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NFL attendance figures


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Why does it show the Bills only filled to 89% capacity? I thought we were completely sold out. This was the case the last few years as well. I know our stadium seats 73,000 but we only had 71,000 this week? Does someone know why this is?





Probably no-shows account for the difference. Tickets sold is not always the same as people who go through the turnstiles.

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Probably no-shows account for the difference. Tickets sold is not always the same as people who go through the turnstiles.



I don't know - I thought the figures shown is paid attendance? Do we not sell all of the seats? A bunch of people I know wanted tix to this game but they couldn't get any. But yet we are shown at 89%? I dont get it.

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I can assure you that there is no possible way that 11% of people with purchased tickets were "no shows"


Agreed - looking at the attendance figures from last year and this year, I don't think they sell all 73,000 tickets. Or at least they arent available to the general public. In 2003 we would sell to capacity but for some reason, even though we're sold out, 71,500 seems to be the selling cap now.

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I can assure you that there is no possible way that 11% of people with purchased tickets were "no shows"



Good point, but I could imagine 1,000 or so no-shows on a rainy day. I tend to agree with one of the other posters about some confusion about the stadium capacity. Navigating that ESPN link, checking out other years, does not fill one with confidence about their accuracy.

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