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Tim Graham is online right now

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Hey Deano....leave Timmy alone.

While you were ignoring us(probably off with some 18 year old nymphet) he was contributing to the board.


*Good to see you again BTW*



I feel I may have attacked a fellow Bills fan, in error. If so, I am completely embarrassed and apologetic. I did not know there was a Tim Graham that posted here.


I was under the impression that, given the topic of the thread and the first post, it was referring to this Tim Graham:




If that's not the case, then WOW, am I an idiot! If it is him, but he is a fellow Bills fan, then I take back the insult and apologize for the attack. But, as a media research professional, I have to say that I am not impressed with his work. Oh, well.

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OK, I was just informed who our Tim Graham is, and now I understand the reference.


I am in the process of self-flagellation for my horrible comment. And, just to make sure we are on the same page, I do NOT enjoy being whipped with this lovely monogrammed leather strap.

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OK, I was just informed who our Tim Graham is, and now I understand the reference.


I am in the process of self-flagellation for my horrible comment. And, just to make sure we are on the same page, I do NOT enjoy being whipped with this lovely monogrammed leather strap.


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OK, I was just informed who our Tim Graham is, and now I understand the reference.


I am in the process of self-flagellation for my horrible comment. And, just to make sure we are on the same page, I do NOT enjoy being whipped with this lovely monogrammed leather strap.


who would have thought you would have came back and made an ass of yourself? :thumbsup::thumbsup: Shocking! Just Shocking!



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Probably feels good, too. Don't tell me it was my Merriman thread that dragged you back into this mess?



Not one thing, in particular. It was just time to come back. (I lurked for a couple of days, and it seemed relatively safe.)

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I heard a rumor that Dean had hired Eugene Parker, and that is why he was silent for so long. Care to comment? :thumbsup:

The past is in the past. Sure, we could have used The Dean in preseason, not to mention week 1, but it's a business man. The sooner folks figure that out the better. As long as he drags is butt onto TBD to offer his analysis and keep the retards in check we'll be good.

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