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Gov. Ed Rendell decried a double standard in the treatment of Sarah Palin on Monday, saying that if it was he who was at the center of the "troopergate" investigation, the press would be calling for his head.


"She [claims to be] a reformer," said the Pennsylvania Democrat. "And yet she is being investigated on the charge that she used her power as governor to fire someone who was going through a messy divorce with a relative of hers. Could you imagine if I was doing the same thing in Pennsylvania? You would be calling for my impeachment."


The remarks came at the end of a long list of criticisms that Rendell, one of the foremost supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary, launched against the Republican vice presidential nominee. Ignoring the directive of the Obama campaign to focus attentions on McCain, Rendell called out Palin on everything from ethics to earmarks.


"[The McCain camp] has tried to again obscure the facts about Gov. Palin. 'She is a reformer and against earmarks.' No she isn't, when she was mayor of that town she hired a lobbyist to get earmarks... 'She was against the bridge to nowhere.' No she wasn't. She was for the bridge to nowhere first... She is a budget balancer. But she left the town in greater debt then when she became mayor, so she is not a budget balancer."



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Ooh. Little grains of truth mixed in with a bunch of B.S. Big surprises there.


When will all of you realize you're being sold a bill of goods, regardless of which side of this ridiculous debate you support?

Ooh. Little grains of truth mixed in with a bunch of B.S. Big surprises there.


When will all of you realize you're being sold a bill of goods, regardless of which side of this ridiculous debate you support?


When will you have an original thought?

When will you have an original thought?


When will you stop being a tool on the PPP AND the Main board?

When will you have an original thought?

Like you'd actually be able to tell.


You're right, I'm a broken record. There's a reason for that but I'm quite sure you're not smart enough to figure it out.

When will you stop being a tool on the PPP AND the Main board?


What's the matter big guy? Can't take it when you're exposed as a fool? When challenged, you cut and run. Face it, you're a one-hit wonder who can only reache into a small bag of grade school insults and simplistic political prejudices. We've yet to see post that you didn't copy from Ann Coulter's website. Sorry we undercut your internet message board fantasies of validation and superiority. If you ask, maybe we'll be easier on you.

Like you'd actually be able to tell.


You're right, I'm a broken record. There's a reason for that but I'm quite sure you're not smart enough to figure it out.


Because it's easier to criticize than to ever stand up for anything. Some call it political cowardice.

Because it's easier to criticize than to ever stand up for anything. Some call it political cowardice.

Ah, the ever bankrupt "you don't stand for anything" because I refuse to join into the disgusting partisan politics that are killing this country.


You know what cowardice is? Statements like "some call it political cowardice" because YOU lack the dice to put your name to the statement. It takes a hell of a lot more balls to stand outside this garbage and tell everyone they're wrong, which is why so few of YOU are willing to do it. So pretend you're not part of the problem. Dumbass.


33 threads on a page. 12 started by the recently returned Molson and his twin JK2000.


I'm only asking to be banned from PPP. And only forever. Stop me from hurting myself.

Ah, the ever bankrupt "you don't stand for anything" because I refuse to join into the disgusting partisan politics that are killing this country.


You know what cowardice is? Statements like "some call it political cowardice" because YOU lack the dice to put your name to the statement. It takes a hell of a lot more balls to stand outside this garbage and tell everyone they're wrong, which is why so few of YOU are willing to do it. So pretend you're not part of the problem. Dumbass.


Ah, a little fire in the belly?


Ok: "YOU ARE A COWARD." Feel better? Maybe you're ready to stand up for something other than your own superiority?


I don't care if you are a D, an R, a communist or a member of the anti-American Alaska Party. But a good start would to stand for something other than standing on the sidelines telling others how stupid they are. The Founding Fathers would be proud of you.


Be for something, stand up for something, be something than a message board equivalent of the miserable, no-it-all old codger complaining about the world on his front porch. "Hey, you kids, stay off my lawn! Damn, good-for-nothin' kids . . ."

Ah, a little fire in the belly?


Ok: "YOU ARE A COWARD." Feel better? Maybe you're ready to stand up for something other than your own superiority?

Sorry "Max", that holds zero value when it has to be pulled out with pliers.


