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Watching it, it almost looks like he knew he shouldn't be saying it as he looks uncomfortable bringing his hand up over his face. Even if he wasn't intentionally saying it to make fun of Palin, it was a stupid mistake, and I think he realized it the second it came out of his mouth.

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Take this for what it's worth...You don't provide the other side ammunition. This is ammunition. I heard the Messiah talk today saying John McCain thinks you're only rich if you make $5 Million. If anyone seen that interview you would know he was joking. Same here I gather. But he said it so it must be true.



In this case it was good ammo!



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Nothing, if you are the kind of person who thought it acceptable, or even funny when Hillary made a
Ring a bell? :lol:

Historically, you excuse dummycrats from any ugly comment they are stupid enough to make.


Btw, before you go there, McCain is a terrible candidate so please don't lump me in with his "supporters."


Everybody knows the original joke! Palin is the "lipstick" on the pig (Bush).


What is wrong with that?



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Watching it, it almost looks like he knew he shouldn't be saying it as he looks uncomfortable bringing his hand up over his face. Even if he wasn't intentionally saying it to make fun of Palin, it was a stupid mistake, and I think he realized it the second it came out of his mouth.


I agee... But, it was a good analogy. You can tell he is trying to be PC... What does one do when the PC police judge?

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Y'know, it's actually kind of silly to waste time on this except that there seems to be a crapload of women out there who were Hillary supporters and who are really unhappy with the way the Democratic ticket is suddenly down on women with careers. So for that reason, it's not a bad idea to pick on Obama for yet another in a long line of gaffes sans the teleprompter. But seriously, the right is obviously taking this out of context.


Now, if you really want to pick on someone, pick on Biden, who is so !@#$ing stupid and surrounded by quite possibly the worst handlers known to the world, that during a speech in Missouri yesterday he acknowledges Missouri State Senator Chuck Graham and urges him to take a bow with "Stand up, Chuck!"


Unfortunately, Chuck is confined to a wheelchair.


Stand up, Chuck!!! :lol: :lol:


What a bunch of maroons. It's no wonder they have a gzillion people digging through the trash cans in Wasilla. They got nothin' else.

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Btw, before you go there, McCain is a terrible candidate so please don't lump me in with his "supporters."



The bigger question is not whether he is a terrible candidate is will he be a terrible choice for president. It irritates me when I hear people make a comment like "Well McCain is the only choice" Or "I am voting for Obama because I hate McCain" ( feel free to switch the names to match ). There are other choices and maybe if enough of the people disenchanted with the current process and candidates used their votes for people they like and agree with real change in the political process can occur.


If your planning on voting for a candidate in my view your a supporter of that candidate.

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This is the most ridiculous crap ever. OBama if you watch the whole clip was talking about the whole change idea the McCain campaign is trying to coopt from OBama. Lipstick on a pig is an oft use expression for stating you are copying me but you don't really mean it, I am the original.


Whatever, but that being said the McCain camp is practicing good politics and twisting something their opponent said to their advantage. The goes the faucet.... the kitchen sink is next... wonder if is the sex ed ad they are running.. It could backfire. The legislation Obama introduced was to help protect kids, give them safe tips to avoid sexual predators after a particularly gruesome incident.


All Obama has to say is that McCain is against protecting our children from sexual predators and giving them some tools to spot them and avoid them. Hardly what the RW knuckle draggers call sex ed.


Wonder how McCain camp will respond once they are called on it.

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Love the quote. Also liked the other quote " You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years."


It's funny how it how dare he say such a thing... OH MY!! Like the McCain camp is all of a sudden full of angels. HAHAHAHA!!!


Yes, waiting on McCain camp to respond about there ad in which Obama worked on a law to further protect children.




Bill Burton, Obama's press secretary, responded in a statement: “It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls – a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds. Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't define what honor was. Now we know why."

"Honor" is a touchy issue to invoke with the former prisoner of war, but Democrats have expressed increasing exasperation — and worry — about what they see as constant distortions in McCain ads.

In an interview the magazine described as "prickly," McCain repeatedly refused to define "honor": "Read it in my books. ... I'm not going to define it. ... I defined




Way to try to sell your books McCain.

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LMAO -- look at all the leftards here excusing behavior that if it had been directed at Hillary two months ago would have been a national scandal. I guess you are all a little traumatized seeing just how slick the Messiah is when he's not reading off the teleprompter!



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LMAO -- look at all the leftards here excusing behavior that if it had been directed at Hillary two months ago would have been a national scandal. I guess you are all a little traumatized seeing just how slick the Messiah is when he's not reading off the teleprompter!




Now there you go again... repeating an oft used RNC talking point about the teleprompter. Been hearing that for at least 4 months. And in this case it doesn't apply.


And here is what OBama campaign's response should be to both attacks.


So what is the deal, doesn't McCain/Palin support protecting children against sexual predators. Doesn't sound like it and that is disgusting.


So much for McCain/Palin being different kinds of politicians, sounds like the same old Republican Attack machine... a pig with lipstick.


Then some clips of Bush stating something about bringing compassionate conservative stuff to Washington...same thing in 2000.

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LMAO -- look at all the leftards here excusing behavior that if it had been directed at Hillary two months ago would have been a national scandal. I guess you are all a little traumatized seeing just how slick the Messiah is when he's not reading off the teleprompter!






Don't mean McCain not reading from the teleprompter? Look at how many LARGE events Obama has held where it's just him and a microphone on stage. McCain, always the lovely backdrop and teleprompters - my friends.....

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LMAO -- look at all the leftards here excusing behavior that if it had been directed at Hillary two months ago would have been a national scandal. I guess you are all a little traumatized seeing just how slick the Messiah is when he's not reading off the teleprompter!



How dare you bring up Saint Hillary in a pig thread! Women hater!












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Bill Burton, Obama's press secretary, responded in a statement: “It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls – a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds. Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't define what honor was. Now we know why."

"Honor" is a touchy issue to invoke with the former prisoner of war, but Democrats have expressed increasing exasperation — and worry — about what they see as constant distortions in McCain ads.

In an interview the magazine described as "prickly," McCain repeatedly refused to define "honor": "Read it in my books. ... I'm not going to define it. ... I defined


Way to try to sell your books McCain.


Yes, he was completely trying to sell his books there. :lol:


Don't mean McCain not reading from the teleprompter? Look at how many LARGE events Obama has held where it's just him and a microphone on stage. McCain, always the lovely backdrop and teleprompters - my friends.....


Yeah, all those years and years and years he gave the media complete access without teleprompters or scripted access, man, he didn't know what he was missin!

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"McCain repeatedly refused to define "honor": "Read it in my books. ... I'm not going to define it. ... I defined"


My not answer? My pimp the book? It seems as though the McCain camp doesn't like to answer question or do interviews. HAHAHA!!!



And I guess that since he has years and years experience at speaking without... it must be his age getting to him. Can't remember the speeches anymore. How sad.

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Don't mean McCain not reading from the teleprompter? Look at how many LARGE events Obama has held where it's just him and a microphone on stage. McCain, always the lovely backdrop and teleprompters - my friends.....


I think they have teleprompters there.

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