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I have a question about HD service through Dish Network.


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Mrs OTR and I have the Dish Network....with America's Top 200 and the dual DVR deal.

The old TV finally kicked the bucket on Saturday, and we went out and bought one of these new flat panel LCD deals...maybe you have heard these are the latest greatest things.


Anyway...my question is for those folks that have HD service from Dish Network, what can I expect that it is going to cost me to get monthly HD service? Someone mentioned to me that it requires getting a new tuner for $$$ plus paying a monthly fee to DN. I knew I would need to pay a monthly charge to DN but I didn't know anything about a high cost receiver as part of the deal.


I would call DN to get their spin, but I hate dealing with their customer service people. They aren't bad, I just can't stand dealing with them.



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