Agreed, even if it is not all true.

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Finally a bite from the other side, and that is what Hemmer's response should have been instead of making excuses. Agreed, even if it is not all true.


The fact is, I think our entire politician class is fundimentally impaired. The route to politics is through law school. Their view is that technology simply is, like magic.


Contrast this with the dynamic Asian countries, where politicians more commonly start out as scientists and engineers. Not that they bring any great technical insight into the office, but they maintain a healthier respect for science and there is a correspondingly greater respect for technical careers among their populations.


Leaving our country entirely in the hands of non-technical people, particularly lawyers, is not a healthy situation as we try to map out our economic future for the 21st century. It's no accident that we wind up with our students choosing business and law school and having to import students for the technical disciplines.

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The fact is, I think our entire politician class is fundimentally impaired. The route to politics is through law school. Their view is that technology simply is, like magic.


Contrast this with the dynamic Asian countries, where politicians more commonly start out as scientists and engineers. Not that they bring any great technical insight into the office, but they maintain a healthier respect for science and there is a correspondingly greater respect for technical careers among their populations.


Leaving our country entirely in the hands of non-technical people, particularly lawyers, is not a healthy situation as we try to map out our economic future for the 21st century. It's no accident that we wind up with our students choosing business and law school and having to import students for the technical disciplines.


I'm not so sure this is entirely correct; rather, I think it is a lack of emphasis by the candidates on choosing solid, competent technology advisors and the like.

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The fact is, I think our entire politician class is fundimentally impaired. The route to politics is through law school. Their view is that technology simply is, like magic.


Contrast this with the dynamic Asian countries, where politicians more commonly start out as scientists and engineers. Not that they bring any great technical insight into the office, but they maintain a healthier respect for science and there is a correspondingly greater respect for technical careers among their populations.


Leaving our country entirely in the hands of non-technical people, particularly lawyers, is not a healthy situation as we try to map out our economic future for the 21st century. It's no accident that we wind up with our students choosing business and law school and having to import students for the technical disciplines.

I don't think there one serious political observer anyone that wouldn't attribute Barack Obama winning the Democratic nomination to his and his campaign's use of the internet. To raise money, awareness and get out the vote. It was very likely the major reason.

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Oh no he can't use a computer. I guess that make george Washington the worst president ever. He never even heard of computers. If he was any good he'd have invented computers and the internet long before Al Gore. In fact maybe Al Gore should be president, since everyone knows he is the creator of the internet and best powerpoint presenter in the world.

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I don't think there one serious political observer anyone that wouldn't attribute Barack Obama winning the Democratic nomination to his and his campaign's use of the internet. To raise money, awareness and get out the vote. It was very likely the major reason.


Agreed. But don't read too much into a politician putting technology to good use. You can no more say that a politician understands the internet because he makes best use of it than you can say that the first politician to hire banks of telemarketers for push polling understands telecommunications. Opportunistic innovation doesn't neccessarily mean understanding.


As far campaigns utilizing the internet goes, the Ron Paul phenomona has exceeded that of Obama and Dean. Yet his description of his own familiarity with the internet is even more limited than McCain. I can't remember the quote, but the day he set an online fund-raising record he said something to suggest that he knew nothing of how his online campaign worked other than what staffers told him, and didn't really 'get' the internet, but appreciated all those young volunteers working the internet lines.

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I don't think there one serious political observer anyone that wouldn't attribute Barack Obama winning the Democratic nomination to his and his campaign's use of the internet. To raise money, awareness and get out the vote. It was very likely the major reason.


I wouldn't call it the reason. While I do agree it was a factor, I don't think it played near the importance you do.


Obama largely focused on nothing but Iowa for months leading up to January - the same strategy that Kerry successfully used - and he received lots of press coverage for it. His organizational skills in caucus voters was amazing, and that plus dedicated campaigning there won Iowa for him, which allowed him to pick up momentum (that he kept going).


Obama's biggest two strengths IMO were his local campaign offices (he really focused on these, and it ended up winning a lot of smaller states for him), and his ability to work the media and get free press coverage.

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Its been reported several times in the past that typing causes soreness for him, he prefers to have his wife do it. For a guy that probably had his fingers/wrists/arms broken several times and can't lift his arms above his head, I'm not going to question that.


Someone from Newsweek was on before and said that many of the blue collar Clinton voters along the rust belt don't know how to use email, not to mention the elderly (who unlike the youth, will 100% turn out and vote) so this ad probably did nothing for him in picking up votes. She went on to say this could backfire for Obama.

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Its been reported several times in the past that typing causes soreness for him, he prefers to have his wife do it. For a guy that probably had his fingers/wrists/arms broken several times and can't lift his arms above his head, I'm not going to question that.


Someone from Newsweek was on before and said that many of the blue collar Clinton voters along the rust belt don't know how to use email, not to mention the elderly (who unlike the youth, will 100% turn out and vote) so this ad probably did nothing for him in picking up votes. She went on to say this could backfire for Obama.


I think there is risk here, but you would be surprised at how many 70-80 year olds in retirement that are very adept at the internet like my folks. It is one of the things they can do to keep in touch with each other when they can't get around so well.

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Oh no he can't use a computer. I guess that make george Washington the worst president ever. He never even heard of computers. If he was any good he'd have invented computers and the internet long before Al Gore. In fact maybe Al Gore should be president, since everyone knows he is the creator of the internet and best powerpoint presenter in the world.


Washington was informed on what was the current technology of the day. He didn't correspond with stone tablets, he used quill and paper. Maybe the Repubs should use your idea in an ad. "John McCain, as technologically up to speed as George Washington".


I think there is risk here, but you would be surprised at how many 70-80 year olds in retirement that are very adept at the internet like my folks. It is one of the things they can do to keep in touch with each other when they can't get around so well.


And 70-80 year olds will tell you how they just don't have the energy they used to, and about their health problems, and that things were much better and simpler in the old days.

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Oh no he can't use a computer. I guess that make george Washington the worst president ever. He never even heard of computers. If he was any good he'd have invented computers and the internet long before Al Gore. In fact maybe Al Gore should be president, since everyone knows he is the creator of the internet and best powerpoint presenter in the world.


Betcha Washington knew how to use a theodolite!



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Here is the new ad.




Fox's bill Hemmer tried to state the McCain could not use a computer or email because of his war wounds and his age. Now I think Hemmer is out of touch.


Two things, even though McCain has those issues, plenty of disabled people are using computers now with voice recognition and even McCain doesn't give that excuse. He said he is starting to learn.


My Mom, who is 70 with peripheral neuropothy due to post polio-syndrom emails me all the time, though often she can barely feel the key board sometimes. She still uses the computer, uploads and downloads photos and prints them of her grandchildren.


The is plenty of software out there for McCain to use that can help him with his physical limitations and the software has been out there for quite sometime.


One can draw their own conclusions for why he doesn't know how to use a computer, but it obviously has not been a big priority nor has realized the significance of it. It is almost like learning to read and write in today's day and age.


Hemmer and the McCain camp using his physical handicap as an excuse does a disservice and is insulting to McCain that I am not sure even he would agree with.



Is this supposed to be a joke?


Newsflash: The POTUS doesn't sit at his desk and use a computer all day like the rest of us drones.

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