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Lance is Back


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I gotta say I have mixed feelings. Would be ecstatic if he came in and grabbed yet another victory (it would definitely be his most impressive), but on the other hand, his legend is not only incredible in its own right, but it is a bright spot in a very dirty sport. A loss would add some tarnish.


Either way, it will be cool to see the guy back where he has been so incredible.


Return of the King

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it is a bright spot in a very dirty sport. .


Return of the King



It's really incredible that Lance's image in the USA remains so unspoiled and clean while his career is seen all over Europe as "suspect" to say the least.

Not that i have no respect for him (i consider him as one of the 2 or 3 greatest ever) but it is very naive to think the most dominating champion of cycling steroid-EPO era did it with only spring water....

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It's really incredible that Lance's image in the USA remains so unspoiled and clean while his career is seen all over Europe as "suspect" to say the least.

Not that i have no respect for him (i consider him as one of the 2 or 3 greatest ever) but it is very naive to think the most dominating champion of cycling steroid era did it with only spring water....


I couldn't agree more. The guy is the Barry Bonds of Cycling and yet he gets a free pass. I don't get it.

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It's really incredible that Lance's image in the USA remains so unspoiled and clean while his career is seen all over Europe as "suspect" to say the least.

Not that i have no respect for him (i consider him as one of the 2 or 3 greatest ever) but it is very naive to think the most dominating champion of cycling steroid-EPO era did it with only spring water....



Typical whining euro answer. Need to make up some sh-- to explain why an American dominated their little bike race.



Go Lance :rolleyes:

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Send us more Gregs Lemond and less Lances and you'll get all the love you want!

(how i miss the glory days of Lemond, Delgado, Roche and Co...)


I agree to disagree and truely believe that Lance was clean. Same as Lemond, Hinault, Indurain. It is the riders in the fringes of the contenders that tarnish the event.

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I truly beleive Lance was clean becuase as the leader of the tour for so many stages, he was tested more than anyone. But...with the state of cycling, I wouldnt be shocked to find out he wasnt clean.


One guy Id be downright POed to find out was doping would be Jens Voit. He is a true ambassador ofthe sport and knows how to compete.


Its weird. On one hand, Im psyched for a LA comeback. OTOH, I could care less and Im so much "over" LA with so many other good racers out there, especially with two good strong American teams out there.

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Must be a new designer steroid out that cannot be tested for...Hence the return of Lance from his McConaghuey bike rides and Olson cannoodling.


Didn't Barroid himself never fail a drug test also?


Actually roid-boy did test positive for Steriods. It was the leaked grand jury testimony that said it. Although since both the test results and the testimony were supposed to be confidential, it didn't get as much publicity as it should have.

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