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Crazy Idea for a new stadium that will get laughed at.


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I have been watching Modern Marvels with my son on History channel and we recently saw a show on building suspension bridges. Got me thinking about a new stadium that might put Buf on the map world wide. Basically put a stadium up in the water in lake Erie. Near the intake to the Niagara River, visible from Downtown Buffalo and Canada. Build some covered glass tubes with that people mover technology they have at Disney to get people from Canada and Buffalo to the stadium. Let them come by boat as well. Stadium would be on concrete pillars like a bridge. You could put the bass pro on the same sight. Use some nice wind turbines and solar to make the thing self sustaining. Open a technology park to bring the technology to the city for all this stuff to bring JOBs. Like a green business park. These guys can showcase the technology at the stadium. Toss anything at it Green you can think of. Would be very cool and we could get Canada to invest as well. Probably dumb idea.

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I have been watching Modern Marvels with my son on History channel and we recently saw a show on building suspension bridges. Got me thinking about a new stadium that might put Buf on the map world wide. Basically put a stadium up in the water in lake Erie. Near the intake to the Niagara River, visible from Downtown Buffalo and Canada. Build some covered glass tubes with that people mover technology they have at Disney to get people from Canada and Buffalo to the stadium. Let them come by boat as well. Stadium would be on concrete pillars like a bridge. You could put the bass pro on the same sight. Use some nice wind turbines and solar to make the thing self sustaining. Open a technology park to bring the technology to the city for all this stuff to bring JOBs. Like a green business park. These guys can showcase the technology at the stadium. Toss anything at it Green you can think of. Would be very cool and we could get Canada to invest as well. Probably dumb idea.

Sounds extremely innovative, but also extremely dangerous; just picture the thing collapsing with 70,000 Bills fans in it!!

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Far fetched, but not dumb. An entirely green stadium sure would get worldwide attention, and i actually like the idea. financially though, it would be a stretch to have something like that built in buffalo.

But if the guy with the windmills in lakawana can get that thing going maybe a totally green stadium with a dome that uses solar panels wouldnt be such a bad idea. With solar , wind and water power shouldnt be an issue. What amazes me is most cities that are the attractions always have a major water front to attract folks too. Living in raleigh one clearly see how the lack of a water front limits the downtown growth. The people in WNY have to start realizing that their best asset is located just to their west.

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Interesting idea, but what about one thing Buffalo/Canada is never short of? ICE. I would worry about ice flows hitting stuff, and the cooling, heating, cooling thing. I would also worry about some soft of disaster/terror event. That's a whole lot of people stuck in one place.


But, it would certainly be cool. :lol: If they could solve all the engineering problems, it might even work. But, that's a very, very big IF. You're right about one thing, it would certainly be an icon. While I have real problems believing in the veracity of man-made global warming(nobody has been very convincing, and "because I said so" doesn't count with me), there's no reason not to do green stuff if it makes sense economically.

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very creative. i think we should build it in downtown niagara falls, it isnt too far from Buffalo. it wouldn't take business opportunities away from Buffalo. it would be easier for Canadian fans to go to. It would help Niagara Falls, US compete with the activity that is in Niagara Fall, Canada. We can still make it a "green" stadium. or even build it like right off the shore. half on land half on water. we should get a major corporation to sponser it, naming rights to a stadium is actually a major revenue builder, i like ralph wilson and the RALPH, but no one is paying us to use his name.


god bless and go bills

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