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This is the funniest thing I have read on this board in a while, and you know what? I agree with you. I have never, and I mean never, gotten in a fight at a Bills game. Only time was close was in 1979 and a parking lot attendant starting mouthing off about something stupid.


Anyway, I will watch the fights as well. I guess I miss alot of stuff, cause I rarely have an issue with anyone, and my kids, ages 9 and 7, have been to two games each, and want to go back every year. Nothing but fun for them. Yes, they see some drunks, we make fun of them, we say see look what an idiot you look like when you drink to much, and hopefully they learn form it!


And yes, they hear some cussing. Usually the people doing the cussing when the kids are around are the same people who are the same drunks we are laughing at, and they associate cussing with being a drunken idiot. Not a bad thing in my mind.


It's crazy, but I've never been in a fist fight at a Bills game. I don't know how I managed it.


Somehow I've also managed to never set my house on fire.

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This is the funniest thing I have read on this board in a while, and you know what? I agree with you. I have never, and I mean never, gotten in a fight at a Bills game. Only time was close was in 1979 and a parking lot attendant starting mouthing off about something stupid.


Anyway, I will watch the fights as well. I guess I miss alot of stuff, cause I rarely have an issue with anyone, and my kids, ages 9 and 7, have been to two games each, and want to go back every year. Nothing but fun for them. Yes, they see some drunks, we make fun of them, we say see look what an idiot you look like when you drink to much, and hopefully they learn form it!


And yes, they hear some cussing. Usually the people doing the cussing when the kids are around are the same people who are the same drunks we are laughing at, and they associate cussing with being a drunken idiot. Not a bad thing in my mind.


Yeah, I do the same thing. While I'd rather not have to deal with that stuff with a 7 year old, it's bound to happen and that's the best way to explain it in my opinion. My daughter goes to all of the Sabres/Thrashers games with me and I wind up explaining something away each time. There's always a few morons in every large crowd. Take it at face value and move on.


It's not going to scar a kid for life nor force them into a future of crime. It's just an added stressor that I don't really like to deal with. I'm not going to let it ruin my experience or keep the kids home, though.


Like I said in the other thread... I've never been in a fight nor have I felt threatened. I'd just rather not have to deal with some of the junk that goes on.


Edit.. hell, my daughter probably learns more 4 letter words from being around me whenever I try to fix anything than she does at sporting events.

This is the funniest thing I have read on this board in a while, and you know what? I agree with you. I have never, and I mean never, gotten in a fight at a Bills game. Only time was close was in 1979 and a parking lot attendant starting mouthing off about something stupid.


Anyway, I will watch the fights as well. I guess I miss alot of stuff, cause I rarely have an issue with anyone, and my kids, ages 9 and 7, have been to two games each, and want to go back every year. Nothing but fun for them. Yes, they see some drunks, we make fun of them, we say see look what an idiot you look like when you drink to much, and hopefully they learn form it!


And yes, they hear some cussing. Usually the people doing the cussing when the kids are around are the same people who are the same drunks we are laughing at, and they associate cussing with being a drunken idiot. Not a bad thing in my mind.

Thank God. I was starting to lose faith in my fellow bills fans. I think it's more a case of I'm willing to take the bad with the good. With a..."more passionate" fan base, you are going to get behavior such as this and I wouldn't trade that passion for anything.


the first time i smelled weed was at a bills game. it was against the saints in the early 90's and i asked my dad what that smell was. he said, "if you ever smell that, just walk the other way." and thats what i did. until i was 16. god bless bills games.



Near the bottom.


The Sheriff’s Office arrested four others: James Farthing, 42, of Williamsville, charged with third-degree assault, accused of striking a woman in the face; Thomas Churakos, 34, of Olean, and Jonathan Fuzak, 38, of Williamsville, both charged with harassment; and Edwin Weiskerger, 49, of Depew, petit larceny.

CHARGED with assault.Careful before you start smearing people. While he may be found guilty--you have to remember that some women do make things up once in a while.

There is not an age limit (upper or lower) on stupid.




