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Hurricane Ike Thread


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Looks like it will be hitting the Texas coast... Take care and stay safe!



On a lighter note and to inject a bit of levity. I know where Ike is headed. He is looking for Tina!








Follow the storm track... Ike is almost perfectly on course!


Boooooo, I know that was bad... I just couldn't help myself! Very bad LAMP on my part!

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This is an amazing fact:


Ike: Bigger and Stronger


...I queried the NOAA tropical cyclone database viewer and input the lat/lon of Ike when it was at its relatively northern location in the tropical Atlantic, where I've put a circle...


...The map below shows all storms and hurricanes which came within 200 miles of that point. Not one was pushed southwest across Cuba! And not one made it into the western Gulf...


...A key difficulty in regard to predicting a few days ago what Ike's ultimate destination would be was that an important feature was thousands of miles away!...


...It's amazing those computer forecast models do as well as they do given how complex and fluid the atmosphere is, and it's hard for even state-of-the-science technology to resolve the details of an interaction between a spinning vortex approaching the Caribbean and a weather system over the Pacific and Alaska...


Ike has an anomalous structure, with a very small eye embedded within the large wind field. It'll be interesting to see what happens from this point forward, but in any event don't be fooled by that barely-above-Category-1 status. This just goes to show that the official wind intensity only tells part of the story.

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man, Ike sure is a 'turner'






I vill be here all da veek.



What? I can't stop staring at your avatar!




There goes the state of Texas' "live free/no gov't intervention" attitude: :pirate:


If more Texas officials order a mandatory exodus, it would be the first large-scale evacuation in South Texas history. State and county officials let people decide for themselves whether to leave a hurricane area until just before Hurricane Rita struck the Gulf Coast in 2005. Now county officials can order people out of harm's way.

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Another turn of events:


The evacuation would affect the impoverished Rio Grande Valley, home to many immigrants who have traditionally been fearful of evacuating out of concern they could be deported if stopped by authorities. Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas said if an evacuation is ordered, county officials will visit immigrant neighborhoods and forcefully urge people to clear out.

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I'm undecided if I'm going to ride it out in Austin or San Antonio. Leaving SA if I feel up to driving down there (I'm sick at the moment), cause my friend has a house and a garage I can park my car in.


Ugh, what a crappy time to get sick, lol.

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