finknottle Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 Ya well you obviously dun watch the real world cuz if you did you'd know that OBAMA was THE MAN FOR THE JOB! HE'S A UNITER! He's a uniter, not a divider (to borrow a phrase from 2000). Speaking of the eerie similarities between the packaging of Obama '08 and Bush '00, does anybody else find interesting the coincidence that just as 'post-partisan' Bush felt compelled to tap a long-time Washington insider (Cheney) for gravitas and to shore up his perceived foreign policy weaknesses, 'transcendent' Obama also went with a long-time insider (Biden) to address the same issues?
bartshan-83 Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 Darin vs. D.M.B. C'maaaaaan! More More More! Where is the popcorn smiley?
molson_golden2002 Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 He's a uniter, not a divider (to borrow a phrase from 2000). Speaking of the eerie similarities between the packaging of Obama '08 and Bush '00, does anybody else find interesting the coincidence that just as 'post-partisan' Bush felt compelled to tap a long-time Washington insider (Cheney) for gravitas and to shore up his perceived foreign policy weaknesses, 'transcendent' Obama also went with a long-time insider (Biden) to address the same issues? That's just business as usual. C-Span had the acceptence speeches of the candidates from campaigns gone by and Kennedy basically surrended himself with the party elders at the convention and choose LBJ as his running mate to counter the inexperience argument of Nixon. McCain's choice of Palin can be compared unfavorably with Lincoln picking Andrew Johnson in 1864 because Johnson was suppose to help with the border states. That didn't work out well in the long run.
TheLynchTrain Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 You, my friend, are so wrong it is sad. Freedom is what the colonists were after and that is what we have here. The Hands off approach the republicans employ is far better than the over taxed, over programed, borderline socialist strategy of the left. I like getting more money back each year and I like my borders are safe I like that I do well because I get up and go to work every day. Corrupt, thats funny. Wild Bill Clinton was seriously corrupt. Do know who was a huge backer of the KKK in the 40's,50's and 60's? the Democrats. Al Gores father was a Klansmen. You are nothing more than a sore loser who is watching as your selfish agenda to get a Lib/Dem Prez elected goes up in smoke. Much like the Dope that Obama has openly admitted using. I know what is being done and not only do I like it , but I live very comfortably in it. Safe and secure and affluent in America. Sorry you are so unAmerican.I do not feel guilty about how well i live in this country, why should you. Try putting the needs of this country before your own. realize that you don't have to believe everything you hear from the drive-by media! God bless America. P.S. Who is our king? The things you say in this post are completely ridiculous. I grew up in a Republican household, went to school in Washington, and realized that both parties were pretty much full of themselves. I consider myself moderate in almost every sense, though I probably still lean a little to the right. One thing I do know is that this past administration is probably the worst one in the history of the United States. Hands off approach? Hands off when were talking about illegal wiretapping? Hands-off when the Justice Department hires only those whose beliefs are in the same line as the Republican Party (one of the guys that lost out on a job, by the way, was a Buffalo Attorney with 20 years of experience whose wife was the Erie County Dem Chairwoman, compared to a 3 year Bush partisan). Hands-off to the administration avoiding PUBLIC GOVERNMENT EMAIL that belongs to the PUBLIC and instead using a RNC email server? Hands-off to not giving $7B to people that cant afford heath care and giving $700B to wall street? I can go on and on about this crap, but I wont because this is a BUFFALO BILLS thread not politics. Politics makes sane people go insane. First, I'd like to refute the statements you said above in your post. Our borders are not safe. I think you can blame both parties for that. Neither one wanted to come to ANY compromise on immigration policy, and now we'll leave it alone for another 10 years while 3 million illegals come into our country undocumented every year. How safe is that? Obviously