True story at the lock I work at. Some years ago... We were locking a whole crap load of pleasure boats going southbound... Some guy on the marine radio transmits: "Hey locks, what's with people making this place look like a ghetto?" I did not know what to make of this transmission... So I went out and looked. There was this cigarette boat (most of been in the 200k price range) in the chamber along the main wall, the guy on it was spray painting the name of his boat on the concrete wall!... The people were blitzed... The real funny thing is that everybody on the boat were like Baby-Boomers in their mid to late 50's... :pirate: The boat name? "Comfortably Numb" :):D


That doesn't take the cake though... One time I had a boat full of 60 to 70 years old in the upper approach launching Roman candles... You say that isn't bad... They were launching them into the lock chamber that contained 6 loaded barges (680'x70') with about 30-50 pleasure craft all packed in! In such a tight area (nobody had room to move)... The fuel fumes in the pit (lock chamber) were all around... :huh::huh:


You are right... There is no age limit on stupid!

On the way back to the car we saw two men, probably in their late 30's or early 40's fighting. One had his shirt off (and he should NOT have). I wonder what these guys do during the week... doctor? lawyer? accountant? Someone's boss? Just because there are 70,000+ people there, don't think someone is not going to see you or you won't get arrested! DUMB! I go to football games because their is a GAME going on. Why don't these drunken idiots just go to a bar and get wasted? Or would that make them feel like a loser getting drunk in a bar on a Sunday? Honestly, being wasted (to the point of stumbling and passing out in your seat) is no better than passing out on a bar stool or in a gutter somewhere.


One time I had a small bass boat wanting to come downbound and home at about 0200 in the morning... They rang the upper small boat single... We were locking northbound... I go up to the upper end and here these two guys are wasted out of their mind and they are on this little bass boat pounding each other to a pulp. Amazingly nobody fell into the "drink"... Pun intended!




Fish not biting?



I just started working crowd control at Redskins games, as a fun second job. I only worked one game, so far, and it was preseason (against the Jags, as I went to the Bills-Skins game as a fan). It was hilarious and sickening at the same time. There certainly are women who think they can safely do whatever they want simply because of their gender. They cause the biggest problems, often.


I think it so funny when some big, drunk guy, starts getting stupid. We'll tell the guy to come out into the concourse with us. There, away for other fans, we'll usually warn the guy and send him back in. But I was surprised by how many people at that point would tell us they weren't going to go outside with us. That's it. Now they're going to jail, and getting there the hard way. Idiots escalate the situation without any thought about the consequences and without realizing all they have to do is walk out with us for five minutes.


After the training I just took, the one thing I'd advise everyone at a game -- don't retaliate if at all possible. If someone throws a beer at you and you go push the guy, we have to take you both out and turn you over to the police. Plus, the team revokes the ejected fans' season tickets. Now, if your buddy gave or sold you one of his season tickets (and there are all season tickets at the Skins' stadium), and you get ejected, you just lost your buddy's season tickets. So, the safe thing, albeit the seemingly wussy thing, to do is tell a guard. By the we way, I work for the same company (CSC) that control the crowds at the Ralph.


I will be working next weekend when the Skins host the Saints. I am looking forward to when the Eagles and Giants come to town.


Good post!


I wish the Fed gov't would take this apporach with drunken boaters at the locks and dams... Quite a mess at times... And sometimes the USCG is nowhere to be found... I am surprised more people don't die... We just take out time, do thinigs safe and send them on their way... Somebody else's problem I suppose? :pirate::huh:

I used to be a cheerleader and the women were the worst. Men are going to say stupid things, but they are (for the most part) harmless. The women were being MEAN and they MEANT what they said.


It appears to me that women will mouth off with the thought that no one is going to hold them accountable. They usually are right, so then the women go, get even brasher and instigate fights between the men.


Yep.... how many fights are caused by someone's wife or girlfriend??? I never got a guy I was with in a fight, but in my younger days I had a big mouth and it would irritate the guy I was with.


Ya... Our country sure knows that!


:pirate: ...Sorry, wrong forum.



Thank God. I was starting to lose faith in my fellow bills fans. I think it's more a case of I'm willing to take the bad with the good. With a..."more passionate" fan base, you are going to get behavior such as this and I wouldn't trade that passion for anything.



Exactly! I totally agree with you... I think that the major Donnybrooks have to be handled though.


We are dinosaurs... Ticket prices are on the rise! I never remotely got into a fight. The atmosphere is only going to get more "sterile" the more they rasie prices... Heck, one can't even hang back in the parking lot druing Bears games.


