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911, Amazing how all the Memories come flooding back.

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Obama and McCain are taking the day off from throwing punches.


I was kind-of hoping McCain and Obama would do a joint commercial for today saying something along the lines of "No matter our differences, remember on this tday that we're all Americans."


Would have been a nice touch for an election year.

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I was kind-of hoping McCain and Obama would do a joint commercial for today saying something along the lines of "No matter our differences, remember on this tday that we're all Americans."


Would have been a nice touch for an election year.


Nah, a commercial for Tim Horton's pronouncing that they're all jelly donuts would have carried more weight with the electorate.

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I was kind-of hoping McCain and Obama would do a joint commercial for today saying something along the lines of "No matter our differences, remember on this tday that we're all Americans."


Would have been a nice touch for an election year.

Obama: I'm Senator Obama and I support this message


McCain: And I'm Senator McCain and I also support this message and don't forget we were attacked by my opponets friends and he wants to raise your taxes


Obama: hey!

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At like 8:35 all the networks were showing the ceremony in NYC and I was flipping through and all (CNN, Fox, local channels) either had sound from the ceremony or were discussing it or that day. Except for MSNBC of course, who had some guy talking about how America's image is damaged in Europe and Russia and the next president must fix that image and Obama would be the best for that. This while showing images of the ceremony starting.



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I was kind-of hoping McCain and Obama would do a joint commercial for today saying something along the lines of "No matter our differences, remember on this tday that we're all Americans."


Would have been a nice touch for an election year.


They are doing some joint wreath-laying thingy.

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I just got back from the Pentagon 9/11 ceremony. It was a very touching ceremony and a total class act by all speakers, Pentagon Memorial Staff, and our great military. I also got to shake President Bush's hand after he greeted every last one of the family's survivors that perished that terrible day at the Pentagon. He hugged them, kissed them, and consoled them all.


The ceremony itself and the video they showed during the event did bring me back to that day and how I felt. I was supposed to be at the Pentagon that day but decided to work off-site at a contractor facility. I felt the rage, sadness, victim hood, rage again and then revenge on the barbarians that caused this unjust destruction and death.


I now have a better sense of what the President must be thinking every day he is in office. The Presidents primary responsibility is to protect and defend this country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. What a responsibility it is indeed.


He brought the fight to them and has paid a very high political price in doing so by the MSM and the left who would rather treat terror attacks by negotiations and the judiciary than by military force.


Since we have put terrorism at home on the back burner of our consciousness for the past five years, it is good to relive this event at least once a year so we do not become complacent again. It also serves as a reminder with the struggle that stills exists today but most would like to ignore and pretend it does not exist.


So, no matter how hard it is to watch the events of 9/11 unfold again, we must. We must never forget.

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I just got back from the Pentagon 9/11 ceremony. It was a very touching ceremony and a total class act by all speakers, Pentagon Memorial Staff, and our great military. I also got to shake President Bush's hand after he greeted every last one of the family's survivors that perished that terrible day at the Pentagon. He hugged them, kissed them, and consoled them all.


The ceremony itself and the video they showed during the event did bring me back to that day and how I felt. I was supposed to be at the Pentagon that day but decided to work off-site at a contractor facility. I felt the rage, sadness, victim hood, rage again and then revenge on the barbarians that caused this unjust destruction and death.


I now have a better sense of what the President must be thinking every day he is in office. The Presidents primary responsibility is to protect and defend this country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. What a responsibility it is indeed.


He brought the fight to them and has paid a very high political price in doing so by the MSM and the left who would rather treat terror attacks by negotiations and the judiciary than by military force.


Since we have put terrorism at home on the back burner of our consciousness for the past five years, it is good to relive this event at least once a year so we do not become complacent again. It also serves as a reminder with the struggle that stills exists today but most would like to ignore and pretend it does not exist.


So, no matter how hard it is to watch the events of 9/11 unfold again, we must. We must never forget.


I appreciate your sentiments and your description of the event and memory. The smell of jet fuel brings back the memory really fast for me that and my wife's phone call yelling at me to get the hell out of the Capitol while I and she watched the Pentagon burn from a tall building in Arlington. I will ignore your analysis of the left and flagging waving for Bush. I disagree with both assessments, but will do so respectfully.


I just wish more time could be/have been spent focusing on Afghanistan where the terrorists are and have been, not Iraq.

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He brought the fight to them and has paid a very high political price in doing so by the MSM and the left who would rather treat terror attacks by negotiations and the judiciary than by military force.


Since we have put terrorism at home on the back burner of our consciousness for the past five years, it is good to relive this event at least once a year so we do not become complacent again. It also serves as a reminder with the struggle that stills exists today but most would like to ignore and pretend it does not exist.


You had a nice post until you politicized it. Remember, he's the one that took our main focus away from Afganistan and towards Iraq. It wasn't the MSM or left who did it.

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First thing I did this morning is say a hello and prayer to/for my friend George and his wife, who were killed when their plane hit the Pentagon.


