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Question regarding Curs Light ex-NFL coaches


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When Curs Light uses press conference video in their ex-NFL coaches advertising does the ex-coach receive any compensation? Does the former coach have to OK theuse of their image? Or, does Curs just pay whoever shot the video and go on their merry way?



Not sure what Curs does.... but Coors probably has to pay the producer of the video. :thumbsup: Whether they pay the coaches is a good question. As public figures there are free-use issues, but my guess is they have to pay the coaches something, since even a public figure cannot be used to hawk a product without his consent. Now that I think of it, Coors had to pay the John Wayne estate to use old John Wayne footage in those commercials they ran a few years back.

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I'd bet just the NFL sees money. Coaches were being paid at the time of the press conferences and the footage is owned by the NFL.

Yep, I'd be a bit surprised if the coaches were getting anything out of this. The NFL definitely is, though.

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