They want more and more of your money... But, they want zero hassles. Everything comes at a price... How many Cowboy stadiums can they put out there before they kill themselves?

It appears to me that women will mouth off with the thought that no one is going to hold them accountable. They usually are right, so then the women go, get even brasher and instigate fights between the men.


Ya... Our country sure knows that!


:pirate: ...Sorry, wrong forum.





I was thinking the exact same thing.


But back to topic -- Scribo, I attended the Bills-Redskins game at FedEx last year and it was one of my worst experiences as a fan because there was a loudmouthed drunk woman next to my dad and me. I am pretty polite at away games -- it IS their house, after all, and I hate when opposing fans are obnoxious at the Ralph. The one thing I do is wear the colors. I'm too proud a Bills fan to go completely incognito. So this girl walks in -- already ripped -- sees my Bills gear and starts spouting rude crap from the get-go. I ignore her, she gets in my face, I say hey, I just came to watch the game. Early on, the Skins made a first down and she came to me looking for a high five. I stared straight ahead and left her hanging. :) You'd have thought I kicked her dog. Throughout the game she tried to egg us on both physically and verbally. Neither of us took the bait, which made her madder and drunker. Thank god we won. :D


Another time at Arrowhead about 15 years ago for a Bills-Chiefs PRESEASON game... I was walking through the parking lot with my then-girlfriend, now-wife, wearing a Bills t-shirt. Again, not saying a word, not flaunting, not popping the jersey, just walking toward the gate. A hefty middle-aged woman about ten feet away saw my shirt and flipped both me and my wife the bird. It was all I could do to refrain from doing the Scotty Norwood "get that chop out of here" gesture in reply. :D



I was thinking the exact same thing.


But back to topic -- Scribo, I attended the Bills-Redskins game at FedEx last year and it was one of my worst experiences as a fan because there was a loudmouthed drunk woman next to my dad and me. I am pretty polite at away games -- it IS their house, after all, and I hate when opposing fans are obnoxious at the Ralph. The one thing I do is wear the colors. I'm too proud a Bills fan to go completely incognito. So this girl walks in -- already ripped -- sees my Bills gear and starts spouting rude crap from the get-go. I ignore her, she gets in my face, I say hey, I just came to watch the game. Early on, the Skins made a first down and she came to me looking for a high five. I stared straight ahead and left her hanging. :huh: You'd have thought I kicked her dog. Throughout the game she tried to egg us on both physically and verbally. Neither of us took the bait, which made her madder and drunker. Thank god we won. :)


Another time at Arrowhead about 15 years ago for a Bills-Chiefs PRESEASON game... I was walking through the parking lot with my then-girlfriend, now-wife, wearing a Bills t-shirt. Again, not saying a word, not flaunting, not popping the jersey, just walking toward the gate. A hefty middle-aged woman about ten feet away saw my shirt and flipped both me and my wife the bird. It was all I could do to refrain from doing the Scotty Norwood "get that chop out of here" gesture in reply. :D


Good story!


What is with the chicks? In Indy two years ago... YES I SAID INDY! Walking into the game, a chick from Muncie (don't ask how we found out :D )... That explains it! Was getting all crazy when she seen our Bills' items... Thank God she had a sane friend (not from Muncie... That explains it!) that kept her under wraps.


Chicks nowadays... What is up with them? Don't even get me started with Cleveland chicks and the 1989 BFLO-CLE game! :D


Again... It makes for good Trailer Trash Theater! ;)


Who would have thought Indy? The fans seem the most friendly... :pirate:



I was thinking the exact same thing.


But back to topic -- Scribo, I attended the Bills-Redskins game at FedEx last year and it was one of my worst experiences as a fan because there was a loudmouthed drunk woman next to my dad and me. I am pretty polite at away games -- it IS their house, after all, and I hate when opposing fans are obnoxious at the Ralph. The one thing I do is wear the colors. I'm too proud a Bills fan to go completely incognito. So this girl walks in -- already ripped -- sees my Bills gear and starts spouting rude crap from the get-go. I ignore her, she gets in my face, I say hey, I just came to watch the game. Early on, the Skins made a first down and she came to me looking for a high five. I stared straight ahead and left her hanging. :huh: You'd have thought I kicked her dog. Throughout the game she tried to egg us on both physically and verbally. Neither of us took the bait, which made her madder and drunker. Thank god we won. :huh:


