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Ricky 'ganja' Williams is challenging


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his drug test. He wants to come back and play in the NFL ("Dave's not here man.")

What kind of signal will the NFL send if this POS is allowed to play this year. What kind of a whore will the Dolfelons be if they take him back.

Stay tuned.

BTW, if he does come back aqnd play for the Felons I'm definitley going to that game.......I'm thinking of a sign already.

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BTW, if he does come back aqnd play for the Felons I'm definitley going to that game.......I'm thinking of a sign already.



OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i'll bet that'll scare ricky. might even change about coming back.


btw... we're all whores... we just have diffferent standards (how much $$$ will it take).

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Considering the Phins current state, I dont think I would consider them whores for taking him back. I never thought I would see a offence worse than the Bills but I think Miami is. They have to be desperate at this point.

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i'll bet that'll scare ricky. might even change about coming back.



That was not my intent peckersnot. It was my intent to have some fun with the situation

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