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  Da Big Man said:
Broken record Yellowman. We need to remember 9/11 and why we are in the middle east bring the war from wence it came. Not trying to assign blame for losing here or winning there. The world stood still that day and over 3000 americans died, jackass!!! I'll pay higher taxes to know that we are present everywhere terrorists are and kicking ass, with the lib/dems approval of course. Funny, since we have gone on the offensive there have been no attacks on american soil. Good job Mr. President. Defend our future, defend our children, not your pride, jerk .


So you believe that Iraq caused 911, not Osama bin Laden?

  yellowlinesandarmadillos said:
Get a clue, never mind. I am not going near any of the cool aid your drinking. Go Betty Ford and detox before you post anything else.


For those who have a mind, Iraq was not where the terrorists were before Bush invaded Iraq and largely they still aren't. They still are in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Had Bush finished the job there, before invading Iraq we wouldn't have our military resources stretched too far. For evidence go to a recruiting office, they are looking for any warm bodies to send over there, recruitment is way off. Just talked to a guy who had been over 4 times and they wanted to send him back. He is in his late 40s and managed to back out because of a worsening ailment, but they were ready to stick him on a plane again until this cropped up.


When this kind of crap is consistently being reported by our own military, don't tell me Bush hasn't mismanaged the war on terror and reports are the Al Qaeda is re-arming waiting for an opening. I am all for protecting our country by all means necessary, just be intelligent about it. There are more than one means and all should be employed, Exhaustion is not one of them and stretching resources to thin makes for stupid decisions and mistakes.


P.S. I believe OBama and if McCain runs the show, not the neo-cons, he to will do the right thing, get us out of Iraq as soon as possible and finish the job in Afghanistan.


I suggest ignoring the moron.




And there is no "finish the job in Afghanistan". Moreso than Iraq, that truly is a war without an exit strategy. The last people to exert any control over that tribal mess was the Mongols, and they did it through the simple expident of killing everybody.

  DC Tom said:
I suggest ignoring the moron.




And there is no "finish the job in Afghanistan". Moreso than Iraq, that truly is a war without an exit strategy. The last people to exert any control over that tribal mess was the Mongols, and they did it through the simple expident of killing everybody.

And then there was that! Really, though, I was talking about destroying the Al Qaeda network including Osama bin Laden, not controlling Afghanistan.

  yellowlinesandarmadillos said:
And then there was that! Really, though, I was talking about destroying the Al Qaeda network including Osama bin Laden, not controlling Afghanistan.


Which brings up the logistical problem of killing a network with very diverse infrascructure which is largely spread out and less interconnected.

  BlueFire said:
Which brings up the logistical problem of killing a network with very diverse infrascructure which is largely spread out and less interconnected.

A reasonable question, but you have to eliminate the central head. There will for the foreseable future be fundamentalist Muslims in the Arab world that are willing to commit acts of terrorism against the West. There are many reasons including Israel for this. But, having a safe haven and icon figures such as bin Laden and his close henchmen running loose with their singular purpose to attack the US needs to be addressed.

  yellowlinesandarmadillos said:
And then there was that! Really, though, I was talking about destroying the Al Qaeda network including Osama bin Laden, not controlling Afghanistan.


Which in itself, despite being a concrete goal, is a questionable one. Rather like trying to punch a cloud of smoke.


But if that's your only goal, limited as it is...I've always questioned the logic that Iraq "distracted" the military from that mission. The force with which you punch a cloud of smoke makes little difference to the smoke.

  Da Big Man said:
Read Yellow's post and then tell me this member isn't blinded by selfish subjectivity. We have the right, no,no the duty to protect this once great nation no matter what the cost. Thank God the Lib/dems weren't around during Hitler. Then the entire eastern hemishere would be speaking German singing Deutchland, Deutchland. :nana:

Huh? You ever hear of a guy named Roosevelt? or Truman?

  yellowlinesandarmadillos said:
So you believe that Iraq caused 911, not Osama bin Laden?

It figures you were a Govt employee. Where does it mention Iraq in my post? :devil: Iraq was and still does harbour elements of that same terrorist org. :P:unsure:

  Da Big Man said:
It figures you were a Govt employee. Where does it mention Iraq in my post? :devil:

I was political, worse...

Still trying to justify going into Iraq as "taking the war to wence it came." Pathetic.



  Da Big Man said:
Iraq was and still does harbour elements of that same terrorist org. :P:unsure:


It does now, after a misguided effort.

  yellowlinesandarmadillos said:
I was political, worse...

Still trying to justify going into Iraq as "taking the war to wence it came." Pathetic.





It does now, after a misguided effort.

Hey narrow minded idiot one Osamas top guys was in Iraq from day 1. Wence it came was refering to the middle east look on a globe smart guy this includes Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Israel I am sure a genius like you came point out the ones I missed. I am sorry that you view holding a country to its terms of surrender and to its United Nations orders to not possess certain weapons pathetic. You do know that Wild Bill luanch a missle attack into Iraq in 1998. Again, no attacks on American soil or interests in 8 years... NObama

  Da Big Man said:
Hey narrow minded idiot one Osamas top guys was in Iraq from day

OK, I'll bite, who are you talking about? If it was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian terrorist that even Sadam tried to eliminate and didn't get going till after we invaded, hardly a reason to go into Iraq instead of focusing full bear on Afghanistan, which we have only now how many years later?


  Da Big Man said:
1. Wence it came was refering to the middle east look on a globe smart guy this includes Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Israel I am sure a genius like you came point out the ones I missed. I am sorry that you view holding a country to its terms of surrender and to its United Nations orders to not possess certain weapons pathetic. You do know that Wild Bill luanch a missle attack into Iraq in 1998. Again, no attacks on American soil or interests in 8 years... NObama


Now I know you don't know what you are talking about. You lump all these countries together. They all have their problems, but are very different and while some terrorists come out of there, their governments especially Jordan, hardly support the efforts. P.S. you left out a few even bigger terrorist state the actively support terrorism such as Yemen, Lebanon, and the Sudan. P.S. it is called the West Bank, and the Gaza strip...., there is no Palestine, oh yeh, you mentioned Israel. Once again this proves you don't know what you are talking about.


Go back and read a map and some history before you post something again of which you know nothing.

  BlueFire said:
lol, mr. yellow, have you not given up on arguing with him yet?


Oh I suppose I should, but he reminds me of the guy who called up one of the offices I worked for one day demanding the Congressman push to remove the United States from the UN and get the headquarters out of the US. I responded by telling him that we use the UN when it suits our purposes and ignore it the rest of the time. Furthermore, having it in NYC allows us to keep an eye one what is going on in these small countries that like to spout off there. His response was, hmmm, I never thought of that.


He will probably never admit on this board, but he is getting a lesson in what this world is all about outside of that rock under which he lives. Plus it is too much fun knocking down his warped ill informed logic.


But I should probably give it a rest, not worth it anymore.

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