I believe the Clinton white house was pretty corrupt too, but the Bush white house is unrivaled. Dems as KKK backers? This is pretty funny. If you knew anything about history buddy, you'd know that as the two parties became more and more ideological based, all the southern democrats ran to the REPUBLICAN party because they hated the liberals in the Democratic Party. Yeah, the Dems may have the history when it came to the KKK and anti-civil rights, but all those bastards ended up in the Republican party. Think Strom Thurmond. Al Gore's dad as a KKK member? Buddy, this is just laughable. Do you know any history whatsoever? At all? I hate Al Gore as a narcissistic jerk as much as the next guy, but his father was one of only THREE Confederate Democratic Senators who didn't sign the Southern Manifesto. Do you even know what that document is? Did you even go to school? Obama drug using? Are you serious about this too? Georgie Bush had a serious coke addiction. Obama was man enough to admit it, because I think most Americans do not care about this issue anymore. The reason why I stopped believing (or believed at all, for that matter) in the party of my parents is because the Republican Party has been hijacked by neocons and religious fanatical Christians. The neocons have ruined everything about the party - a party that used to be about fiscal conservatism is now spending more freely that FDR. I think it was Pat Buchanan that once said that neocons were former communists back in the day. The religious right has turned the party into its champion for things that don't belong in the government sphere, like flag burning, an anti-gay agenda, and death to anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus. In my opinion, the Religious Right is a bigger threat to this country than radical Islam any day of the week. I don't know who I'm going to vote for in September. I haven't decided yet. But I do know that people like you spitting out very stupid, immature, and sophomoric statements isn't going to help McCain get elected.
Taro T Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 I'm not voting for either which means I'm not part of the problem. I'm not riding any fence and your argument is as bankrupt as this country. I chose America a long time ago. You chose England. Try and figure it out. No, I won't. And lower taxes mean dick when spending continues to be grow exponentially. But you keep on pretending you have a !@#$ing clue what you're talking about when all you do is regurgitate the points your masters shovel at you. You're lapping up sh-- and pretending it's mother's milk. Ding, ding, ding! I don't understand why people don't seem to realize that every $ the government spends is a tax. It's just some of it will get taken out of our pockets tomorrow instead of today.
bills_fan_in_raleigh Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 The reason why I stopped believing (or believed at all, for that matter) in the party of my parents is because the Republican Party has been hijacked by neocons and religious fanatical Christians. The neocons have ruined everything about the party - a party that used to be about fiscal conservatism is now spending more freely that FDR. I think it was Pat Buchanan that once said that neocons were former communists back in the day. The religious right has turned the party into its champion for things that don't belong in the government sphere, like flag burning, an anti-gay agenda, and death to anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus. In my opinion, the Religious Right is a bigger threat to this country than radical Islam any day of the week. I agree with your statements about how the religious right and the neocons with unyielded spending have ruined the republican party. I am wondering if we could create DVD about how the radical right and how its the real danger of the world and get it distributed in many newspapers, just like this group did with this radical islam DVD.
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 Don't listen to Rush, don't watch Fox news. Make up my own mind . I want to see your eyes, they gotta be brown, because you up to your neck in OXY Boy responses.
Simon Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Darin vs. D.M.B. C'maaaaaan! More More More! What a battle. It'll definitely take 60 minutes to decide a winner there. Next we can have DCTom vs. LSI in a debate about superstring multidimensionality. That'll come right down to the wire too.