I don't care if you are a D, an R, a communist or a member of the anti-American Alaska Party. But a good start would to stand for something other than standing on the sidelines telling others how stupid they are. The Founding Fathers would be proud of you.

How exactly am I "standing on the sidelines"? I'm here. The fact that I'm telling you you're stupid means you should analyze why exactly that is. Welcome to why I think you're not smart enough to "get it".


And I have little doubt the Founding Fathers would stand with me in relation to you !@#$ing partisan retards. Well, the smart ones anyway.

Be for something, stand up for something, be something than a message board equivalent of the miserable, no-it-all old codger complaining about the world on his front porch. "Hey, you kids, stay off my lawn! Damn, good-for-nothin' kids . . ."

I'll let you know when I start caring about what you or anyone else "thinks" of me. Do me a favor and hold your breath. "No-it-all"? Brilliant.

When challenged, you cut and run. Face it, you're a one-hit wonder who can only reache into a small bag of grade school insults and simplistic political prejudices.


:lol: at above. I love irony.

Sorry "Max", that holds zero value when it has to be pulled out with pliers.



How exactly am I "standing on the sidelines"? I'm here. The fact that I'm telling you you're stupid means you should analyze why exactly that is. Welcome to why I think you're not smart enough to "get it".


And I have little doubt the Founding Fathers would stand with me in relation to you !@#$ing partisan retards. Well, the smart ones anyway.


I'll let you know when I start caring about what you or anyone else "thinks" of me. Do me a favor and hold your breath. "No-it-all"? Brilliant.


27,000+ posts and you've yet to offer anything but "you're stupid." Good Lord, man. Do something constructive. Offer a plan, stand up for something. What a coward.

27,000+ posts and you've yet to offer anything but "you're stupid." Good Lord, man. Do something constructive. Offer a plan, stand up for something. What a coward.

Oooh, criticism followed by consternation with a side of regurgitation. You pretty much covered all of it. You're a professional internet guy. And thanks for the post count reminder. I had a feeling you were a pecker checker.


A plan? Why? Am I running for office? I didn't think I was. Now get back to worshipping whichever idol you've chosen while each side runs roughshod over the Constitution - a document they'll mention only when swearing to uphold it. Because we all know doing the same things over and over again often yield different results.


Democrat or Republican in the White House? Doesn't matter. In 4 years we're that much closer to the end of the road.

Oooh, criticism followed by consternation with a side of regurgitation. You pretty much covered all of it. You're a professional internet guy. And thanks for the post count reminder. I had a feeling you were a pecker checker.


A plan? Why? Am I running for office? I didn't think I was. Now get back to worshipping whichever idol you've chosen while each side runs roughshod over the Constitution - a document they'll mention only when swearing to uphold it. Because we all know doing the same things over and over again often yield different results.


Democrat or Republican in the White House? Doesn't matter. In 4 years we're that much closer to the end of the road.


What you won't accept is you're as much to blame as the most partisan of Americans. Criticize, do nothing, repeat. It's worse than apathy. It's watching your house go up in flames and hurling insults at the fire. It's as empty, dangerous and, yes, "stupid" as those you rail against.

Democrat or Republican in the White House? Doesn't matter. In 4 years we're that much closer to the end of the road.

Would the New Deal have happened with a Republican in the White House?


Would all those tax cuts and deficits have happened had Carter won in 1980?


Would Al Gore have invaded Iraq?


I don't buy the argument it just doesn't matter. Environmental issues, taxes, spending on defense, apponiting judges, all sorts of things. I don't agree with the Democrats on everything but I think they represnt my interests a little better than Republicans.


And the idea that we can just go off and organize around some other candidate, who has little funding, is just not realistic. Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Pat Buchanan, any libertarian, the alternatives, seem like nut bags to me. Anbd not just to me, actually. The political parties suck, in many ways, because you have so many people with opinions that its hard to be affective.

:lol: That's a good one coming from you :lol:



He was being an idiot on the main board last night. A lot of people there telling him to STFU.

When will you have an original thought?


The moment you have something to add that has meaning to the conversation. At least Darin understands that both parties do nothing and corrupt everything. You're just a partisan hack who doesn't get 1% of what's happening around you, and then screams at the boy for mentioning the emperor's got no clothes.

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