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  Da Big Man said:
Answering questions with questions, textbook! You do know the dems lost the election today don't you? Or are you still in disbelief and denial? :(


Whatever, you go on thinking that. If they lose the election it won't be because of anything that happened today. That pig and lipstick remark more aptly describes your last couple of posts. And if the Dems lose, it will mean more Rovian nasty politics in the BushMcSame mode. All we saw today was the same old tired non-issue Republicans we have seen since the end of the Reagan Admin. Rove is an Atwater desciple and while I admire his success, I think he and his ilk could use some exercise out in some pasture.


And if they win, then I agree with all the cynics, Americans care more about putting the other guy down then what is their wallets. Get ready for the McSame/Palin admin of oil barron corporate greed.

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That was the final nail in Barry Hussein's bid for the White House. The free fall has begun. What a complete low-life scumbag comment from a waste of skin devoid of character. Keep flapping your lips Barack so the world can see what a classless piece of s41t you really are.


What are you talking about, or having been listening to OXY Rush and didn't hear the whole speech? Obviously not talking to anyone with an ounce of sense. What rock did you crawl out from under. Go back.


All you Republican liars go home and learn the real meaning of honor. McCain learned in combat but he and his ilk have forgotten it in politics. I have no respect for McCain anymore. Also, please get rid of your rabid bulemic blond haired spokeswomen, get them help asap.

  yellowlinesandarmadillos said:
What are you talking about, or having been listening to OXY Rush and didn't hear the whole speech?

I heard the comment, in complete context. Anyone with an IQ above 40 knew that it was a premeditated shot at Palin. The crowd knew it. Barry knew it and it was a terrible low blow.

  conner said:
My ignore list just got it's 5th member.


Conner with fingers in ears: "La lal la la . I can't hear you!"

  Wacka said:
Conner with fingers in ears: "La lal la la . I can't hear you!"


Oh goodness, just because he's talks like a Republican you are going to take sides with the three brain cells that is Da Big Man.


... I hate Republicans, I hate Democrats and elections bring out the stupidity in people and makes them lose all common sense that they normally hold.

I heard the comment, in complete context. Anyone with an IQ above 40 knew that it was a premeditated shot at Palin. The crowd knew it. Barry knew it and it was a terrible low blow.


Please... no it wasn't, but it was a great campaign ploy by the Republicans. A pig with lipstick is a common folksy political comment to say your opponents tactics are the same old same old. It had nothing to do with Palin and I would not even thought of it unless you sensitive knuckle draggers hadn't started whining about it.

  yellowlinesandarmadillos said:
Whatever, you go on thinking that. If they lose the election it won't be because of anything that happened today. That pig and lipstick remark more aptly describes your last couple of posts. And if the Dems lose, it will mean more Rovian nasty politics in the BushMcSame mode. All we saw today was the same old tired non-issue Republicans we have seen since the end of the Reagan Admin. Rove is an Atwater desciple and while I admire his success, I think he and his ilk could use some exercise out in some pasture.


And if they win, then I agree with all the cynics, Americans care more about putting the other guy down then what is their wallets. Get ready for the McSame/Palin admin of oil barron corporate greed.

A sheep like yourself would see that. Do you need to be told when to eat and sleep as well as what to think? :(

I heard the comment, in complete context. Anyone with an IQ above 40 knew that it was a premeditated shot at Palin. The crowd knew it. Barry knew it and it was a terrible low blow.

Clearly my brother. These left wing hopeless sheep think we are the f'd up ones :(

  BlueFire said:
Ah, !@#$ it, let's have some fun.


The final democratic solution is going to whoop yo ass, you womanizing McCain supporter.


Barack is gonna get in the white house so quickly, you won't know what hit you. He'll be forever known as "Black Flash".


It's too bad you can't see the Barack Express is comin, cause he's gonna go Terry Tate on yo ass, you unpatriotic Bush lover.

You know you should try snapping those thorizine in half, Womanizer, whatever, nice spin. They are doing wonderful things in psychotherapy these days. :(

  Da Big Man said:
You know you should try snapping those thorizine in half, Womanizer, whatever, nice spin. They are doing wonderful things in psychotherapy these days. :(


Foo you and your 'pubs aint man enough to have snorted thorazine back in the day, are ya?. Yo drug policies prevent you from tryin' it man, unlike the Dems who want to legalize drugs sanely!!!!!!!!! GOBAMA!

  yellowlinesandarmadillos said:
Please... no it wasn't, but it was a great campaign ploy by the Republicans. A pig with lipstick is a common folksy political comment to say your opponents tactics are the same old same old. It had nothing to do with Palin and I would not even thought of it unless you sensitive knuckle draggers hadn't started whining about it.

If by same old you mean lower taxes and more rebates and secure borders, low interest rates, having our military do something other than stay state side which ,by the way , most dem house and senate voted for :( . Then i say yes more of the same. Obiden knew exactly what he was doing he covered his face, a very revealing "tell" , before he made that unprevoked comment . Wake up !!. P.S. nice name calling sissy.

  BlueFire said:
Foo you and your 'pubs aint man enough to have snorted thorazine back in the day, are ya?. Yo drug policies prevent you from tryin' it man, unlike the Dems who want to legalize drugs sanely!!!!!!!!! GOBAMA!

Yep GObama and take Biden with ya :( Seeya in 2012

  Da Big Man said:
Yep GObama and take Biden with ya :( Seeya in 2012


Man u dunno wut ur talkin about Obama is teh next Abraham Lincoln he's freein the slaves by breakin down racial barriers int he white house dont' vote for mccain RACIST

  Picnic Table F said:
Da Big Man, I know you are still hot for me from that one night we spent together. I'll consider doing it again, if this next time you promise to wear an OBIDEN mask!!

Hey gregg this schtick is old huh? It figures when it comes to libs, a table f'er will come out for piece of the pie. Next he'll want the right to marry his table :(

  BlueFire said:
Man u dunno wut ur talkin about Obama is teh next Abraham Lincoln he's freein the slaves by breakin down racial barriers int he white house dont' vote for mccain RACIST

Hooked on phonics worked for me. What the hell are you talking about. This has nothing to do with race. Are you calling the next Prez. a racist?

  Da Big Man said:
Hooked on phonics worked for me. What the hell are you talking about. This has nothing to do with race. Are you calling the next Prez. a racist?


u gots to be votin for the Obama to break racial barriers or u racist duH

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