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I like Tasker

Pyrite Gal

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Tasker is terrible.


If the Bills have a great play he very quickly has to point out a mistake by the opposing team as the only reason that the Bills were successful.


If the opposing team has a great play he points out how Buffalo made a mistake.


His desire to not look like a homer makes him probably the least objective announcer I've ever heard.


He sucks.

I usually look for a few things in an analyst:


1. Knowledge of the Xs & Os of the game

2. How well-spoken he is (i.e., doesn't mumble and can have good chemistry with the play-by-play guy)

3. Amount of homework done on the two teams

4. Objectivity


I think Tasker is good at the first two. He was always a smart football player, so you know he understands the intricacies of the game, plus I think he's good at explaining that info to the audience. He usually does his homework on the two teams and knows who he's talking about.


I agree with most people that he does try to not be a homer, so the objectivity thing is difficult to gauge. If this is really the case, then CBS should assign him to different games.

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I had the radio on with the TV & was listening to both. On one play Murph & Kelso were right on when the TV announcers (Tasker & the other guy) were oblivious, even though the tv camera showed why: This was on the play Greer got the flag that they then announced was no penalty. TV viewers never got the explanation even though the cameraman showed Mitchell signaling that the pass was tipped. Instead while they could have been explaining why, they showed Del Rio disagreeing with the ref with no correct explanation for the viewers. Murph & Kelso called it right away, tipped pass, no pass interference.

I thought Gus Johnson (maybe it was Tasker) said that the Bills thought the ball was tipped at the LOS. Del Rio was arguing about the non-call and both announcers questioned why a flag was thrown if there was no penalty - the only reason could have been that the ball was tipped.

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However, the one thing which I do find annoying is that he seems so afraid of being seen as a Bills homer he seems to go out his way to praise the opponent or their players. Jax looked like crap in the first half and it would not have been bad broadcasting to say this.


That's his job to be as unbiased as he can.

When the announcers trash a team early it gets mundane as the game goes on the same


or they have to admit they were wrong to begin with.


I'd prefer they report the game and leave their personal thought out of it.

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