Another time at Arrowhead about 15 years ago for a Bills-Chiefs PRESEASON game... I was walking through the parking lot with my then-girlfriend, now-wife, wearing a Bills t-shirt. Again, not saying a word, not flaunting, not popping the jersey, just walking toward the gate. A hefty middle-aged woman about ten feet away saw my shirt and flipped both me and my wife the bird. It was all I could do to refrain from doing the Scotty Norwood "get that chop out of here" gesture in reply. :)

The woman at the Redskins game is the perfect candidate for being taken into the concourse and told to leave you alone. If she continued taunting you, she would be ejected. Why that didn't happen, I don't know. But I will say we have one guard per section, so we know there is plenty of crap that goes unnoticed by us until it turns into a fight. I'd say if you were such a situation again, please tell one of the ushers or one of the guys in the yellow "EVENT STAFF" shirts. We'd watch her and the next time she appeared to be talking in your direction, we'd pull her, warn her, let her return and watch her more.


As for the parking lot, that is the police department's job.


I was at the Bills game in the end of 2006 at Baltimore. I was wearing our colors, cheering when the Bills did something well, which wasn't that often then. I was cheering toward the game field, being careful to remain positive toward the Bills and not at all addressing the Ravens. I didn't boo, call Ray Lewis a murderer or say anything negative about the home team. Yet, I got pulled by security and warned I had to stop cheering. To my delight, the Raven fans around me srceamed at the security detail when they came up and got me and cheered when I returned. They appreciated the respect I was showing them and, I was told. I kept cheering just as loud and in the same manner. I was left alone. Plus, the fans there told me they liked the brassiness to go into their house by myself dressed in Bills gear from head to toe. Now, looking back at the situation, I understand the security team was just trying to protect me and make sure I wasn't going to earn a beat-down. As for fans of the opposing team, we don't hassle someone just because they are cheering for the away team. But we will warn someone if they are "cheering" at other spectators rather than toward the field. In other words, if someone is just to be annoying, we'll warn him By the way, I was at hte Bills-Skins game last year, too. The Bills were very well represented. That was so great when Lindell made it.

The woman at the Redskins game is the perfect candidate for being taken into the concourse and told to leave you alone. If she continued taunting you, she would be ejected. Why that didn't happen, I don't know. But I will say we have one guard per section, so we know there is plenty of crap that goes unnoticed by us until it turns into a fight. I'd say if you were such a situation again, please tell one of the ushers or one of the guys in the yellow "EVENT STAFF" shirts. We'd watch her and the next time she appeared to be talking in your direction, we'd pull her, warn her, let her return and watch her more.


As for the parking lot, that is the police department's job.


I was at the Bills game in the end of 2006 at Baltimore. I was wearing our colors, cheering when the Bills did something well, which wasn't that often then. I was cheering toward the game field, being careful to remain positive toward the Bills and not at all addressing the Ravens. I didn't boo, call Ray Lewis a murderer or say anything negative about the home team. Yet, I got pulled by security and warned I had to stop cheering. To my delight, the Raven fans around me srceamed at the security detail when they came up and got me and cheered when I returned. They appreciated the respect I was showing them and, I was told. I kept cheering just as loud and in the same manner. I was left alone. Plus, the fans there told me they liked the brassiness to go into their house by myself dressed in Bills gear from head to toe. Now, looking back at the situation, I understand the security team was just trying to protect me and make sure I wasn't going to earn a beat-down. As for fans of the opposing team, we don't hassle someone just because they are cheering for the away team. But we will warn someone if they are "cheering" at other spectators rather than toward the field. In other words, if someone is just to be annoying, we'll warn him By the way, I was at hte Bills-Skins game last year, too. The Bills were very well represented. That was so great when Lindell made it.


See scribo... What happens is that most guards are probably fans of the home team and let soem things slide... What makes your employment special is that you are a Bills fan.


What I mean is, you can be impartial working a 'Skins game.



See scribo... What happens is that most guards are probably fans of the home team and let soem things slide... What makes your employment special is that you are a Bills fan.


What I mean is, you can be impartial working a 'Skins game.



True enough. That's a good point. And I have already decided I am never going to work a Bills game.


Of course, I hate the Cowboys probably as mush as Skins fans do. :pirate:

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