I suppose in a way I was luckier than many on 9/11. Our son had passed in June and we were still in shock so the grief of 9/11 was just additive. But what I still cannot get over is that among the VERY first people to send a sympathy card in June was George...who'd never met Nick...who would have thought he would soon follow.

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I appreciate your sentiments and your description of the event and memory. The smell of jet fuel brings back the memory really fast for me that and my wife's phone call yelling at me to get the hell out of the Capitol while I and she watched the Pentagon burn from a tall building in Arlington. I will ignore your analysis of the left and flagging waving for Bush. I disagree with both assessments, but will do so respectfully.


I just wish more time could be/have been spent focusing on Afghanistan where the terrorists are and have been, not Iraq.

Broken record Yellowman. We need to remember 9/11 and why we are in the middle east bring the war from wence it came. Not trying to assign blame for losing here or winning there. The world stood still that day and over 3000 americans died, jackass!!! I'll pay higher taxes to know that we are present everywhere terrorists are and kicking ass, with the lib/dems approval of course. Funny, since we have gone on the offensive there have been no attacks on american soil. Good job Mr. President. Defend our future, defend our children, not your pride, jerk .

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Broken record Yellowman. We need to remember 9/11 and why we are in the middle east bring the war from wence it came. Not trying to assign blame for losing here or winning there. The world stood still that day and over 3000 americans died, jackass!!! I'll pay higher taxes to know that we are present everywhere terrorists are and kicking ass, with the lib/dems approval of course. Funny, since we have gone on the offensive there have been no attacks on american soil. Good job Mr. President. Defend our future, defend our children, not your pride, jerk .

I think you need to go pee in a cup if you're serious and not just trolling.

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I think you need to go pee in a cup if you're serious and not just trolling.

Read Yellow's post and then tell me this member isn't blinded by selfish subjectivity. We have the right, no,no the duty to protect this once great nation no matter what the cost. Thank God the Lib/dems weren't around during Hitler. Then the entire eastern hemishere would be speaking German singing Deutchland, Deutchland. :nana:

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I just got back from the Pentagon 9/11 ceremony. It was a very touching ceremony and a total class act by all speakers, Pentagon Memorial Staff, and our great military. I also got to shake President Bush's hand after he greeted every last one of the family's survivors that perished that terrible day at the Pentagon. He hugged them, kissed them, and consoled them all.


The ceremony itself and the video they showed during the event did bring me back to that day and how I felt. I was supposed to be at the Pentagon that day but decided to work off-site at a contractor facility. I felt the rage, sadness, victim hood, rage again and then revenge on the barbarians that caused this unjust destruction and death.


I now have a better sense of what the President must be thinking every day he is in office. The Presidents primary responsibility is to protect and defend this country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. What a responsibility it is indeed.


He brought the fight to them and has paid a very high political price in doing so by the MSM and the left who would rather treat terror attacks by negotiations and the judiciary than by military force.


Since we have put terrorism at home on the back burner of our consciousness for the past five years, it is good to relive this event at least once a year so we do not become complacent again. It also serves as a reminder with the struggle that stills exists today but most would like to ignore and pretend it does not exist.


So, no matter how hard it is to watch the events of 9/11 unfold again, we must. We must never forget.

Amen. maybe if some of these soapboxers lost a loved one they would understand alittle more clearly. :nana:

Pax et Bonum

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Read Yellow's post and then tell me this member isn't blinded by selfish subjectivity. We have the right, no,no the duty to protect this once great nation no matter what the cost. Thank God the Lib/dems weren't around during Hitler. Then the entire eastern hemishere would be speaking German singing Deutchland, Deutchland. :nana:

Get a clue, never mind. I am not going near any of the cool aid your drinking. Go Betty Ford and detox before you post anything else.


For those who have a mind, Iraq was not where the terrorists were before Bush invaded Iraq and largely they still aren't. They still are in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Had Bush finished the job there, before invading Iraq we wouldn't have our military resources stretched too far. For evidence go to a recruiting office, they are looking for any warm bodies to send over there, recruitment is way off. Just talked to a guy who had been over 4 times and they wanted to send him back. He is in his late 40s and managed to back out because of a worsening ailment, but they were ready to stick him on a plane again until this cropped up.


When this kind of crap is consistently being reported by our own military, don't tell me Bush hasn't mismanaged the war on terror and reports are the Al Qaeda is re-arming waiting for an opening. I am all for protecting our country by all means necessary, just be intelligent about it. There are more than one means and all should be employed, Exhaustion is not one of them and stretching resources to thin makes for stupid decisions and mistakes.


P.S. I believe OBama and if McCain runs the show, not the neo-cons, he to will do the right thing, get us out of Iraq as soon as possible and finish the job in Afghanistan.

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Read Yellow's post and then tell me this member isn't blinded by selfish subjectivity.


You don't know me, and have no idea what you are talking about. Selfish, bull...


We have the right, no, no the duty to protect this once great nation no matter what the cost.


Agreed, but that is not what we did in Iraq, we wasted time, money and put our country in more danger.


So let me know when you want to post something intelligent and be respectful.


P.S. Were you in NYC or DC when 911 went down?

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