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...this one is for my homie DC Tom, who truly believes not one side is better than the other at playing political games..


Outrage Machine is on a roll




This article takes a look at how BOTH sides play the false outrage card and seize any chance to slander the other using whatever part of a soundbite they can.

great article but people on message boards like this one would rather have gasoline to throw than to look at both sides and ask the real questions of how they will run the country. What policy changes will they make, what policy will the maintain etc. The talking heads of radio have made the situation of hate a daily ratings boost.


This was in our paper this morning and I thought it was good.


The best way to stop it is for the stupid media to ignore it. You read the headlines and thing OMIGOD then looking at the article, it's a lot of hooey. I'd like to see headlines on the ISSUES.


Instead they do polls on whether people vote for people, or issues, and seem surprised that "issues" is not selected.


This election, as all others, is about issues and values. The problem is that most people don't take the time to really understand those. They are either blindly allied to a party or they follow the sound bites without taking time to explore. And that's how we end up with poor leadership and irresponsible government.


How can policy be really challenged by either party when the debate committee is run by 1 Repub and 1 Dem solely. They own the system, they know what sells and what doesn't. They both have mastered how to avoid discussing changing policy for the better or worse with generic things like "We need to change social security." Great, so how do you do it effectively and long-term with real numbers to back up your rhetoric, and at the same time be constitutional for long term prosperity. Neither party will address these issues.


Basically this will never change under the facade of the 2 party system. They are really the same candidate with one guy wanting more of this, or less of that. Nothing serious will be changed that needs changing from the national debt, to loss of freedom, to the gross unconstitutionality of the current government, the illegal invasion on the border, and the gross distortions of law and tort reform which is necessary under a growing and flourishing country.


Worst of all both parties have mastered how to undermine freedom by blaming free-markets for bubbles and busts when in fact they are subsidized, and if a bubble occurs it will be fixed faster and more effective by the market, not the gov't. Look at the housing crisis. If the Fed didn't force the rates down so much to cause the bubble, there would be no bust. They try to stop one recession by giving us a larger one, and Joe Six Pack is willing to concede more power to the gov't to fix the problem they created.

This election, as all others, is about issues and values. The problem is that most people don't take the time to really understand those. They are either blindly allied to a party or they follow the sound bites without taking time to explore. And that's how we end up with poor leadership and irresponsible government.

I agree with all of that, except I don't understand how you can write that with a straight face and be so in the tank for the Democrats. Or do you just think that people who vote Republican are stupid? An alternate reading of this could go: People who DO take the time to really understand issues and values would vote Democrat. Isn't that what you're saying given how Democrat-centric you are?

I agree with all of that, except I don't understand how you can write that with a straight face and be so in the tank for the Democrats. Or do you just think that people who vote Republican are stupid? An alternate reading of this could go: People who DO take the time to really understand issues and values would vote Democrat. Isn't that what you're saying given how Democrat-centric you are?

Uh as a matter of fact I have voted for Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents and Greens and will continue to do so.


Just because I think the current Administration is full of incompetent nitwits who are puppets of corporate America, and because in recent history that's a hallmark of the Republican party, doesn't mean I am blind to the failings of the Democratic party. I would, for instance, have been pleased had Obama chosen Chuck Hagel as his running mate. There are some things I don't agree with about Hagel, and about Obama, but overall I share their beliefs and values as i understand them. I supported McCain in 2000 and am dismayed at how he's sacrificed his integrity in his current campaign. Frankly I have more respect for a $2 whore...with or without the lipstick.

Uh as a matter of fact I have voted for Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents and Greens and will continue to do so.


Just because I think the current Administration is full of incompetent nitwits who are puppets of corporate America, and because in recent history that's a hallmark of the Republican party, doesn't mean I am blind to the failings of the Democratic party. I would, for instance, have been pleased had Obama chosen Chuck Hagel as his running mate. There are some things I don't agree with about Hagel, and about Obama, but overall I share their beliefs and values as i understand them. I supported McCain in 2000 and am dismayed at how he's sacrificed his integrity in his current campaign. Frankly I have more respect for a $2 whore...with or without the lipstick.

Fair enough. You just appear to be very, very partisan is all.

Fair enough. You just appear to be very, very partisan is all.

Oh, I just like to see wingnut heads explode is all. The smart ones don't take the bait (which is a backwards way of saying most of them are dumber than a post).


Oh, I just like to see wingnut heads explode is all. The smart ones don't take the bait (which is a backwards way of saying most of them are dumber than a post).



Funny but it really seems that the wingnuts make your head explode. :thumbsup:

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