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Grading Jason Peters

Kelly the Dog

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I'd give him a curve grade: C.


One noticable note, he was pulled once for the 'Walker change' to run a sweep to his side which gained about 8 yards..


They also rotated Chambers and Duke for Walker, Butler, etc. In that heat, it was smart to keep guys as fresh as possible even if that meant putting back ups in for a few plays here and there. That was just good coaching.

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Thanks for the breakdown, Kelly. I thought overall, Peters looked like a rusty pro bowler...which is exactly what he is. He showed his dominance on some plays, but had some lapses on others.


With regards to the sack/fumble...I've heard you and a few others say that Trent should take some blame because he didn't step up. As soon as he was hit, a DT was in his grill. I didn't rewatch it too many times, but it seems that he wasn't able to step up. I then put some blame on our interior line for allowing up the middle penetration, but I don't blame Trent for not avoiding the outside pressure on what was a pretty miserable job by Peters.



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What about Butler? IMO he had one of the poorest quarters (Q1) I've ever seen from a guard. He repeatedly got blown up and should've been called for holding at least twice that I noticed. He did place the key trap block on Marshawn's TD, but his man was on the ground already and wasn't really in a position to make the tackle. I like his attitude and work ethic, but I was expecting a bit more out of him than we got yesterday.

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What about Butler? IMO he had one of the poorest quarters (Q1) I've ever seen from a guard. He repeatedly got blown up and should've been called for holding at least twice that I noticed. He did place the key trap block on Marshawn's TD, but his man was on the ground already and wasn't really in a position to make the tackle. I like his attitude and work ethic, but I was expecting a bit more out of him than we got yesterday.

As I said in another post, the Jags have an excellent defensive line. Give them some credit.

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I appreciate the time and effort it took to review and isolate Peters, Kelly. And for fans anyway, your grading system will suffice. Thanks.


But without the context of playcall and then the adjustment calls (if any) from Fowler, we really can't know how Peters graded out. Not that we all don't know that already I just wanted to remind everyone. For all the crap he took from fans last year, Walker graded the highest of all our lineman last season (at least from what I've heard from some common friends of McNally). Some here may find that surprising.



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Just a quick point on Groves- I think he's going to end up getting sacks on many QBs- the kid was fantastic his junior year then changed position and had some turf toe and other injury issues and had a down senior year which is why he wasn't drafted until the 2nd round- not the biggest guy at 6,3 260 but ran around a 4.5 and has a tremedous first step.

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Just a quick point on Groves- I think he's going to end up getting sacks on many QBs- the kid was fantastic his junior year then changed position and had some turf toe and other injury issues and had a down senior year which is why he wasn't drafted until the 2nd round- not the biggest guy at 6,3 260 but ran around a 4.5 and has a tremedous first step.

The guy made a GREAT play. Peters pushed him out but the guy showed tremendous speed, agility, and then cut out Trent's legs AND tipped the ball out of his hands at the same time, one-tenth of a second before the pass was thrown. Sometimes defenders make great plays against your guys.


On further review, Trent couldn't have stepped up more than a couple inches as there was another DT in his face. He did have time to throw, and again, one tenth of a second earlier that's an incomplete pass. Ultimately, however, Peters got beat for a sack. But it wasn't just because he sucks or just because he sat out. The guy made a great play.

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Some of you guys are just SOUR that Peters held out and from now on will have a bitter taste in your mouth for him. While he gave up ONE sack, his man never came close the rest of the game. I mean they brought in this young fast DE who BARELY got by Peters on a play where if Trent had been ONE INCH further it would be a NON-FACTOR! I'm not blaming Trent for that play; it is what it is. If Peters didn't give up a sack but was CONSTANTLY getting beat by his man and Trent had to rush a lot of throws then I'd worry. Since he STONEWALLED his man 95% of the time when he was 85% of himself and the rest of the pass protection was OUTSTANDING then I am pretty optimistic.


Now the runblocking on the other hand is still suspect. Face it: we don't have the push up the middle to be an effective inside running team. That is why I hate it when we go to I formations as we don't scare teams with the pass with that personell group plus they don't playaction enough to keep defense honest. The result: defense stack the box whenever we go to the I and try to play smash mouth. I say that we stay with spread formation that keeps defenses honest, run more draws, and try to run more sweeps and off tackles that allow Lynch to get in the open field and cutback as our strongest blackers are on the egde plus Fowler is a better on the move blocker than straight ahead as he seems adapt at finding LB's and DB's in the open field. Look at how the Pats were killing the Jets with runs from the shotgun set. I GUARANTEE if we spread the field, teams won't stack the box and leave our WR one-on-one for too many plays.

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He did well overall, but he wasn't better than Walker in the SEA game. That said, it's only his first game back and he'll be fine. But I find it ironic how the pro-Peters camp was so adamant that we needed Peters to protect Edwards and the first time Edwards gets clobbered it's Peters that gets beat.



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He did well overall, but he wasn't better than Walker in the SEA game. That said, it's only his first game back and he'll be fine. But I find it ironic how the pro-Peters camp was so adamant that we needed Peters to protect Edwards and the first time Edwards gets clobbered it's Peters that gets beat.




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The guy made a GREAT play. Peters pushed him out but the guy showed tremendous speed, agility, and then cut out Trent's legs AND tipped the ball out of his hands at the same time, one-tenth of a second before the pass was thrown. Sometimes defenders make great plays against your guys.


On further review, Trent couldn't have stepped up more than a couple inches as there was another DT in his face. He did have time to throw, and again, one tenth of a second earlier that's an incomplete pass. Ultimately, however, Peters got beat for a sack. But it wasn't just because he sucks or just because he sat out. The guy made a great play.


it wasn't "just because", but that factor defiantly contributed.........if i recall correctly, the 100% game ready peters didn't allow one play like that last year


regardless, i'm just glad he came out of the game healthy......he's got some work to do this week to get ready for OAK

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Overall - I left this game with a pretty poor impression of Peters' play overall. It was unforgivable to be beaten so badly for that sack/fumble and would not have happened for sure if he's been in practise and worked out the rust.


However, one play to me stood out - and showed me why he is so valuable and a legit pro bowler:


97 of the Jags gave him a speed rush outside move forcing Peters back fast into a kick step. All of a sudden the rusher turned into Peters and jacked him up. As it unfolded I thought JP was too high, and would get rolled back fast into Edwards. In fact, Peters just jecked the dude up and stopped his progress completely. It was incredible - and all from a stance that was WAY too high.


His strength is amazing, and I am glad he's back in the lineup. I think we'll see the usual quality performance from him against the Raiders. Temperature and first game back kind of give him the excuse to have a couple of blown assignments this week (apart from the gash job on that sack).

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Yea, and when they do they dont get good grades for the game.


Actually yes they do.....especially if the team wins.


Peters gave up ONE sack after missing all of training camp and preseason against a good Jaguars D line.....


God I cant believe your making me defend the guy as I am still pissed he held out......but...

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He should be rated as a pro-bowl LT - not just as a good LT. Once you reach a certain level you have to always be judged at that level.

Fool me once shame on you, ....


The Pro Bowl selections are not always correct. The Bills should wait until this season is near over before they cought up big $$$.


And ONLY after Lee Evans contract is taken care of.

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