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Ralphie, Tasker, Hull, Talley on HOF prelim list

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...it would be great if Ralphie could make it this year.  Same with Tasker or Hull.  Talley too but that may be way down the road.


Interesting list.  Danny Boy's on the list and should be a lock to gain induction in his first year of eligibility.



Here's the list:



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Marino is on the list? What up with that? :w00t:


Actually, I hope all these guys make it, but I have nothing but great feelings for Chuck Knox. He may be a long shot, but for me, at 39, he was the first guy, in my life as a Bills fan, who gave the Bills a legitimate NFL team. We were so awful for most of the 1970's and after Knox left. I was born a Bills fan from day 1, but those 1980 and 1981 teams will always be my favorites. It was the first time in my life that the Bills were looked at nationaly as an elite team. That defense was awesome, and the offense could grind it out Chuck Knox style, or light up the scroreboard if they needed to. Chuck, to me, was the epitome of the tough guy, blood and guts head coach. I know, should he make it, it will be based on his success with the Rams, but to me, he is my sentimental all-time favorite Bills head coach.

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Marino is on the list?  What up with that? :w00t:


Actually, I hope all these guys make it, but I have nothing but great feelings for Chuck Knox.  He may be a long shot, but for me, at 39, he was the first guy, in my life as a Bills fan, who gave the Bills a legitimate NFL team.  We were so awful for most of the 1970's and after Knox left.  I was born a Bills fan from day 1, but those 1980 and 1981 teams will always be my favorites.  It was the first time in my life that the Bills were looked at nationaly as an elite team.  That defense was awesome, and the offense could grind it out Chuck Knox style, or light up the scroreboard if they needed to.  Chuck, to me, was the epitome of the tough guy, blood and guts head coach.  I know, should he make it, it will be based on his success with the Rams, but to me, he is my sentimental all-time favorite Bills head coach.



I'm right there with you, buftex. We're about the same age and other than the '73 squad (O.J.'s 2003 yard season) and '74 squad (only playoff appearance in the '70s), the only memorable and exciting teams growing up were the '80 & '81 teams. The '80 team especially, since they were the only Bills team, to that point, to win a division title in my life (I was just a baby in '64 & '65).

Man, if Fergy hadn't had that gimpy ankle against the Chargers.......

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