/dev/null Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Speaking of the eerie similarities between the packaging of Obama '08 and Bush '00, does anybody else find interesting the coincidence that just as 'post-partisan' Bush felt compelled to tap a long-time Washington insider (Cheney) for gravitas and to shore up his perceived foreign policy weaknesses, 'transcendent' Obama also went with a long-time insider (Biden) to address the same issues? At least Obama can pronounce Nuclear
bartshan-83 Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Next we can have DCTom vs. LSI in a debate about superstring multidimensionality.That'll come right down to the wire too. In honor of LSI:
Da Big Man Posted September 25, 2008 Author Posted September 25, 2008 I'm not voting for either which means I'm not part of the problem. I'm not riding any fence and your argument is as bankrupt as this country. I chose America a long time ago. You chose England. Try and figure it out. No, I won't. And lower taxes mean dick when spending continues to be grow exponentially. But you keep on pretending you have a !@#$ing clue what you're talking about when all you do is regurgitate the points your masters shovel at you. You're lapping up sh-- and pretending it's mother's milk. Just cause you spend three quarters of your obviously pathetic life in the PPP chat room doesn't make you a genius. Where did I mention England, jerky? God Bless America!!! You telling me how wrong I am makes me believe I am right. Spending will continue no matter who is President, its just that Osama, I mean Obama, will just raise taxes through the roof. If Obiden is elected, gas will not go down in price, troops will not start pouring home, economy will get better, jobs won't come back to the US. But taxes will skyrocket, consumer spending will decline, wallstreet will suffer even more, more big business will leave US and we will be weaker as a nation to terrorism.
DC Tom Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 What a battle. It'll definitely take 60 minutes to decide a winner there.Next we can have DCTom vs. LSI in a debate about superstring multidimensionality. That'll come right down to the wire too. The undercard is Lori vs. BF on football and Bills history, and T-Bone vs. JoeSixPack on Broadway show tunes.
Alaska Darin Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Just cause you spend three quarters of your obviously pathetic life in the PPP chat room doesn't make you a genius. Ooh, that cut very deep. Especially considering the respect I have for guys of your ilk. Where did I mention England, jerky? Thanks for not getting the parallel. I knew you wouldn't. Can anyone here help "Duh Big Man"? He certainly needs it. God Bless America!!! You telling me how wrong I am makes me believe I am right. Spending will continue no matter who is President, its just that Osama, I mean Obama, will just raise taxes through the roof. If Obiden is elected, gas will not go down in price, troops will not start pouring home, economy will get better, jobs won't come back to the US. But taxes will skyrocket, consumer spending will decline, wallstreet will suffer even more, more big business will leave US and we will be weaker as a nation to terrorism. Here's the translation: Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I'm sure your masters will let you know when it's shearing season.
Booster4324 Posted September 26, 2008 Posted September 26, 2008 Thanks for not getting the parallel. I knew you wouldn't. Can anyone here help "Duh Big Man"? He certainly needs it. My guess would be, you are comparing the current state of the US to a possible tyrannical monarchy. Emphasis on the tyrannical bit. I probably missed it too though.
Da Big Man Posted September 26, 2008 Author Posted September 26, 2008 Ooh, that cut very deep. Especially considering the respect I have for guys of your ilk. Thanks for not getting the parallel. I knew you wouldn't. Can anyone here help "Duh Big Man"? He certainly needs it. Here's the translation: Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I'm sure your masters will let you know when it's shearing season. Need I say more Thanx again for reenforcing my point Darin. When all else fails, drop your IQ, right
Da Big Man Posted September 28, 2008 Author Posted September 28, 2008 Last nights debate was a Grand Slam Home Run for McCain. Obama looked and sounded like a stumblin, mumblin idiot. After McCain would wait his turn quietly and started a rebuttle Obama couldn't help but continue to run his mouth trying to talk over McCain. John was a cool customer and just kept right on talking on track. Beautiful, got em right where we want em Way to go McCain/Palin.
/dev/null Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 Last nights debate was a Grand Slam Home Run for McCain. Obama looked and sounded like a stumblin, mumblin idiot. After McCain would wait his turn quietly and started a rebuttle Obama couldn't help but continue to run his mouth trying to talk over McCain. John was a cool customer and just kept right on talking on track. Beautiful, got em right where we want em Way to go McCain/Palin. So what flavor Kool-Aid® does McCain serve?
Da Big Man Posted September 28, 2008 Author Posted September 28, 2008 So what flavor Kool-Aid® does McCain serve? I hope tropcal breeze!!!!
Da Big Man Posted September 28, 2008 Author Posted September 28, 2008 Spin,spin,spin, Nag, nag, nag, Duh ,duh,duh,duh.
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