ieatcrayonz Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 Although I have not decided yet, and am still a little stung about Edwards and Tancredo being out of the race, I have to admit I am reluctant to vote for John McCain. Although I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, I just can't see the dude having enough time to be president and to keep changing his compostory bag 6 times a day. I have other problems with him as well. This brings us to Obama, who seems like a pretty good dude, but I have some questions there too. I mean, we have all read that while John McCain was in POW camp how he spent his days planning his presidency and how it became his #1 priority. That was a long time ago and he has been preparing for this his whole life. Even if he forgot 75% of his plans, as old people tend to do, that is still a lot of plans. The point is, most of our presidents have been pointed toward that job for their whole life. What I am wondering about is in the late 60s and early 70s while McCain was making these plans, where was Obama? It's like a mystery. If he wasn't off making plans, I guess that is fine but what is his excuse? We need more facts. Plus, have you noticed they never mention which brand of Mormonism he was taught in that school in Indonesia or Pakistan or whatever? If it was Sunni Mormon or She Ite Mormon it is ok, but if it was Wasabi Mormonism, we have a probblem. Why not just fess up if you're Obama? I think I'm leaning Obama here, but his failure to detail his plans from the 60s and which brand Mormon he is, makes me wonder. P.S. I know She Ite is not spelled like that. I was afraid if I typed it correctly that the filter would make it say "Stevestojan Mormonism" and that would be confusing to some of the newer people.
PastaJoe Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 On the off chance this is not a satirical post, I believe you mean Muslim not Mormon, and Wahabbi not Wasabi. Obama went to school in Indonesia through 4th grade, then went to school in Hawaii from 5th grade through high school, which he graduated from in 1979. So in the early 70s Obama was still in grade school.
ieatcrayonz Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 On the off chance this is not a satirical post, I believe you mean Muslim not Mormon, and Wahabbi not Wasabi. Obama went to school in Indonesia through 4th grade, then went to school in Hawaii from 5th grade through high school, which he graduated from in 1979. So in the early 70s Obama was still in grade school. You got me on the Wasabi thing. I like that stuff and the word just popped into my head. I had a feeling that was wrong. But dude, Mormon and Muslim are the same thing. I use them interchangeably. I think the language difference between the East and the West contributes in a way to our lack of understanding of each other. If they're called Mormons in America and Muslims overseas, we create a wall of sorts. It must be confusing for Obama because as a kid he was a Muslim and then he moved to America and believed the same stuff. All of a sudden he is a Mormon? As for Obama's history, being in grade school at that point while McCain was planning his presidency is a negative. I'm getting more confused.
Southern McButterpants. Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 On the off chance this is not a satirical post, I believe you mean Muslim not Mormon, and Wahabbi not Wasabi. Obama went to school in Indonesia through 4th grade, then went to school in Hawaii from 5th grade through high school, which he graduated from in 1979. So in the early 70s Obama was still in grade school. Joe, it's crayons . . .
/dev/null Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 On the off chance this is not a satirical post Well I guess it's theoretically possible. Maybe when those flying dutchmen under the rocky mountains smashed a couple neutrons together they created an alternate parallel bizarro universe
Nanker Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 At least he didn't post a link to a picture of Curious George.
bills_fan_in_raleigh Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 But dude, Mormon and Muslim are the same thing. I use them interchangeably. I think the language difference between the East and the West contributes in a way to our lack of understanding of each other. If they're called Mormons in America and Muslims overseas, we create a wall of sorts. It must be confusing for Obama because as a kid he was a Muslim and then he moved to America and believed the same stuff. All of a sudden he is a Mormon? Hmmm this is the first time I have ever read something claiming Muslims and Mormans are the same. I guess since both supported having multiple wives???? Plus I believe Obama is a member of an offshoot of the United Church of Christ
ieatcrayonz Posted September 17, 2008 Author Posted September 17, 2008 Hmmm this is the first time I have ever read something claiming Muslims and Mormans are the same. I guess since both supported having multiple wives???? Plus I believe Obama is a member of an offshoot of the United Church of Christ Mormon is the American sect of Muslim Muslim is the Indonesian sect and what Obama originally grew up in Islam is the Middle Eastern sect of Muslim Obama's Mormon sect is not an offshoot of the United Church of Christ as Muslims believe Christ was a decent guy but only Christains believe he is divine.
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