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Yeah, I can honestly say it wouldn't be interpreted as racist. He also is younger looking than presidents on bills, maybe he's pointing out that not having white hair and looking young doesn't mean he wouldn't be an effective president.


I guess I just disagree. I think the media would have been all over McCain, and I find it hard to believe that even the most enthusiastic of Obama's supporters wouldn't think so too.

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McCain's campaign has found other ways to remind voters that Obama is black. When they mock him for being a community organizer, that's an attempt to make voters think he's one of those urban black activists who complain about the injustices done by whites like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, as opposed to the real work he did helping people get job retraining and housing.


So reminding people he's a community organizer is a racist connotation? That's rich, what's your follow up act to say that being governor is like being Pontius Pilate?


You can turn anything you want into a racist statement. If you say, "I like ice cream" and I respond, "Well if you say vanilla in public it means you love whitey and if you say chocolate I appreciate you over-looking race."


Get off it man.

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So reminding people he's a community organizer is a racist connotation? That's rich, what's your follow up act to say that being governor is like being Pontius Pilate?


You can turn anything you want into a racist statement. If you say, "I like ice cream" and I respond, "Well if you say vanilla in public it means you love whitey and if you say chocolate I appreciate you over-looking race."


Get off it man.



Agian... What part of one-way street don't you get? Some can get away with things others can't. Be thankful with what is given to you.


This really pumps conservatives. Too bad.

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