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Ike is starting to look pretty mean


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Flipping back and forth between CNN and Weather Channel. Ike is big and mean - aided by the shallow waters of the Gulf.


I don't have much family by blood still alive but my in-laws are down there - Tomball, Humble, Rye, and Cleveland.


A bit ago CNN reported that the eyewall was going to pass just to the south of Galveston Bay and storm surge will be pushed right up the ship channel. I hope those people in areas like Channelview weren't lulled into a false sense of security because they are going to get slammed.


Any of you guys and gals have family/friends down there?

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Estimates by city officials are about 15,000 people have choosen to stay in Galveston. Galveston is predicted to be completly under water. Been nice knowing ya. Darwin will have to mass produce awards this year.


Video is showing water splashing over the seawall and some impassible roads.


Nat Weather Serv is now saying "people along the Gulf Coast need to be prepared for loss of life." And to think people want to hang around...


A pic taken 12 hours before landfall (from KHOU-TV).


They do know that West End floods in a good rain, don't they? WTF are they thinking? :nana:

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I know I'm kind of worried my two older sisters live in Houston (one on the northside the other North West) and were told not to evacuate (they live in more elevated suburbs of houston) so those who needed to evacuate could. Apparently people died evacuating Rita do to heat and being stuck on the highway with no gas. Hope they'll be OK.

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Winds are picking up, I live in NW Houston, we are expecting 75-110 mph wind and 10" of rain.

Everyones boarding up windows and the streets are empty, we are as ready as we'll ever be but don't really know how this is gonna go, its going to be a long night


I wish the best of luck to you and yours, my friend...indeed, it will be a long night. :nana:

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Winds are picking up, I live in NW Houston, we are expecting 75-110 mph wind and 10" of rain.

Everyones boarding up windows and the streets are empty, we are as ready as we'll ever be but don't really know how this is gonna go, its going to be a long night

@ StL - I'm sure they took all precautions. Granted, living without power for a while will suck for them (and for billfan63 and everybody else too), but from what I'm seeing, it sounds like they're not likely to get the worst of it - if that's any consolation. As for the previous storm, something like 100 died while trying to evac - many of them were seniors being evac'd on a tour bus that caught fire.


@ billfan63 - Sounds like now it's just time time to sit and wait - and I can only imagine how much that's gotta' suck. Please let us know how you're making out and be sure to touch base when you can after this thing passes.

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I just took a walk to get my mail, one of my neighbors has spray painted on his boarded up windows

"Ike go away Tina 's not here"

:nana: Good to see your neighbor still has his sense of humor.


Good luck w/ the storm. Hopefully you're far enough inland to not get hit too bad. As you know, this storm doesn't look good and it looks like it's heading right for you. :nana:


I hope they force the last few holdouts in Galveston to get the heck out of there.


I used to live right along one of the Bayous in the SW corner. I never saw it flood over it's banks but it came close twice while I was there. On KHOU they are predicting that the bayous and creeks should be able to hold the water. Hopefully they are correct.

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Tina could have told them to watch out for Ike


Wa Wa Wa Waaaaa! Ba dum bum! Ptsch!


Video is showing water splashing over the seawall and some impassible roads.


Nat Weather Serv is now saying "people along the Gulf Coast need to be prepared for loss of life." And to think people want to hang around...


A pic taken 12 hours before landfall (from KHOU-TV).


They do know that West End floods in a good rain, don't they? WTF are they thinking? :nana:


They're saying winds aren't the problem with this storm it's the water that it's bringing down that's the major problem.



Winds are picking up, I live in NW Houston, we are expecting 75-110 mph wind and 10" of rain.

Everyones boarding up windows and the streets are empty, we are as ready as we'll ever be but don't really know how this is gonna go, its going to be a long night


Good luck! If the cable goes out put in the Bills videos! :nana:


They've rescheduled the Houston Baltimore game for Monday Night.

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Good luck! If the cable goes out put in the Bills videos! :nana:

Having been through a couple hurricanes the chances of losing power is huge,

so if all goes well with my house and family the challenge with be finding a sports bar with power on sunday to watch the

Jax game

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Having been through a couple hurricanes the chances of losing power is huge,

so if all goes well with my house and family the challenge with be finding a sports bar with power on sunday to watch the

Jax game

Maybe Sansone's will have a generator.


Good luck.

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I've got a bunch of friends in Houston and one is right between Houston and the shore. He evacuated this morning.


I've got some family down in Brownsville that look to be spared. I think we're gonna escape without even tropical storm force winds here in Austin.


Stay safe everyone.

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They're saying winds aren't the problem with this storm it's the water that it's bringing down that's the major problem.


Bringing down or bringing in? It's pushing a 20-25' storm surge - the earliest part of the surge has already shut off West End from the rest of the island - that seems to be the biggest concern.


And then add to that the 10-15" of rain - rain that would flood West End anyway - and you'd have to be nuts to stay there.

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Ike has just found Tina!


Ike @ 0200 CDT




Hope everybody stayed stafe!


Been amazing around here... Our lower pool below the lock (Lake Michigan is the upper pool) is over 5 feet higher than normal!... Things don't look good... I have been here over 15 years and haven't seen it like this... It is even higher than in 1986, so they tell me.... And we have been getting rain from another system!... The remains of Ike will pass through later today! The river is so high that towing has stopped because the barges will hit bridges. Good thing is, crap rolls down hill once this clears up! The next dam has got to be running full open... So many cubic feet per second that it has to be unnavigable by normal craft.



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